I've read alot of posts lately about guys who cannot study or complete tasks due to being on this forum alot. I'm hoping this post may inspire some of you to prioritize the things in life that are most important in the long haul and to overall health and well being as well as just physical. I've spent much of the last 10 years of my life totally focused on bodybuilding, it has given me alot as far as pride, confidence, and muscle. However, getting wrapped up in all of this has consumed much of me and there is alot in life I didn't accomplish because of it. I never gave a **** about school, while the professor was giving a lecture I was too busy eating my steak in class and plotting my next workout. Sometimes I'd even totally ignore them because I was writing down my next cycle idea or workout plan. I never studied, never partied much, and stayed broke because every check I got I blew on supplements, groceries, and/or drugs. I became so obsessed with working out that it clouded my thinking and often pushed away family and friends, and financially it had caused numerous fights with past girlfriends and even my wife. It had even got to the point where food for my family was not in the fridge sometimes because I had spent my money on a cycle, or the tanning bed membership, or groceries that my wife and step-daughter didn't touch because they were plain foods and they love me and supported me so much they didn't want to eat my bodybuilding stuff. I finally have a decent job now, but only because of some smart decisions. I decided to study for once in my life, I layed off the gym and the diet a little for 3 or 4 months, and I focused on becoming more than just a guy obsessed with the gym. I'm still kind of consumed by it, but not nearly as much as I once was. To the newbies who are naive still about bodybuilding and the competitive aspects of it, here are some helpful words of advice, and I'm not trying to discourage you here, only help.
#1- Every 1 out of 1,000,000 people have the genetics to make it to the pro level today, even with all of the drugs in the world, if you aren't competing at the national level after your first few shows or by the time your 25 forget it.
#2- The guys on stage want it just as bad as you do, difference is the guy next to you has $$ for GH and more gear than you do
#3- Some of these guys often do more than just work to support their lifestyle, they will often deal drugs, and some will prostitute themselves out to men for money. A guy working a 40-50 hr week at a regular job is rare at the national and pro level.
#4- most of these guys are lonely and single because of the demand they let this sport place on them
#5- They have no idea what will happen w/ their life if they stop persuing bodybuilding and have to think about retirement income.
I have a couple friends who have stayed on the beaten path and let this sport consume them. They are alot older than myself, and I'm almost convinced one of them will commit suicide because of it. He has pushed everything in his life away from him, his family(he hasn't spoke w/ his own son in many years) , his friends, a career. It's to the point where I think people talk to him just because they feel bad for him.
My point to this post is smart bodybuilders control this sport, they don't let the sport control them. And for you guys in school, you have a few years to study, a few years out of your life!! And you have the rest of your life to go to the gym, so crack a book open, study, give your speeches, and make something of yourself other than wasting time trying to go down a road that you have to be 110% sure you know you can go down.