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Thread: All you need to know about GYNO.

  1. #321
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by sflaggusa
    if you have gyno and do not do anything to reverse the gyno. could say a lump ever turn into anything serious. and if you waite a long time before you try to reverse it is it harder to get rid of? SF
    I dont see anything bad happening at all. But yes the longer you wait it appears the be harder to reverse.

  2. #322
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    Quote Originally Posted by dustin.knoblauch
    I just got through reading the post. My situation is this:

    I am not taking any testosterone boosters nor have I for quite some time. I want to take Letro followed by Nolva to try and get rid of some of the gyno that I can feel has built up over the last year (time since I last cycled). If I order the Letro and the Nolva, will it be harmful if I haven't cycled in such a long time? Would I need to take something else as well to make sure it works properly?

    You can do it, but be sure to be safe and get blood work done etc.

  3. #323
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    Quote Originally Posted by Randy Recliner
    No I havent been doing any PCT. After the cycle I wait 2 weeks and start another cycle for 2 weeks. Its only after being off for more than 2 weeks that I get the symptoms. I will follow the PCT guidelines listed in the PCT forum this time. Thanks!

    I have a freind who has gyno from Deca that he did years ago - is it reversable with Tamox, Clomi or Letro?
    Its possible he can reverse the gyno yes. Try a good AI.

  4. #324
    Quote Originally Posted by speakerman
    I wanna know if anyone has issues like this...

    Basicly I must be the most gyno-prone guy EVER. I ran 15mg Pheraplex for 4 days, thought my nips were puffy, so ran 10mg Nolva ED for another 5 days, they definately were getting bigger, so I went straight to PCT.

    This time around, I've been on 15mg Phera for about 10 days, running .50mg Letro ED, as well as 1g B6 ED... guess what. My gyno has gotten worse.

    Who has ever heard of someone on only 15mg Phera Plex getting gyno while running .50mg Letro? My nipples aren't horrible, but would be more than I'd care to have if they got any worse, so at this point, I'm calling it quits... going natural until I get my glands out... which will probably be years from now.
    I'm right there with you man. Read what I posted and you'll see I've taken every possible measure of prevention and my nipple tissue keeps growing. Sure, the narcs I'm on don't help my situation but regardless--my vanishing hope was that I'd be a step ahead this time because I know what a bitch the sides can be. I'd had the surgery but at this point simply have to chalk it all up to bad genes for certain types of the juice that can be particularly rough on the growth of the nips.

    Reading through this and other threads is rather comforting in a sense because this can be and IS such a huge issue with us fellows trying to enhance the physique.

    Just a side note and somewhat of a sad one...I see this guy at the gym and months back he was huge, pounding the iron in relentless aggression--always wearing a wife beater while he goes at it. I see him the other day with the same wife beater gym ensemble and the guy is really suffering now from very noticeable gyno that he apperently doesn't give a crap about. Poor dude is in a bad way. Moral of story: Thank God there is site like this and a community that supports the best of a common goal.

  5. #325
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    Oct 2006
    Well firstly I would never suggest just taking letro e5d. It should be taken ed in my experience and that is what may have caused the gyno again. Also HCG has been known to possibly cause gyno. But like i have outlined in the original post you SHOULD use nolva after you finish tapering you letro. Did you do that?
    C_Bino i was takin letro ed. I was decreasing the letro for PCT but HCG+ high estrogens/testosterone ratio + rebound off letro :|

    Letro already shrunk gyno on my-self but the last one i got is worse and i am in my pct with clomid/nolva and letro that i use for months, i absolutely want to shrink that again, my cholesterol and my lipid profiles must be bad and i don t want to stop letro becuz of that lump.
    Gyno build up was 3weeks ago.
    I guess it is not to late to shrink it...

    plz help

  6. #326
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    hey bino, u should start charging 1$ an answer, u'd be rich in no time bro.

    one fast question. i still have that bit of gyno, its going away ( slowly) and is now down to being almost gone. i am running a test/eq cycle in a couple of weeks and running letro at .5 ed to make sure it doesnt get worst.
    will this be enough, and is this safe to do for 14 weeks? i know adex would be safer, but i remeber u saying letro might be better seeing that i have gyno.


