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Let me tell you how much it hurt and I'm deathly allergic to narcotic pain medication so all they could give me was IV ibuprofen, called toradol. The freakin infection got in the collarbone joint closest to your neck and was literally eating it. My collarbone is still bowed to this day and clicks when I rotate my arm. It also got into my chest and lungs and had a huge pus pocket they removed from my chest along with part of my sternum and a rib. It poisoned my lungs with an incurable disease call progressive bilateral cycstic bronchiectasis. I just had the top portion of my right lung removed, again with no narcotic pain medication, just IV ibuprofen. When I came to from the surgery they had me strapped by all fours to the bed. I was that way for several days -- man I was pissed off at the world. The infection was in 1999 and the lung was removed this past March. The f***kin infection has lingered on for this long. The only reason I'm saying this is if anyone even 'Thinks' they might have an infection get your ass to the doctor, or emergency room. It can seriously fuk you up big time. It can kill you, or maim you faster than you think. I was given last rites, but I'm a single father raising three boys and I was not going to go down without one big freakin fight. Infections are serious shit.