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Thread: worried about test

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2002

    worried about test

    I just took my last shot of sust yesterday and we had this meeting for my sport yesterday about drug testing and it really freaked me out bc I'm kinda worried that I might get picked. Only 2 or 3 guys on our team get picked since I play baseball but I'm still a little freaked. The test wouldn't be until at least late november but according to the forum sust takes 3 months to clear out completely and that would only be 2 months, is there any way I can speed up the process of cleaning up so that if I were to get tested I could pass without cheating. Because one of the guys on our team said the dude last year sat right next to him and watched him fill his cup with his own piss and that would cramp me for filling a condom or test tube with clean urine.

  2. #2
    Yeah, there really isn't a safe way to get around it since they make you drop your drawers to your ankles, and lift your shirts to your chin.

    But, I'm thinking you should be fine, so quit sweatin it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002
    anyone else have any comments or suggestions? Also does anyone know the testing times of the year for certain sports, like when does the NCAA usually test football teams and basketball and baseball teams in terms of time of year or is totally random?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    bump again

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