  7. #327
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    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by styxecl
    thanks for your continuing help mate!

    i have a docs appointment so will get the blood work done.

    it may be my wishful thinking but starting this third bottle seems to be working joints are aching to ****! and sex drive way down again. dunno if it could be that the first were underdosed but not all i bought in the batch. something else i noticed is that the new bottle im using now seems a lot clearer than the one i just finished....dont know if anything off the syringe i was using to measure out the 1ml each day could have lived in the letro and damaged it somehow...i somehow cant see much being able to live in that shite! lol

    either way i'll consider whether to continue or not after i get the blood work results

    thanks for all your help bino!
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Anytime man. Glad to hear you are noticing some improvements, somtimes it takes a while and patience pays off.

    But glad you are gettin blood work done. With aching joints be careful, make sure you keep them lubricated with proper EFA supplementation and even try some glucosamine/chondroitin/MSM.
    ok well its been another 2 months on the letro and to be honest i still dont think there has been any change! thats over 5 months in total....i think its time to give up.

    this is after a lot of thought. i have also asked my 2 training partners and neither of them notice a thing... tho there are lumps i dont think its noticeable to anyone except me and so considering the health/energy/sex life complications using so much letro has caused i think its not worth any more of it.

    do you think if i was going to get any improvements i would have had them at least start by now? i would have thought so.

    add on to this that i have spoke to my doc today and she has said that if the problem gets worse or is playing on my mind she will put me forward for an operation on the NHS so willl be free.

    thanks for all your help mate! not just to me but to the board as a whole! this thread will be a great resource to anyone investigating preventing OR curing gyno.

    nice one bro!

  8. #328
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    bumpedy bump

  9. #329
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Im currently not in the US and cant get nolva or clomid. My cycle is going 2 be test+deca and run for 8 wks. What non prepscription supp can I use during cycle for aromatizing and after for pct. I was thinking maybe T bomb 2.

  10. #330


    I will be ordering a 50 ml bottle of Letro and giving it a go a week before my next cycle.

  11. #331
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by styxecl
    ok well its been another 2 months on the letro and to be honest i still dont think there has been any change! thats over 5 months in total....i think its time to give up.

    this is after a lot of thought. i have also asked my 2 training partners and neither of them notice a thing... tho there are lumps i dont think its noticeable to anyone except me and so considering the health/energy/sex life complications using so much letro has caused i think its not worth any more of it.

    do you think if i was going to get any improvements i would have had them at least start by now? i would have thought so.

    add on to this that i have spoke to my doc today and she has said that if the problem gets worse or is playing on my mind she will put me forward for an operation on the NHS so willl be free.

    thanks for all your help mate! not just to me but to the board as a whole! this thread will be a great resource to anyone investigating preventing OR curing gyno.

    nice one bro!
    Sorry to hear this bro, really wish it would work 100% of the time for everyone. But like EVERYTHING in life, we all know, it never turns out that way.

    You could talk to your doc about long term tamoxifen use and see what she thinks or if she has any other non-invasiev techniques to consider before surgery. But best of luck.

    Also, thanks for the kind words bro.

  12. #332
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by artifitialmuscle
    Im currently not in the US and cant get nolva or clomid. My cycle is going 2 be test+deca and run for 8 wks. What non prepscription supp can I use during cycle for aromatizing and after for pct. I was thinking maybe T bomb 2.
    I replied to your PM bro. You gotta go with a good AI or SERM. Can you order from the site Sponsor?

  13. #333
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by rappinlarry
    I will be ordering a 50 ml bottle of Letro and giving it a go a week before my next cycle.
    Let us know how it turns out.

  14. #334
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Sorry to hear this bro, really wish it would work 100% of the time for everyone. But like EVERYTHING in life, we all know, it never turns out that way.

    You could talk to your doc about long term tamoxifen use and see what she thinks or if she has any other non-invasiev techniques to consider before surgery. But best of luck.

