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Thread: Whats the right age to take steroids (GOOD READ)

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    St. Paul, MN
    good one

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    good post.really puts things in perspective for this 19 year old

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Oct 2006

  4. #44
    Join Date
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    in the woods.......
    makes me think if bein 18 was to young when i first started taking roids

  5. #45
    Im same way except im 6'5'' and 260 im 21 and I think im done growimg.I took off working out for a while and i what to start again. any suggestions???

  6. #46
    And I never did a cycle before either

  7. #47
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    Burbs Of Chicago


    I'm completely done growing and already have level hormone levels. My dad had a heart attack last year and I had to have my blood tested in a full panel. According to the testing my hormone level are considered "average" along with everything else. I have this test and a copy of another test from when I was in the hospital a fews years back.. showing that my levels have dropped so I think I'm done. I don't drink, smoke, or have any prescriptions so I think I'm ready to go back to lifting. At my size I'm unlike anyone in either sides of the family (tallest and largest stature in 2 generations) so I'm pretty much an exception in genetics.

  8. #48
    This post has def. delayed my date of entry for the plunge. Great read.

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Dirty South
    Great post it has made me reconsider, at least untill I can do my own research and see just how much of what he says is true and how much is just speculation...either way he seems to know his shit...but we'll see.

  10. #50
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    Oct 2006
    hey devldog, were you 6'2 or 3 when you were 17, before you started cycling?? Just curious... I might delay my first "real" cycle. I am 6' 185lbs and 20yrs old.

  11. #51
    Join Date
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    Chicago IL
    Great post!

  12. #52


    thank you for that info. bt im 16 and i used to be a great athlete and iv been out with injury and i now want to bump my sprinting and upper body can you recomend a steriod that wont be bad for me butn will hav a good effect. thank you

  13. #53
    Join Date
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    Nowhere, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by surferdude
    thank you for that info. bt im 16 and i used to be a great athlete and iv been out with injury and i now want to bump my sprinting and upper body can you recomend a steriod that wont be bad for me butn will hav a good effect. thank you
    Sorry lil' dude. You shouldn't even think of steroids at this point.. you could permanently mess up your endocrine system. Come back when you're over 18.

  14. #54
    Quote Originally Posted by surferdude
    thank you for that info. bt im 16 and i used to be a great athlete and iv been out with injury and i now want to bump my sprinting and upper body can you recomend a steriod that wont be bad for me butn will hav a good effect. thank you
    Suspending your account for 2 years until you are 18.

    Completely Cleanse Your Body of Steroids in Only 5 Days!

  15. #55
    great post. but not everyone uses sauce for getting swollen. Like myself im 19 an about to take my first cycle for athletic performance. This IMO is from the body building stand point. I know kids that took the stuff when they were 16 and are still 6'2". Not everyone who takes aas use it for body building. I guess thats what im tryin to say....

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    i know it's old one, but i just had to bump this thread as i think it's a good one

    so, ^bump^

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    I just started test C/Tren (Tren has'nt been added yet) and i'm 20.

    But I've also been training for 4 years, seriously for 2.

    I got up to 218 at 5'11" and 18%bf

    Now dieted down to 195 @14%bf.

    The males in my family stop growing at about 5'10" and weigh without training (but are construction workers about 180lbs at 15-18%bf.

    So I felt that after things came to a drag for gains after countles diet and training tweaks the only other variable was this.

    That is how I made my decision not necessarily how you should make yours.

    just some insight.

  18. #58
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    Northern Indiana
    I have a buddy who started young at about 16 and the thing i notice most is all the males in his family are 6 foot at least and hes still at 5'8 although he is 225 solid and is a starting full back for a college i wont say but his growth has been stunted.

  19. #59
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    You see children drugs are bad. If you dont believe me just ask your dad. If you dont believe him just ask your mom. She'll tell you how she does em' all the time. -Eminem

  20. #60
    Join Date
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    great post

  21. #61
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    Jul 2007
    Somewhat bias'ed... I think saying that by not working out naturally and using steroids means you will have to work harder is nonsense and unproven. If you were to start steroids and then work out properly, eat properly ect without doing any serious BB before, you would still make the same gains... Yes there are points of diminishing returns, but the less muscle you have the easier it is to put on, therefor, steroids will just bring you those gains quicker than if you did it naturally...

    I dont know about waiting till 26, I did my first cycle when I was 20... I think once you stop growing, this whole stunting your potential argument goes out the window. I dont condone 16 year olds juicing, but at some point you have to realise that sensible doses can work quite well, and be minimally harmful or probably even beneficial to your health...

    The other point I disagreed on is sex drive, this depends on the cycle you choose, and whether you run AIs/hCG/SERMS during the cycle, but its certainly not unheard of for your sex drive to actually increase...

    The last thing is, I was actually sensible, and had blood tests. All my liver/kidney/etc numbers were good, My test levels worked out to around 500ng/dl and this was also part of my decision. One thing you might try to do if your young is take a blood test every couple of months, like 3 times every 3 months and see what your hormone levels are at. If they are sttill increasing, your good to wait...
    Last edited by pr0digy9daniel; 09-12-2007 at 09:43 AM.

  22. #62
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    Albuquerque, NM
    Quote Originally Posted by robbrodenberg
    dude im 19 almost 20 and ive been lifting for a while with craetine and im stuck at 5'11 160 lbs and i was thinking about roids but everyonw told me no and i eat like 4 cans of tuna a day and 3 solid meals but i dont work out too often but i would if it took roids anyone got anything for me
    You don't sound like you have the dedication to be on the juice right now. Your diet and training reg. should be the most important thing to you, if you are wanting to start cycling. If you are not dedicated to a regular workout program now,... just because you start shootin doesn't mean you will be dedicated to it. I've seen to many friends that would train for a few months, then stop, party, then start back up, then stop because it's winter, then start back up in the summer.... then they started using AAS and continued the same workout ethics and now they are nothing but fat 30 + men.
    Get Dedicated Brother!

