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Thread: 4 Weeks In, Before And After So Far-

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    i was trying to be negative but just stating the facts. yes there is a difference from 7 months ago till now but do you honestly think that the money you spent for your gear was worth the results you got?

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    i think everyone is jus sayin you jumped the gun man. u've only trained 7 months etc. you've made progress thats for sure. but being new to lifting/dieting u can make dramatic changes very quickly WITHOUT AAS since ur new to the game.

    as for working 40 hours having a kid and lifting dude u just gotta want it. u say its hard to eat right no its not. u jus gotta do it find a way. theres a way i promise. i doubt u work on sunday or u have one day off during the week. take that day off and cook all ur food for that week... yea it sux but thats what shows dedication. i go to school 20 hours a week work atleast 30 hours lift prolly 7 hours a week and study prolly 8 hours a week. AND yet i still cook all my food and make myself eat right.. even if it means leaving the library at 12 oclock to come home to eat a meal and go back. u gotta do what works man... i work construction u think they give you a break to go eat? fvck no so i gotta cook my food the night before then keep it in my pouches and eat it as quick as possible when i get a chance....

    never say never man

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Haro3
    i think everyone is jus sayin you jumped the gun man. u've only trained 7 months etc. you've made progress thats for sure. but being new to lifting/dieting u can make dramatic changes very quickly WITHOUT AAS since ur new to the game.

    as for working 40 hours having a kid and lifting dude u just gotta want it. u say its hard to eat right no its not. u jus gotta do it find a way. theres a way i promise. i doubt u work on sunday or u have one day off during the week. take that day off and cook all ur food for that week... yea it sux but thats what shows dedication. i go to school 20 hours a week work atleast 30 hours lift prolly 7 hours a week and study prolly 8 hours a week. AND yet i still cook all my food and make myself eat right.. even if it means leaving the library at 12 oclock to come home to eat a meal and go back. u gotta do what works man... i work construction u think they give you a break to go eat? fvck no so i gotta cook my food the night before then keep it in my pouches and eat it as quick as possible when i get a chance....

    never say never man
    i can picture that, like a kid passing a letter before the teacher can see

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Dec 2002
    as for working 40 hours having a kid and lifting dude u just gotta want it. u say its hard to eat right no its not. u jus gotta do it find a way. theres a way i promise. i doubt u work on sunday or u have one day off during the week. take that day off and cook all ur food for that week... yea it sux but thats what shows dedication. i go to school 20 hours a week work atleast 30 hours lift prolly 7 hours a week and study prolly 8 hours a week. AND yet i still cook all my food and make myself eat right.. even if it means leaving the library at 12 oclock to come home to eat a meal and go back. u gotta do what works man... i work construction u think they give you a break to go eat? fvck no so i gotta cook my food the night before then keep it in my pouches and eat it as quick as possible when i get a chance....

    never say never man
    Exactly. Thats the way Haro! im with ya man, i work 6 days a wk, 50hr..never EVER miss a meal, workout, or sleep, its just a way of life, and your motivation and dedication will determine your progress. There are no limits if you set yourself up to succeed, no excuses. Just preparation and hard work, glad to hear theres more people out there like me, nice work Haro..

    Ggallin---your solution is VERY simple, do not continue to "bulk." why not just change the rest of your cycle into a cutting cycle????????? it makes more than perfect sense, youll still be able to add mass with the right protein content while sheddin BF...i think many would agree with this idea...then after you drop some weight, then you can repost pics.


  5. #45
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    the dirty
    first of all there is no such thing as estrogenic body fat, bodyfat is bodyfat in my book.
    estrogenic fat deposits are related to estrogen levels and as you can clearly see there is more than 1 type of bf. there are 2, BAT and WAT.

