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Thread: Prop with DNP

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Prop with DNP

    Hey guys, how much prop would ya'll recommend to run with my next DNP cycle? Im thinking like this

    1 - 28 : DNP 250mg ed(crystal like 200mg of powder equiv)
    1 - 28 : Prop 50mg ed
    1 - 28 : Nolvadex 10mg ed

    Hows that look? Main question is will the prop help or hinder my fatloss, ive run dnp twice before and i swear i lost more "visible fat" when i ran DNP naturally. I mean fatloss was the same but estrogen fats(abs/waist) seemed to remain more when i was on cycle, i ran nolvadex at 10mg ed also. Not looking to gain any lbm just save some muscle and hopefully aid in fatloss, I was also debating wether or not to just go with winny at 100mg ed. I know it will shut me down and im not a newbie, have run 4cycles. But i seem to be very sensitive to estrogen fat and really need to lose quite a bit of fat around my abs in a shortish time(got a shoot in like 6-8weeks).. Im not a blimp or anything like 13-14% but need to get down to 9-10%
    Last edited by tek.; 11-08-2006 at 04:14 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    DNP is not catabolic, so eating protein properly (just like one should always) will be sparring.

    I recommend taking all precautions with dnp... do your homework then do it again. I think Nark did a thread on the supps that should be taken in conjunction.

  3. #3
    Not catabolic? This is news to me. I am no expert on DNP, never used it myself but I’ve read a lot of threads with people saying you can drop a lot of muscle on it. Is this all BS?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Pissing on saluu
    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
    Not catabolic? This is news to me. I am no expert on DNP, never used it myself but I’ve read a lot of threads with people saying you can drop a lot of muscle on it. Is this all BS?
    Obviously BS. Some asses get on hear and post up facts because they heard a buddy had a cousin do it, or some sh!t...

    Are you sure you are not talking about T3 being catabolic?

  5. #5
    Oh no, I know T3 is catabolic. I am by no means a newbie to this game. I’ve just never used DNP and it appears what I have heard about it was BS.

    I always fancied doing a cycle of DNP to help shed some stubborn fat but was put off by the idea of it being catabolic and never researched it anymore since reading that but since you’ve said it’s not catabolic I will definitely consider giving it a go.

    Thanks a lot bud.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
    Not catabolic? This is news to me. I am no expert on DNP, never used it myself but I’ve read a lot of threads with people saying you can drop a lot of muscle on it. Is this all BS?

    think you are thinking of T3 my friend..Alot of people take T3 in conjunction with DNP so maybe that is where the muscle loss came from.

  7. #7
    Perhaps I did misread….Ah well never mind I’m fortunate enough to have you guys here to correct me. I am definitely going to look into a DNP cycle. Thanks again.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Someplace Civilized
    Quote Originally Posted by graeme87
    Perhaps I did misread….Ah well never mind I’m fortunate enough to have you guys here to correct me. I am definitely going to look into a DNP cycle. Thanks again.
    Go to the "Members Cycle results" forum and search DNP or DNP log..There have been plenty of logs in there regarding the use of DNP..Good luck

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