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Thread: Accutane, worse before it gets better?

  1. #1

    Accutane, worse before it gets better?

    When does it start to get bad before its get better? I have been on 50mg ed for 1 week and just wondering when it will be bad and when should I start noticing a difference, even a little?

    Also, does making the dosage to high make it ineffective or just that just mean it will be more effective and the sides will be more prevalent. Like, is there a dosage that simply casues diminishing returns?
    Last edited by reddragon4954; 11-26-2006 at 02:28 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    First of all 50mg/ed is a stiff dose of accutane. Be prepared for some potentially nasty side effects. I was on a treatment of doc-scripted accutane @ 20mg/ed for 16 weeks and sides were almost bad enough that I didn't want to continue treatment.
    Sides are dose 50mg/ed, be prepared.

    Your only one week in..your not going to see anything yet as this powerful medication takes time to really exert its effects. I noticed my acne getting worse after about a month into treatment and didn't see any improvement until after a solid 2-3 months into treatment.
    This is where many get discouraged because they want to see relief sooner than 2-3 months into treatment, but you have to be patient and let the medication do it's job.
    In fact, I didn't see complete clearing of my acne until after my 16 weeks of treatment was completed as this medication continues to exert its effects long after discontinuation of treatment...I stayed breakout-free for a good 4 years after the treatment and I've heard some staying breakout-free indefinitely after one treatment, some need another treatment, but I don't see the need in my case, as acne has been well controllable after I went through my treatment.

    Hang in there bro and stick it will pay it's dividends in the long run, trust me.
    If accutane don't do the trick for your acne, nothing will.

    Good luck,


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Las Vegas
    I was on it twice. After the first time I was good for a few years but then it returned. Not nearly as bad but I went on a second dose and it worked pretty good. First time was at 40 mg, second at 20.

    Results will take a few weeks to start

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