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Thread: about my girl

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2001

    about my girl

    her stats before the baby...21, 5'2 103 lbs 9bf% very toned little girl.. then she got pregnant gained 75 lbs... the baby is 4months old now, she weighs 130, lots of extra skin,still some fat, its ok with me i don't mind at all, but she is very self concoius(can't spell) what type of juice would be good for her, winstol,primo? she trains 4-5 times a week, no free weights as she doesn't want more size, just trying to give her a boost in the gym, not sure what she should take? any suggestions at all would be a great help!!!(I also posted this on the female forum, but figured it would be seen by more)

  2. #2

    No Juice

    Juice won't take the fat off a female if she takes amounts that won't give here sides. She needs to do either Clen or ECA stack with cardio twice a day and a clean diet. If she does juice all that will happen is she will get more muscle and the fat will stay. Check the posts for Clen usage for females there are lots of posts about female clen usage.


  3. #3
    Clen maybe some winny... Anavar seems to be real famous with the females.. But no use if you wanna lose bf unless she wants to preserve lean mass..

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    You need to get her using some resistance training. It will not bulk her up but will be huge in muscle toning. I think it is a little premature to jump on AAS and think she should use the ECA and possibly clen route before committing to that but sign her up on the female board and have her talk to the experts.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Originally posted by Rickson
    I think it is a little premature to jump on AAS and think she should use the ECA and possibly clen route before committing to that but sign her up on the female board and have her talk to the experts.
    I agree with Rickson 100%!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    A friend of mine (femaile) used clen with great results in fat burning. She was already small so I'm not sure why she wanted to use it but she got real skinny. I'm not sure on the dosage she used though.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    your metabolism is closely related to how much lean mass you have.
    If she starts weight training she will gain lean mass which will raise her metabolism and help to reduce bodyfat. also clen works well for fat loss.
    my girlfriend took anavar to gain a little muscle which helped greatly to reduce bodyfat when she started dieting.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    the only type of juice that would be good for her-and even this is questionable-is orange juice

    just because you train with free weights doesn't mean you're going to blow up and be the next Ms O in a month...when you say she trains, does that mean just cardio or just machines?

    regardless, rickson summed it up nicely...please listen---no AS will take body fat off of anyone...male or female

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Upstate NY

    Re: about my girl

    Originally posted by cooksbrut
    her stats before the baby...21, 5'2 103 lbs 9bf% very toned little girl.. then she got pregnant gained 75 lbs... the baby is 4months old now, she weighs 130, lots of extra skin,still some fat, its ok with me i don't mind at all, but she is very self concoius(can't spell) what type of juice would be good for her, winstol,primo? she trains 4-5 times a week, no free weights as she doesn't want more size, just trying to give her a boost in the gym, not sure what she should take? any suggestions at all would be a great help!!!(I also posted this on the female forum, but figured it would be seen by more)
    WAIT...... *takes a deep breath*
    The baby is only4 months old right.. this leads me to a question.. is she breast feeding? If the answer is yes the.. BACK AWAY FROM ANYTHING that could harm the baby.. ECA stacks and AAS....
    If she is not breast feeding then has she ever used an ECA stack before(stacker2,Stacker3,Ripped Fuel Extreme,Xenadrine RFA-1,Dymetadrine Xtreme.... ect) .. Also and this one is for the experts.. her hormones may still be all messed up from having the baby.. not sure about that one...
    just my .02 cents

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    good one wanna know more

    4 months is not that long--remember it took her almost 10 months to gain 75lbs and in 4 months shes droped close to 40lbs thats great

    if not breast feeding i would start her on decent diet and cardio with some machine resistance training
    after she hits a plateu start her on hydroxycut,stacker 3,zenadrine--one of the fat burners
    after another plateu start her on clen(check female forum for doses)
    after next plateu start her on t3 for 5-6 week pyramiding cycle(again check with female forum)
    after next plateu do t3 and clen with some anavar

    what you are doing is doing best she can naturally then slowing adding things to burn off fat slowly so it wont come back and body is not bombarded so she can continue to tone up
    just remember be patient,set a obtainable goal each cycle or program and slowly accomplish it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    thanks alot was a really big help.... no she is not breast feeding, also she has not tried that hydroxy cut stuff yet.... i have also been skepitcal of diet pills,fats burns....just reminds me of meth.... i will recoomend that she stays with what she is doing more another month, then try out stacker or one of those... will let you know all later..thank you as far her joining the board... i wish, but she will never do it, she thinks AAS are a way of cheating, one of those thinkers..... I think she knows what i do, but i just keep telling her that its glut,creatine, and protein... I know its not right but she doesn't want to hear about it.

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