good for bulking
steak(i use strip when bulking sirloin when cutting)
brown rice
teriyaki sauce eggs(w/ yolk when bulking w/o yolk when cutting)
sesamae seeds
olive oil
first cook your brown rice untill a soft (set aside)
sear your steak in a large sautee pan w/ a little olive oil allowing enough time to brown the meat on each side( i like it med rare)
take steak from pan and add a little olive oil
kep the pan extra hot to where the oil will smoke a little bit but not too much
add the mushrooms, zuchini and onions untill all our browned well
add 2 cracked eggs and rice and sesamae seeds and scramble everything up
dice the steak and return it to the mix voila
i cook a bunch of this and store it in containers for the week you can sub chicken as weel for steak if you arent rich like me and can afford whatever the hell you want LOL j/k