    Also, thanks for the kind words bro.
    No probs bino you've been a lot of help, i appreciate it!

    yeh i could try speaking to her, the only problem being i seem to know more about it than her lol. she laughed when i said the lack of estrogen has made me ill more often, saying she couldnt see any reason why estrogen would affect the immune system...she may believe me now the blood test results came back saying i had border line low white blood cell count. lol. tho im not sure that is actually one of the effects of the lack of estrogen.

    on the matter of tamoxifen, i have some and was considering using some after ive finished the letro so as to help avoid the estrogen rebound....any suggestions on the dosage? was thinking of starting at like 80 then going down by 10 a day til 20 and sticking at that for a week or so but playing it by ear basically.

    i keep feeling the lumps now im nearly finished the letro and keep thinking they;ve started shrinking but think im just kidding myself. considering everyone just tells me they cant notice a thing im sure i should just stop. i also saw a lad at the gym today with what must have been puberty gyno...**** im glad mine is nothin in comparison, if thats how bad gyno can be i think myself lucky.

  15. #335
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    Ya man nolva would be a good idea after the letro. I dont think you need it as high as 80mg tho. Just run it at 20mg ed for a couple weeks, even taper down in the second week to 10mg if you like.
    And thats the problem with docs, they really dont seem to know alot about these things in my experience. But my doc is cool shes lets me teach her and bring her articles so she can learn. And if she has other patients on AAS she wants to contact me for advice. LOL.

  16. #336
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    Nov 2004
    lol sounds a bit like mine...offered to take her in papers but she just laughed and said nah you're the only person i've ever had to deal with this sort of stuff. she sound about gear tho, said she thought everyone in gyms was on them lol so wasnt bothered.

    thanks dude i'll try it at 20mg then and taper down like you said.

    thanks for all your help mate i have really appreciated it! i'll report back if i happen to notice any interesting developments so as to add a bit more info to the thread...not that its not already a massive help to anyone with gyno probs!

    cheers man

  17. #337
    Awesome post!

  18. #338
    C_Bino, do you think this method you laid out might work for gyno I might of had from a year ago or not? I have gyno but a lot of it is FATTY TISSUE and very small lumps. I got it from doing a Sus+Deca cycle WITHOUT pct. Thanks

  19. #339
    Join Date
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    Last edited by realjo1000; 03-27-2012 at 01:09 AM.

  20. #340
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damnitmannn727
    C_Bino, do you think this method you laid out might work for gyno I might of had from a year ago or not? I have gyno but a lot of it is FATTY TISSUE and very small lumps. I got it from doing a Sus+Deca cycle WITHOUT pct. Thanks
    Yes this question has been asked probably 10times in this thread already. Not that I dont mind answering questions at all, I love to help when I can. But simply reading would have answered this for you. Even a few posts above yours someone asked this.
    Anyways yes its possible but it appears the longer people wait the more stubborn the gyno becomes. Only way to find out is to try it.

  21. #341
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Alright, Bino...
    Here is the deal, I believe that I have had gyno for years now (from puberty) I'm not really 100% if it is gyno but I am pretty sure. It seems to be more of fatty tissue but my nips are puffy and I have something under my nipples but they ARENT hard lumps. So i dont know if what's under my nipples is just fat too or what.

    Anyways, I had taken some gear (my first ever cycle) of tren and winny that I got from a bodybuilder at my gym. I know that it was very underdosed if not completely fake altogether. Anyways I took about 150-200mg/wk of each and didn't notice any gains. ( I thought it was just going to take a while to kick in...pretty stupid). After I finished (didn't even completely finish last bottles b/c thought they were fake), like a week afterward I started getting really bad acne on my back and shoulders. What the hell is that about??? I stillthink it still shut down my natural testosterone production somehow and may have worsened my possible pre-existing gyno. I did not do any PCT because I didn't see any gains and didn't get any side affects until a couple of weeks afterwards And thought it was fake

    Should I have done PCT anyway?? Probably right?

    It has probably been like almost 2 months since I stopped taking them. And I am thinking of doing another cycle. (from legit source this time)

    Test Cypionate: 400mg/wk for 10wks
    Proviron: 25mg/wk for 10wks
    Nolvadex:10mg/day for 10wks
    HCG:500iu/5th day for wks 3-4 and again in wks 9-10
    (nolvadex:10mg/day after last test inj. up until PCT begins)

    Nolvadex:10mg/day for about 25 more days (40-45 days total after last inj.)
    Clomid:300mg/day 1, 100mg/days 2-11, 50mg/days 12-25

    Cycle and PCT look good?
    I need to know if using Proviron and Nolvadex throughout my cycle will keep gyno from occuring. I also would like to know if I should up my nolvadex dosage in the wks where I am taking HCG to prevent estrogen/gyno???

