Hi i just wanted to introduce myself, im a new member. I've been looking through your forum for about a month now, and finally decided to join. I think you guys are doing a great job, and you have a lot of valuable insight to offer. I've been doing as much resource as possible, so when i ask you guys questions they are valid, and not repeated. I have been working out for about 2 and a half years know, however, only serious working out about the last 8 months. I am 19, 5'10, and about 195-205. I am extremely interested in running a 10 week cycle of testosterone propionate, and a 6 week cycle of winistrol. I really chose these because, for the last 8 months i have been repeating over and over a "get big" program which always accomplishes its intended goals (bulk up, and increase strength), however, i then follow with a 3 week maximum cutting cycle to loose the fat i gained while bulking up. I'm not going to lie, the cutting cycle i do works i loose about 20-30 pounds in 3 weeks and everyone's like "eat something you look sick." However, the only problem is I always loose so much strength wise. For example the last bulking up cycle i did i weighed 225, and i maxed out on bench at about 295. And after my cutting cycle i did the same workout, and gradually noticed my strength decreasing, on the last day of my cutting cycle i maxed on bench at 245!!!!! I mean its ridiculous. So im asking you guys how many miligrams a week you think a newbie should take, and I can get my hand on any anti-e (i have friends who have been into this stuff for awhile) im thinking nolvadex, and clomid, but i dont dosagesSo if you guys could give me some advice, I would appreciate it very much. Thanks alot guys. hope to hear from you soon.