Hey guys, how much prop would ya'll recommend to run with my next DNP cycle? Im thinking like this
1 - 28 : DNP 250mg ed(crystal like 200mg of powder equiv)
1 - 28 : Prop 50mg ed
1 - 28 : Nolvadex 10mg ed
Hows that look? Main question is will the prop help or hinder my fatloss, ive run dnp twice before and i swear i lost more "visible fat" when i ran DNP naturally. I mean fatloss was the same but estrogen fats(abs/waist) seemed to remain more when i was on cycle, i ran nolvadex at 10mg ed also. Not looking to gain any lbm just save some muscle and hopefully aid in fatloss, I was also debating wether or not to just go with winny at 100mg ed. I know it will shut me down and im not a newbie, have run 4cycles. But i seem to be very sensitive to estrogen fat and really need to lose quite a bit of fat around my abs in a shortish time(got a shoot in like 6-8weeks).. Im not a blimp or anything like 13-14% but need to get down to 9-10%