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Thread: Which cycle looks better?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Which cycle looks better?

    Hey guys, im debating on what to do for my next cycle. I have a nice, big, long cycle planned out, however it all depends on my funds, time period and availability of course. If worse comes to worse, i might have to split it into 2 cycles and choose 1. Out of these two, which would u guys prefer for a good 10-15lbs of lean muscle while dropping bf. Stats as of now are 5'9" 195 11-12% bf. And this will be my 3rd cycle

    Original Plan for Cycle

    Anadrol 100mg/day week 1-5
    Test Enth. 750mg/week 1-2 500mg/week 3-10
    Eq 400-600mg/week 1-10
    Test Susp. 100mg/day week 11-16
    Tren 100mg/day week 11-16
    Winny 50mg tab/day week 11-16
    Anti-e's etc......

    Now cycle 1

    Test enth (as above) week 1-10
    Eq (as above) week 1-10
    Winny (as above) 7-13


    Cycle 2

    Test Susp. (as above) week 1-6
    Tren (as above) week 1-6
    Winny (as above) week 1-6

    Also, could i run cycle 2 a week or 2 longer seeing that id be doing it with fresh receptors instead of after a 10 week cycle, or is that pretty much the golden rule when it comes to fast acting esters. Is that economical, meaning would the extra week or 2 just run the bill up and not produce as much results?

    Im hoping that i can just go all out and do the original cycle planned, but after everything added up, juice, anti-e's liver protectants etc. it comes to close to $1500. And with school and all, its just a little tough. If i did the original cycle i would start in feb. and end in june. The others, id plan according to end in late june/july. Any help and opinions are appreciated. Thanx in advance bros. Peace


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    3 ideas
    #1 do origional and cut out anadrol and susp
    #2 do first if have to chose from what you got up there
    #3 do first cycle over winter then do second cycle over summer and yes add 2 weeks for total of 8 weeks

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