    Do you think I should try taking letro to reverse the possible gyno that I have had since teen years before I start my cycle?? I already have TEST, Pro, and Nolva purchased. Should I get letro as well??? I just need some feedback on this situation bc I am concerned of possible preexisting gyno and worsening/developing gyno during my cycle. I called a plastic surgeon about surgery for gyno and they said between $3500-5000. I don't have that kind of money to throw away.

    My b/f is probably around 16-19%. I know that I need to lose fat but I am having trouble doing so in my chest. Should I maybe add CLEN to my next cycle?? I have done a TON of research on everything but am still confused/concerned..

    I really appreciate you taking the time to read all of my bull**** and any advice on all aspects of my predicament would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Bino. Sorry it's so long.

  22. #342
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  23. #343
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    Well definitely ditch the nolva on cycle and get arimidex or letrozole FOR SURE. Also extend your PCT longer than 25 days, never ever limit your PCT but run it for at a minimum 5 weeks imo.

    As far as during the cycle like i said ditch the nolva and use an AI like a-dex or letro, run either at .5mg daily and increase it if you feel the need if gyno flares up or something.

  24. #344
    so if ive had a tiny lump for about 2 or 3 months will letro reverse this?

  25. #345
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Well definitely ditch the nolva on cycle and get arimidex or letrozole FOR SURE. Also extend your PCT longer than 25 days, never ever limit your PCT but run it for at a minimum 5 weeks imo.

    As far as during the cycle like i said ditch the nolva and use an AI like a-dex or letro, run either at .5mg daily and increase it if you feel the need if gyno flares up or something.
    so your'e saying that i need to run my nolva and clomid for about 5wks? what kind of dosaging would you suggest for that??? (nolva:10mg? clomid?????)

    Does everything else in the cycle look good??(HCG dosages ect..) Do you know anything about proviron?? WOuld you say that the letro from ARR is just as good as the real Femara??? Thanks

  26. #346
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    Frederick, MD
    Bino this is a great thing your doin bro. I've learned a ton....thanks.

    I have a question. I'm heavily gyno prone, 28 yrs old, mid bodyfat (been steadily decreasing for months), lifting for maybe 12 years, had prog gyno since teen years. I have done four light cycles, and packed myself full of anti e's, not seen any worsening of gyno from cycles.

    Last week I took my first shot of my fifth cycle, 600 mg/wk test e. I have two bottles of letro, clen, t3, and enough nolva pills to stone a horse for ptc.

    I am on day 7 on letro now (2.5), and I have a sharp pinch in my right nipple, the larger of the two. Every time my shirt drags over it, I itch it, think about it...pinches.

    On day 7 of shot 1, theres no reason I should be feeling the test-e, imo. Could the letro be causing this effect? It doesnt look any bigger or smaller....and since I'm sure that this could not be an advancement of gyno due to letro use......I guess I'm just being curious.

    Thanks Dude!

  27. #347

    Exclamation Gyno for a month or two...


    I've been developing a mild form of gyno during the last month or two.
    I did go through PCT and did everything right. But still... :'(

    Can I reverse it since it's fairly fresh?
    I heard Nolvadex or Letra might do the trick?

    I have sensitive nipples and they're kinda puffy when they're not hard.

    If you guys know a good solution without having to go through surgery, please let me know!!


  28. #348
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    Nov 2005
    I have a lump under my left nipple after finishing my M1T cycle..I am a month into PCT currently using clomid and novaldex. I am going to go on letro at the end of my PCT this should be 6 weeks after the lump initally formed.Is this too long a period for the letro to reverse gyno?????? whats the longest one can wait before comencing letro therapy???

    ALso whilst on letro what else would be worth taking?

  29. #349
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
    this may be the dumbest question ever asked but I just got my letro and i am unsure how to actually take it. It is liquid form but there are no real instructions... Do i just dab it in my mouth or do i put it in water and drink it? Please let me know

  30. #350
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    its a spray. does anybody know where to get a oral syringe???