    Why is that? If one gains more muscle - your metabolism increase and you burn more caroleries.
    Am I not correct in this matter or am I missing something?
    your 100% correct. but when you come off cycle your estrogen levels rise and if your bf is already high estrogen levels will be naturally high. combine this with cortisol levels being higher and the metabolic affect of the test tapering off when the gear is stopped, you have an environment where estrogenic fat deposits can form. either way, your right about what you said, but that isn't what i was alluding to.

    is that a fact??? - specifically

    "Fat cells are loaded with aromatase, storing large quantities of estrogen. The higher your percentage of body fat, the more estrogen you can produce and the fatter you will be unless you control your diet and use supplements and exercise to lower estrogen production. As you reduce stored body fat, your estrogen conversion will be reduced and symptoms of male menopause and female disorders associated with high estrogen will be greatly retarded."

    estrogenic fat deposits do occur when estrogen levels go above test levels and cortisol levels are high - like after a cycle. the fact that your estrogen levels are higher when your bf is higher will add to the problem once the cycle has ended - fat cells have more estrogen. i had this happen to me when i had a poor pct and crash afterwards due to deca. thats why i let people know that estrogen rebounding can cause estrogenic fat deposits, and occur in my case in the love handles and low back - took a very long time to burn off, over the course of a few cutting cycles. for the information look at dan duchaine. he talks about this stuff in the body opus. this is how i got the information and after having it happen to me im here to say its real and anyone who can should do their best to avoid it.

    to the poster:
    didn't mean to come off like an asshole but you admit you started too early with aas. use the rest of the cycle to try and cut into as much bf as possible and during this time fine tune and tweak your diet so when you go into pct you can make a smooth transition. make sure you have an ai and serm for pct. i would start the ai 2 weeks before the end of the cycle at least and run it for at least 2 weeks post cycle. add the serm in after the cycle when you would start your pct and hopefully that will control your estrogen levels enough that your pct will be quick and easy. good luck and really focus on your diet.
    Last edited by timtim; 11-18-2006 at 09:03 AM.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    GG , I do see that you have lost some BF , maybe use some of the info above to motavate you . Im glade to see this topic because Im in the same place as far as BF . I have been considering starting a cycle now and having a hard time not . I know that I should lose at least 10% BF before I start. Im just excited about putting on bulk Know . Its going to be hard to hold back. I have one question , If you had to do over would you have waited to lose BF BF you started a cycle. Thanks in advance.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Last edited by startlifting; 09-25-2007 at 08:46 PM.

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    n. california
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    How many times do I have to admit I was in the wrong? The fact is that I am already 4 weeks into a cycle so I might as well finnish. I doubt its a total waste of money due to the fact that I can feel the changes happening, unfortunatly my high Bf% is covering up all of my progress. You guys were and are right I was to heavy to start the cycle and I am still too heavy. Now can we move on past that and give me some advice rather than just saying "man you look like a fat weak piece of crap" in so many words. Its true I should have listened but sometimes I get overzelous, especially when you finally find some gear and are sitting on it and it keeps tempting you to try it. Point taken. Like I said earlier you will see a better change in the next set of pics and beleive me I will make sure I am ready this time so hopefully 80% of the remarks wont be negative. I guess I thought I looked better than I really do, I mean I know I am far from chizzled but considering what I looked like 7 months ago I look considerably better....... well at least I thought I did. I dont know what else to say really. Sorry I didnt listen to you guys from the beginning.
    Gallin, yeah now that you've started your cycle you might as well finish up, it will be good experience for you to know how your body reacts. My suggestion would be to really clean up your diet, almost as if your were preparing for a don't have to get that extreme but learn how your body will respond to really eating clean. The thing you will really learn is how food is either friend or foe. It can fvck you up or it can make you look phenomonal. Really, if you're eating food that's always triggering insulin your never going to get lean. When you drop your bodyfat your going to look great, literally like a different person. You've put on a tremendous amount of size and right now you look a little bit like a big brick, thick and solid, not start breaking down the parts that don't belong and your in business. One other thing to keep in mind, your health, you don't want to go through some of the shit I've dealt with (cancer) because you weren't taking care of the machine. I'm fortunate in having a second chance at all of this, check my thread *pictures after chemotherapy 1 month 1 year * The last pics were taken 6 month ago and the others 2 months after chemo. Through really constant attention to my diet and balancing the damage of the chemo drugs I continue to make really great gains at 48 years old, I'll post some new pics in a couple of weeks. I tell you this, not to brag or anything but to give you an example of what you can do when you really focus. I run two businesses and go through all the other crap we all do it's just prioritizing and deciding what you really want in life. One thing I know for sure, whatever you want, if you really focus on the outcome you can achieve your goals. These are just suggestions, do what you want with them, but all my best on reaching your goals.

