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Thread: Introduction

  1. #1


    Hi i just wanted to introduce myself, im a new member. I've been looking through your forum for about a month now, and finally decided to join. I think you guys are doing a great job, and you have a lot of valuable insight to offer. I've been doing as much resource as possible, so when i ask you guys questions they are valid, and not repeated. I have been working out for about 2 and a half years know, however, only serious working out about the last 8 months. I am 19, 5'10, and about 195-205. I am extremely interested in running a 10 week cycle of testosterone propionate, and a 6 week cycle of winistrol. I really chose these because, for the last 8 months i have been repeating over and over a "get big" program which always accomplishes its intended goals (bulk up, and increase strength), however, i then follow with a 3 week maximum cutting cycle to loose the fat i gained while bulking up. I'm not going to lie, the cutting cycle i do works i loose about 20-30 pounds in 3 weeks and everyone's like "eat something you look sick." However, the only problem is I always loose so much strength wise. For example the last bulking up cycle i did i weighed 225, and i maxed out on bench at about 295. And after my cutting cycle i did the same workout, and gradually noticed my strength decreasing, on the last day of my cutting cycle i maxed on bench at 245!!!!! I mean its ridiculous. So im asking you guys how many miligrams a week you think a newbie should take, and I can get my hand on any anti-e (i have friends who have been into this stuff for awhile) im thinking nolvadex, and clomid, but i dont dosages So if you guys could give me some advice, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks alot guys. hope to hear from you soon.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    Southside Jamaican Queens
    welcome to the board gonna say 19 is a little young to think about AAS and if u have only been seriously lifting for 8 months, you have so much natural potential left man. Your first cycle is your best, and i noticed you said you have been doing as much research as possible, but if you did you would know the dosage for clomid. If your naturally bulking well still go with it. The biggest key is a strict diet to suit your needs...if you dont have a diet layed out, steroids should be the last thing on your mind. Just tryin to help bro..=\

  3. #3
    Thanks for the advice man, appreciate it

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