  31. #351
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    I'm 22 years old and have never used aas but i have used 1-ad and m-1t. last time i took anything like that was over 1 year ago. about 5 months ago i started to develop gyno out of no where. i got a mammogram and ultrasound and all they would tell me was that i had a buildup of tissue. well it hasnt stopped and it seems to be getting worse. im going to try the letro and nolva route before i pay $1,000 for surgery. i smoke bud on a reg. basis (which i am stopping completely) so maybe that could be a cause of it? anyone have any imput or advice?

    also will the letro make me weaker in the gym? will something like tribilus help my sex drive?

  32. #352
    i sucessfully used letro to eliminate / greatly reduce my gyno but i am having a problem getting off the letro... after i stop taking it, the gyno starts to flare up again and i have to resume even with the use of 20mg nolva... any suggestions?

  33. #353
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    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by arentz00
    i sucessfully used letro to eliminate / greatly reduce my gyno but i am having a problem getting off the letro... after i stop taking it, the gyno starts to flare up again and i have to resume even with the use of 20mg nolva... any suggestions?
    how bad was your gyno.??? I just recently bought some letro as well and I am thinking about taking to reduce my gyno. Did you get your letro from ARR? if so, were you able to find an oral syringe for the letro somewhere?

  34. #354
    my gyno wasn't very bad but it really bothered me it is actually only on my right side which is kind of weird...i got it because a ****ed around with a cycle of superdrol, dumb move don't do it...i dunno what ARR is, i went through some shady ass moldolva thing and it came in pill form not liquid which i prefer. also another question, i'm 20 years old and yeah i know steroids at this age ****s with your hormones levels etc, am i ****ing them up even worse by messing around with this letro?

  35. #355
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    hey great info thanks man. i am pretty sure this wasn't discussed yet. well in my situation like others, i did a cycle right orignally and did PCT correct except for like last 4 days because my bottle broke. a few months later i did m1t cycle and did not do PCT because of thought I was gonna get it before done but didn't and I was stupid and didn't bother get it after while.

    now i understand how to take the letro and nova from this thread and the tribulius at around 2-3g.

    what i was wondering is that without that PCT i also experienced testicles not returning to normal size. now i have been told to get HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin) to restore the size. Now do I need to use this if I am already using Tribulus? Will the test boosting Tribulus help restore the size or do I def need HCG?

    also, if i do need HCG is it on the research site under different name? because i am not seeing it. or do i have to find that myself?

    thanks for all your help and time man

  36. #356
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    anyone? please i want to get going on this.....thanks

  37. #357

    Question Letro

    I got my Letrozole (Femara) today, aswell as tamoxifen for afterwards.
    Man that shit it expensive...

    I hope it works... anyone got any idea how fast the recently "acquired" gyno will go away at 2.5 mg letro per day?

    ps: anyone know of any sides that WILL occur? If I read the thingy inside, I might aswell not take it :-) trombosis, kidney failure, etc... pff

    If you know, let me know too!

  38. #358
    Join Date
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    deeep south
    I think I have the onset of GYNO! I am going into third week of my cycle, I have always had decent pecs,im 46 with some bf which makes them look even bigger. my nipples I guess were average unless they were cold or something they would get firm but then go back to normal, Now for a week they have been constantly firm and "pointy" and a little tender but not real sore and some puffiness forming but no lumps behind them. I ordered some letro yesterday, but i'm not sure if its gyno but would it do any harm to take it just for precaution?

  39. #359
    Join Date
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    anyone know answer my question? thanks

  40. #360
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by dude99
    hey great info thanks man. i am pretty sure this wasn't discussed yet. well in my situation like others, i did a cycle right orignally and did PCT correct except for like last 4 days because my bottle broke. a few months later i did m1t cycle and did not do PCT because of thought I was gonna get it before done but didn't and I was stupid and didn't bother get it after while.

    now i understand how to take the letro and nova from this thread and the tribulius at around 2-3g.

    what i was wondering is that without that PCT i also experienced testicles not returning to normal size. now i have been told to get HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadatropin) to restore the size. Now do I need to use this if I am already using Tribulus? Will the test boosting Tribulus help restore the size or do I def need HCG?

    also, if i do need HCG is it on the research site under different name? because i am not seeing it. or do i have to find that myself?

    thanks for all your help and time man
    Yes you probably need HCG, tribulus and other test boosters imo arent that great and I have never used them and never really would. Anyways use the HCG while you are usign the letro or else it could cause some gyno even possibly and keep the letro/nolva running past the HCG. And you wont find it EVER on a research site.

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