    Live Strong, Jeff

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Snrf 2 - Bojangles 0
    I think everyone should stop flaming the hell outta people who shouldn't be using roids. I wanna see what happens to some of these chumps (i'm not calling GGallin a chump, he's more ready than many I've seen)
    like I wanna see what this fat fockers 12 week winny cycle did for him and there have been other people who posted on here saying they were gonna juice etc who got scared off so we never saw their results (if any)....they woulda been good for a laugh at least

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Well good work on the fat loss. You have improved greatly. Whether or not you should have done a cycle doesnt matter anymore. But I think you have some idealistic images which are only gonna cause you to b let down later on. Im tellin you this to help you remember.

    When perfect beast said your bi's wll be 16 inches he wasnt over exagerating, I will post a pic of myself in this post that I took last summer. Compare my arms to yours and you be the judge.

    My arms were prolly like 17.5 inches there. Yours at 19inches like you say look smaller than mine there. And to say all you can pinch off your arms is skin....well you are just lying to yourself. It is great to be confident bro dont get me wrong, you have to be in this game. But also be realistic or else you will never truly improve. You gotta be your toughest critic. If I posted pics and people told me Im fat I would say F*ck ya what the hell am I doing. You should be harder on yourself than your worst critic on this site or else you will never be the best you can.

    Anyways, good progress like i said. Just a couple thoughts I wanted to send your way.
    great post.
    just cause you can't "grab" any fat off your arms doesnt mean there isnt fat to lose in that area. g/j w/ the weight loss thus far. if you want great gains, hit the diet forum, even if your schedule doesnt allow for an optimum diet (ie. the # number of meals you have per day), you can atleast change they types of foods you are eating. cant wait to see more pics when you drop the fat. g/l

  11. #51
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    i cant believe people who post own pics to bodybuilding forum and cant take criticism .why you in first place post a pics ?If you are so sensitive..I wont say anything else from you ,dont want to get banned....

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    How many times do I have to admit I was in the wrong? The fact is that I am already 4 weeks into a cycle so I might as well finnish. I doubt its a total waste of money due to the fact that I can feel the changes happening, unfortunatly my high Bf% is covering up all of my progress. You guys were and are right I was to heavy to start the cycle and I am still too heavy. Now can we move on past that and give me some advice rather than just saying "man you look like a fat weak piece of crap" in so many words. Its true I should have listened but sometimes I get overzelous, especially when you finally find some gear and are sitting on it and it keeps tempting you to try it. Point taken. Like I said earlier you will see a better change in the next set of pics and beleive me I will make sure I am ready this time so hopefully 80% of the remarks wont be negative. I guess I thought I looked better than I really do, I mean I know I am far from chizzled but considering what I looked like 7 months ago I look considerably better....... well at least I thought I did. I dont know what else to say really. Sorry I didnt listen to you guys from the beginning.
    i wasnt trying to flame you by saying that you look like youve never seen the inside of a gym before. If you want to see my pics ill be more than glad to pm them to you buddy. Anyways thats besides the point. I agree totally now that your in the middle of the cycle finish it with a blast. But if you want to do this you have to stop ****ing around right now, today, this second is wehre you change man. Go tot he grocery store and stock up on whole wheat carbs and shitload of protein (ig et canned chicken at cosco for hella cheap for extra protein). You can finish this cycle off strong, make that shit perfect man.

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    lookin way better. good work!

