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Thread: tren and muscle soreness

  1. #1

    tren and muscle soreness

    whats up bros. i got a question here for a friend of mine who is 4 days into a tren only cycle. he is 6 foot 180 and has been lifting for 2 years he has done 1 prior cycle of tren 8 weeks ago and packed on 15 solid pounds. maintained these gains very nicely and has started back up after a 2 week break from lifting. he has taken .25 in each shoulder the last 2 days and is experiencing sorness in his shoulders, upper back and chest without working back or chest yet this week. i kno tren is very powerfull, could this be growth pain? what ya guys think????

  2. #2
    Strange. If it is a soreness similar to that experienced post taining, I would not worry too much.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    tren only...he needs test first of all..he is gonna shut down hard....and he is takn .25 of tren? it 100mg? hes takn .25 every other day?..growth pain?...some people experience pain from shooting tren..he isnt growing so fast it hurts

  4. #4
    Hah, I missed that, what is the odse .25mg is nothing.

  5. #5
    sorry 2.5 in each shoulder. he tells me it is sorness like the next dter a work out so i think hes ok. thanks alot guys

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