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Thread: sachet's question?

  1. #1

    sachet's question?

    im planning on trying sachet's for the first time. first im going to sterilize the outside of the sachet with an alcohol pad. then im goin to transfer the gear with a 5ml syringe into a sterile vial.

    1. how exactly do u draw up the gear from the sachet?

    2. what gauge needle should you use and do poke through the sachet?

    3. are you supposed to injected air into the sachet to create pressure to draw more easily?

  2. #2
    has anyone ever gotten their order of sachet's seized by US customs?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    im planning on trying sachet's for the first time. first im going to sterilize the outside of the sachet with an alcohol pad. then im goin to transfer the gear with a 5ml syringe into a sterile vial.

    1. how exactly do u draw up the gear from the sachet?

    2. what gauge needle should you use and do poke through the sachet?

    3. are you supposed to injected air into the sachet to create pressure to draw more easily?

    1- I crease an edge flat,and insert pin right in
    2- I use 18,with a 23 it sux.18 draws right up
    3- I do everytime,and the sachet does expand,aiding draw

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    has anyone ever gotten their order of sachet's seized by US customs?
    Nope.. Can't see how

  5. #5
    do u poke through the non creased side? did the sachet's arrive in an envelope or box?
    Last edited by operationgetbig; 11-08-2006 at 08:16 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    do u poke through the non creased side?

    I poke the smooth edge,holding the
    sachet vertical between my findertips.
    Not through the edges where its sealed.
    There is one clean edge on the sachets.

    I crease it,to form a little flat spot so
    that I can insert the pin easily,Once in
    insert the pin to the far corner,without
    going through the other edge,and draw.

    If I had one here,I would take a pic how I did it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by operationgetbig
    do u poke through the non creased side? did the sachet's arrive in an envelope or box?
    Don't want to mention too much here..
    but yes,mine happened to arrive in a envelope.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    I stick with a 20g pin to draw with. It makes the drawing go quickly.

    I wouldn't inject any air into the satchet. I've seen them leak oil out.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Never had one leak yet cfiler.
    I do insert the air really slow
    and not a full syringe,only with ~1cc.

    EDIT: By all means,my method is
    not the "right" way or wrong way..
    it just happens to work for me.

  10. #10
    do you poke through the corner of the non creased side?

    so an 18g or 20g needle would be ok to draw with?

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2006
    i have heard of sachets being siezed but to a much lesser degree than amps and other types of containers...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    I clean the sachet, clean scisors, cut the corner so there is a little hole, i then draw the oil with a 18g or 21g, then inject into a vial.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tank75
    i have heard of sachets being siezed but to a much lesser degree than amps and other types of containers...

    I doubt that.

  14. #14
    I insert the needle with the "bevel" up. Do not inject air, just slowly move the needle around in the sachet to "hoover" up the med. First draw you should get about 3-4cc. Filter the first draw, then do again (using the same hole as the first)., for about another cc or so. For my final, I then insert the syringe into the filter, remove the plunger, and pour into the open top of syringe from the needle hole. Once you add the plunger, there will be air on top of the oil - this is good, because the air will "flush" the filter, so you collect the maximum possible.

    Using this method I consistently get 5.5-6cc per sachet. And per lab test, they tend to be as much as 20% over dosed, so the value is good.

    Oh, and if you mess up and punch all the way through with your needle draws, you can jump straight to the "drain into the syringe" method, though you will tend to collect a bit less.

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