  14. #54
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Your mom's
    Quote Originally Posted by C_Bino
    Well good work on the fat loss. You have improved greatly. Whether or not you should have done a cycle doesnt matter anymore. But I think you have some idealistic images which are only gonna cause you to b let down later on. Im tellin you this to help you remember.

    When perfect beast said your bi's wll be 16 inches he wasnt over exagerating, I will post a pic of myself in this post that I took last summer. Compare my arms to yours and you be the judge.

    My arms were prolly like 17.5 inches there. Yours at 19inches like you say look smaller than mine there. And to say all you can pinch off your arms is skin....well you are just lying to yourself. It is great to be confident bro dont get me wrong, you have to be in this game. But also be realistic or else you will never truly improve. You gotta be your toughest critic. If I posted pics and people told me Im fat I would say F*ck ya what the hell am I doing. You should be harder on yourself than your worst critic on this site or else you will never be the best you can.

    Anyways, good progress like i said. Just a couple thoughts I wanted to send your way.
    the tittie master speaks the truth...
    and never disappoints.
    best post on here.

  15. #55
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Come on guys, the guy admitted his mistake, he tought that it would be interesting for us to see the improvements, witch are amazing BTW...

    Can we just give the guy a break?

    I think what had to be said has been said... and was understood... so move on!

    Good work Galin... keep it up!

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by neardark
    Come on guys, the guy admitted his mistake, he tought that it would be interesting for us to see the improvements, witch are amazing BTW...

    Can we just give the guy a break?

    I think what had to be said has been said... and was understood... so move on!

    Good work Galin... keep it up!
    I agree. It takes a lot of guts to post your pictures online here and open yourself up to criticisim. He admits he made a mistake, and I am sure he will hopefully get more advice on diet and and training . I didnt worry about using steroids until I had been training for over 10 years solid. Your money and health will be much better if you wait.

  17. #57
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    GG, I know these posts seem mean and harsh. I lurked this forum for months before joining. I have read many many many threads here and asked a few questions. (and have a couple more to ask)

    One thing I can say in defense of all these guys who posts, is they are honest. Read their posts in any thread. No BS. Always truth and solid advice.

    There are several posts here that contain lots of solid psychological advice. One particular is "You should be your own toughest critic."

    If YOU are not the one saying, man, I need to cut...I need cardio....I need to get by BF down, then you are delusional and lying to yourself. That or the people around you in which you compare yourself are not good role models for that which you seek to achieve.

    Low carbs, high protiens, solid work outs and cardio 2x a week to get you started. Work up to cardio being 3-4x.

    But don't burn yourself out on cardio the first week or two.. .work into it. You aren't going to be able to run a 5 iminute mile the first week. Nothing is more DIScouraging than jumping in feet first to cardio, killing yourself and then walk away never doing it again.

    You should be harsh on yourself. . .these guys will be the one to pick you back up and pat you on your back for progress and intelligent choices. I have seem them do it too many times. But if you come in here over confident, bragging (not saying you were, this is a generalization) after making bad choices after they gave you good advice. . . the smack down to reality is SO brutal. It hurts me to see it. . .seriously.

    Oh, and don't ask questions here if you don't want brutal honest. Remember, when your body is raging with Test, tact NEVER comes to your mind. . .LOL
    Last edited by kynetguy; 11-29-2006 at 09:15 PM.

  18. #58
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    bottom line you should not have done a cycle...ur arms rnt 18 inches,..or whatever u claim...u arnt ready for aas...sorry bro,...they rnt a magic pill


  19. #59
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Thumbs down

    wow test-e and deca at ~40% bodyfat. Waist looks 44-48", watch your bloodpressure/lipids..
    Last edited by tek.; 12-08-2006 at 01:06 PM.