  23. #63
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    May 2005
    im27 and im still growing without aas but i did try them to early in life for me at age 22/23

  24. #64
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    Nov 2005
    Ive been reading and researchign for about 5 years. Finally did my first cycle 2 months ago at the age of 25.

    Even yesterday i got owned on the boards thinking i knew something and i didnt. Things always change in the world of body building..its a non stop research and learning lifestyle.

    You cant just get content with what you know..its something you always have to read.

    And yes im glad i waited to start using aas. At 190lb base its much nicer to start from.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbrodenberg
    dude im 19 almost 20 and ive been lifting for a while with craetine and im stuck at 5'11 160 lbs and i was thinking about roids but everyonw told me no and i eat like 4 cans of tuna a day and 3 solid meals but i dont work out too often but i would if it took roids anyone got anything for me

    I hope your joking!

  26. #66

    Growth Hormone

    What About Growth Hormone If You Are Only 18?

  27. #67
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by craig 333
    What About Growth Hormone If You Are Only 18?
    i'd say no. why would you need gh if you werent ready for aas use? 18 you are still growing, no need for it or anything for that matter

  28. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by robbrodenberg View Post
    dude im 19 almost 20 and ive been lifting for a while with craetine and im stuck at 5'11 160 lbs and i was thinking about roids but everyonw told me no and i eat like 4 cans of tuna a day and 3 solid meals but i dont work out too often but i would if it took roids anyone got anything for me
    bro i am going to assume this is not a joke
    my diet
    4 whole eggs 4 whites and a some kind of carb
    pb and j sandwich w/ protein shake
    chicken beast cooked w/ olive oil, bannana and small portion of carbs
    another half pb and j and protein shake
    steak or chicken burrito's w/ green beans
    can of tuna
    spoon of pb
    can of tuna

    try something like this if u want to gain some weight
    and other thing is i do my own cooking
    no fast food

  29. #69
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    Considering the member you quoted hasn't logged in since 5/8/06 according to his profile, it's doubtful he will read that.

  30. #70
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    4 cans of tuna aint that much protein or calories,15 times yr bw in pounds,18 if yr a hardgainer split into a 40%protein,40%carbs and 20%GOOD fats and then watch yr bf levels tweaking the carbs to compensate bf levels and particular dieting/bulking goals.when that dont work, its time 4 steroids and by then ul b old enuf after eatin all the same shite for years.kinda glad i didnt do it toooo young,wuda taken the fun outa growin up

  31. #71
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    I didn't start doin mine until I was 21, besides my parents aren't big people and it was hard growing naturally that goes for muscle and height, yeah I really think I got ripped off out of that whole summer growth spurt thing, maybe when I'm reincarnated I can go back and give it another go round lol. I would say 21 tho to start, besides most clinics won't accept anybody until they're in they're mid 20's at least.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by robbrodenberg View Post
    dude im 19 almost 20 and ive been lifting for a while with craetine and im stuck at 5'11 160 lbs and i was thinking about roids but everyonw told me no and i eat like 4 cans of tuna a day and 3 solid meals but i dont work out too often but i would if it took roids anyone got anything for me
    I started when I was 18. im 6' and i was about 160 pound. I train extremely hard:

    Day Morning Arvo
    Monday Chest + Back calves + abs + wrists
    Tuesday Arms + Shoulders legs (quads n hammys)
    Wednesday Chest + Back calves + abs + wrists
    Thursday Arms + Shoulders legs (quads n hammys)
    Friday Chest + Back calves + abs + wrists
    Saturday Arms + Shoulders legs (quads n hammys)
    Sunday none none

    Essentially the Arnold Programme.
    Use creatine and protein supplements. No AAS yet.
    Currently 22yr, still 6' weigh 205 pounds. Still prolly a few more pounds before i need steroids to kick on.

    I noticed you said you dont work out too often. Perhaps try an intense programme like mine, see how u go. best of luck!

  33. #73
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    Probably the young men using AAS have genetically low level of testosteron ???

  34. #74
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    i disagree with Brandon Walsh saying that levels decline after 26 to almost "non existent" at 40............BS!

    I have read studies where men in there 60s are still at 500-600ng/dl

    im not sayin there isnt a decrease, but maybe its more of a SHBG increase than a decrease in serum level.
    I have 50 year old frind that tested at 425. not high, but not "non existant"

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by durkheim View Post
    I juss turned 13 and dis big kid gave me sumfink I fink they called d ballz should I use them?
    Christ son.. Stay away from steroids until you're at least 18 or 19. I never started until I was 22. You're barely even out of middle school not because you mentioned your age but the fact that you can't spell to save your own life. Stick to your milk and cookies.

  36. #76
    im 16 and im doing a 6 week cycle of suss250mg a week with 50mg anoplones a day with 300 deca aweek

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by broncos14 View Post
    im 16 and im doing a 6 week cycle of suss250mg a week with 50mg anoplones a day with 300 deca aweek

  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by broncos14 View Post
    im 16 and im doing a 6 week cycle of suss250mg a week with 50mg anoplones a day with 300 deca aweek
    I hope you aren't serious.

  39. #79
    great informative post. helped alot with my bro.

  40. #80
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    to the top

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