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Thread: Is test bad???

  1. #1

    Is test bad???

    I have a bottle of test enanthate 250 that ive had for about 6 months. The other day i looked at it and now its kind of cloudy and there are small white pieces in it. What does this mean??? is it bad or just crystalizing?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by trulbfan3
    I have a bottle of test enanthate 250 that ive had for about 6 months. The other day i looked at it and now its kind of cloudy and there are small white pieces in it. What does this mean??? is it bad or just crystalizing?
    Whats the exp date

  3. #3
    its from a ugl and expiration date is 03/08...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    UK - A Backward Part
    try heating the vial in near boiling water for 5-10 min

  5. #5
    alright ill try that...should i put a syringe in the top to let out the excess pressure ???

  6. #6
    You just need to heat it until the crystals are 100% dilluted. Hold it up to a light and make sure. Take the label off if you need to. It just crashed it sounds like. No biggie probly.

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