  20. #60
    before i join the flame war id just like to say! 7 months ago! wtf were u thinking man. ur beard is horrible :P haha im sure u know that too.. nice!

    also yeh like everyone else said. too high bf not enough expirence, no definition or proper muscle on thos 19 unch arms. if i were to arm wrestle u with my 15 inch bazookaz i would blow u to peices because i am the terminator! and ill be back

  21. #61
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    OK bro, I am gonna shoot you straight here....really straight. I usually don't post a whole lot in this forum b/c it is usually a bunch of BS where guys tell little skinny guys and really fat guys that they look "great" and have a "good base". THis, to me, is a disservice to the people who posts their pics here. People never really give much "critique" and if they is the "nicest critiques I have seen. THis doesn't open up the posters' eyes to the reality of what they really look like (compared to what they aspire to look like) and gives them no basis on how/where to improve in order to reach their goals. THe way many people post in this forum gives a lot of people a false sense of security when it comes to their physiques. I am not saying this is the case with everyone, but, still, it happens all to often. By me not speaking up here to you, I feel like would be a disservice to you, so with all that said, here we go....

    Straight up brother... you are fat. You are carrying an unhealthy amount of bodyfat and on top of that, you are taking steroids. THAT, my friend, is a recipe for disaster. I don't give a sh*t what kind of "base" someone has, or what kind of base someone "thinks" they have. I would rather see a skinny little lean guy jump on AAS way to early than a big fat guy...why? BECAUSE HIGH BODYFAT PLUS GEAR WILL LEAD A TO WHOLE HOST OF PROBLEMS YOU DO NOT WANT!!! Have you had blod work done? What about blood pressure checked? I would be willing to bet that your cholesterol is ALL ****ked up, your blood pressure is extremely high and god knows what else. This actually kinda scare me and is the only reason I am being so brutally honest with you here...I feel the need to do this to open your eyes because it seems you are pretty stubborn about all this. I knwo you jsut started your cycle and it is exciting, you are getting bigger/stronger so you don't want to stop right now , or its "too late now" etc....but you may regret it down the road. If I were you , I would halt all usage until you get lean.

    Now, with the issue of your body fat already out of the way....on top of that, no, you have no base. I am sorry but if you stripped all of your bodyfat off you would be SHOCKED (in a bad way) at how little muscle you really had. I don't knwo how tall you are but if you are in the 5'10" to 6' range you would probably have to lose 55-70 lbs to be shreaded...I shit you not. YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN WORKING OUT 7 MONTHS!!! AHHHHH. How the hell do you think you would develop a good enough base to justify using gear if you have only been working out for seven months?!?!!?! Not only that, but you say you "admit my diet is not great" That is even worse. This means that you the possible health probelms you may experience from using gear at such a high bodyfat will only be compounded now. This is sad/scary.

    Bro, straight up, you need to come off the wont take long to revoer after being on for such a shoret period of time. THen you need to learn EVERYTHING you can about diet and get your diet right first and start losing A LOT of body fat. You need to train hard for a while and put on some muscle afterwards and then consider gear. I don't eve have a huge issue with guys using gear who are a little underdeveloped or a little young as long as they are within a reasonable bodyfat range, have a clean/healthy diet to minimize health risks and take fulla dvantage of gear, and they have a good idea of how to train and are dedicated about it. I know all this that I posted is not what you wanted to hear bro, but it is the truth....seriously. Don't take it as a flame, but rather take it as someone looking out for you simply because they are aware of the "trainwreck" that could easily happen in your situation. I hope you make the right decisions, best of luck.

  22. #62
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    OK bro, I am gonna shoot you straight here....really straight. I usually don't post a whole lot in this forum b/c it is usually a bunch of BS where guys tell little skinny guys and really fat guys that they look "great" and have a "good base". THis, to me, is a disservice to the people who posts their pics here. People never really give much "critique" and if they is the "nicest critiques I have seen. THis doesn't open up the posters' eyes to the reality of what they really look like (compared to what they aspire to look like) and gives them no basis on how/where to improve in order to reach their goals. THe way many people post in this forum gives a lot of people a false sense of security when it comes to their physiques. I am not saying this is the case with everyone, but, still, it happens all to often. By me not speaking up here to you, I feel like would be a disservice to you, so with all that said, here we go....

