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Thread: Anadrol: side effects vs. gains.... Worth the risk??

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    Anadrol: side effects vs. gains.... Worth the risk??

    I am currently 6'3" 225, lost weight during football season (was 240) but have stopped losing weight and just started a cycle of Test and Fina today. They don't test me now at the JC level but next year I am planning on playing for Arizona State (where they do test), as a defensive end I need to gain alot of weight. Not sure if A-bombs are something I should try or not, I'm worried I might lose everything that I gain. But either way, I have to gain keepable mass cause next season I can't cycle during the season. Nut

    Cycle experience- on and off for the last 3 years. Currently running 600mg test per week and 100mg fina EOD.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2002
    Invest in HGH you will keep most of it.

  3. #3

    anadrol is the best

    i used anadrol @ 50/100/150/200/150/100/50 on its own and i felt better than i did when i was on dbol and kept gains afterwards without stacking. its the only time ive used a steroid n kept all gains. no bloating or nothing
    ran milkthistle throuought and clomid after
    i felt great on it and am planning another anadrol only cycle
    anadrols used were anapolon from europe so they may have been underdosed but nevetheless i liked them and grew

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    FreddyGuns- I have no idea what kind of ancilleries you were taking- i.e. Which Anti-estrogens? Which diuretics?? Obviously these must have been included or else you would have blown up like puffer fish, especially during the 200mg per day intake week.

    P.S.- You said you "kept all gains", what were your gains weight wise? Nut

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    gosh, if i could use abombs and keep everything, itd be a no contest for me using them too afraid of pissing my gains away too hard for that shit...heh...good luck though

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    Mixed reviews- I'm still not sure so i'll give it a bump. Nut

  7. #7
    I am on a four wk cycle of A-50.The first time cycle of it for me and Dam am I puttin on the weight this is the last wk of it. Started at 259 now I am at 284. I am also using 750 of sust./wk and 150 of tren/ed and anties. The only side effects I have is anxiety attacks at night when sleeping... The doc thinks it could be from chest and neck muscles getting so large they block the air way in my throat. So I cannot sleep with a pillow. Aint that some wierd crap!! So if you can live with to large of chest and neck muscles try it. Just do it smart!!

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