So in your opinion Hyge is 191aa?Originally Posted by BigGuns101
So in your opinion Hyge is 191aa?Originally Posted by BigGuns101
jing jai
I ordered my Hygetropin 2 days ago directly from their site and it clearly states on the website that it is 191aa...... hope this helps!
It seems rather expensive when buying directly from their site........Originally Posted by Billytk03z
I do. Ive never had welt problems nor has one of my boys and he got them bad from...... shit I cant remember which brand but he got little hard red balls right at the injection site. Almost like BB's stuck under his skin. With the Hyge I got him he was fine. (for what thats worth)Originally Posted by Xtralarg
Ide be worried the site was being monitored also. Thats why I love the sources that double reference and do back ground checks, a little piece of mind.Originally Posted by Logan13
So thus when you develope irritation at the injection side then it's 192aa.. i really think this doesnt make sense...Originally Posted by BigGuns101
reaction of your body to the 192aa is an increase in anti-bodies...takes some time before those are at a 'dangerous' level...
Do you really think those anti-bodies will give the local reaction on the injection side??..
I think the reaction had much more to do with the BA or preservatives like m-Cresol...and this had nothing to do with 192aa/191aa
Last edited by fred9; 11-26-2006 at 10:03 AM.
Actually I only paid *Edited. Read board rules. Do not post prices.* (went in on large purchase with a buddy) and I get piece of my mind that at least what Im getting is the real thing (hyge)Originally Posted by Logan13
I want to go from Jin to hygetropin because of cost. Can you PM me on the hygetropin for*Edited. Read board rules. Do not post prices.*? Please.Originally Posted by gq3856
Edit your post and pm him, your asking for trouble.
Originally Posted by fred9
I second your theory of the reaction due to the BA... (with blue tops) Reconstituting with BA gave me the nasty red welts which bruised after a couple days about the size of a fifty cent piece! After switching to sterile water, i just get a tiny little red bump about the size of a pea...MADE A HELL OF A DIFFERENCE!!!
Whats the advantage with reconsituting with BA water over Sterile water anyway?
once reconstituted you can use it longer with BW instead of sterile water
It wouldnt make a difference for me then cuz each vial is 8 iu and I ll be using 2-3iu ed.....
Last edited by Billytk03z; 11-27-2006 at 05:32 PM.
2-3 vials ED that it wouldnt make a difference...2-3iu ED then it would..Originally Posted by Billytk03z
According to Hygene its only good for up to 72 hours after reconstitution.
I assume that is with sterile water.
So if you use sterile water and use 2 iu a day your GH will degrade before you use the last 2iu.
Well I got the BA water to start so Ill try it and post back....
im a little confusedOriginally Posted by BigGuns101
do the brown tops have a name?
Old brown top are supoosively Hyge now. This is what I was told.....1) GENERIC HGH BROWN TOPS.. 191 AMINO ACID ( 200iu per pack in BROWN top vials)
NOTE: This hgh is now called HYGETROPIN and comes in 200iu kits.
Well its from a list.
Originally Posted by gq3856
Here is from their site
Following is a blacklist of fake Jintropin™. They all have nothing to do with GeneScience and are all virtual companies unapproved by the government. We condemn the irresponsible and illegal counterfeits
Genitropin by ProGeni Pharmaceuticals Co.
Nomatro pin by Keferi company
Hygentro pin
Somatoh orm
International Pharmaceuticals China (IP China)
Please Note: GenSci never sells unlabelled Jintropin™. All the unlabelled vials that claimed to be Jintropin™ are fake.
the key is the first "N"
hygetropin = good
hygeNtropin = bad
Hygetropin is the real deal and are 191aa. As for HygeNtropin they are fakes. They are 192aa and the packaging look like Jintropins. You do not want to take 192aa HGH because your body will build antibodies to it and eventually your body will produce less natural GH.
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