    Straight up brother... you are fat. You are carrying an unhealthy amount of bodyfat and on top of that, you are taking steroids. THAT, my friend, is a recipe for disaster. I don't give a sh*t what kind of "base" someone has, or what kind of base someone "thinks" they have. I would rather see a skinny little lean guy jump on AAS way to early than a big fat guy...why? BECAUSE HIGH BODYFAT PLUS GEAR WILL LEAD A TO WHOLE HOST OF PROBLEMS YOU DO NOT WANT!!! Have you had blod work done? What about blood pressure checked? I would be willing to bet that your cholesterol is ALL ****ked up, your blood pressure is extremely high and god knows what else. This actually kinda scare me and is the only reason I am being so brutally honest with you here...I feel the need to do this to open your eyes because it seems you are pretty stubborn about all this. I knwo you jsut started your cycle and it is exciting, you are getting bigger/stronger so you don't want to stop right now , or its "too late now" etc....but you may regret it down the road. If I were you , I would halt all usage until you get lean.

    Now, with the issue of your body fat already out of the way....on top of that, no, you have no base. I am sorry but if you stripped all of your bodyfat off you would be SHOCKED (in a bad way) at how little muscle you really had. I don't knwo how tall you are but if you are in the 5'10" to 6' range you would probably have to lose 55-70 lbs to be shreaded...I shit you not. YOU HAVE ONLY BEEN WORKING OUT 7 MONTHS!!! AHHHHH. How the hell do you think you would develop a good enough base to justify using gear if you have only been working out for seven months?!?!!?! Not only that, but you say you "admit my diet is not great" That is even worse. This means that you the possible health probelms you may experience from using gear at such a high bodyfat will only be compounded now. This is sad/scary.

    Bro, straight up, you need to come off the wont take long to revoer after being on for such a shoret period of time. THen you need to learn EVERYTHING you can about diet and get your diet right first and start losing A LOT of body fat. You need to train hard for a while and put on some muscle afterwards and then consider gear. I don't eve have a huge issue with guys using gear who are a little underdeveloped or a little young as long as they are within a reasonable bodyfat range, have a clean/healthy diet to minimize health risks and take fulla dvantage of gear, and they have a good idea of how to train and are dedicated about it. I know all this that I posted is not what you wanted to hear bro, but it is the truth....seriously. Don't take it as a flame, but rather take it as someone looking out for you simply because they are aware of the "trainwreck" that could easily happen in your situation. I hope you make the right decisions, best of luck.
    hey man do you think you can critique my pic? i need someone like you to give their opinion

  23. #63
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    u should just comeoff and look at dropping bf as priority #1, sure you're gonna drop a minor ammount fat on test/deca but eating over maintanace you're just wasting your time. You need to comeoff the gear or fine use test but drop the cals to 2000-2200, you dont have much mass under the blubber. I wouldn't be worried about being "huge" for the time being, size will come. For now just spend the next 6-9months dropping bodyfat

  24. #64
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    hey man do you think you can critique my pic? i need someone like you to give their opinion
    Are you being sarcastic here, or would you really like me to critique your pic? If you are being serious, I would be glad to....if you put a pic up.

    Just so you guys understand, my post above was not meant to put the guy down, otherwise I would have called him names and made fun of him. My purpose of that post, rather, was to open his eyes to the reality of his actual physical state, which his view of seems to be quite flawed at the moment. That is all. Not only that, but I figured it would take drastic meaures to open someones eyes like this who seems to be so stubborn. I am honestly worried about his health. Shit, my cholesterol and blood pressure get a little out of whack when I am 13-15% bodyfat AND still eating clean. This guy is 25% + and not even eating clean. That is scary. This is a ticking time bomb for health disaster over time.

  25. #65
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    Are you being sarcastic here, or would you really like me to critique your pic? If you are being serious, I would be glad to....if you put a pic up.

    Just so you guys understand, my post above was not meant to put the guy down, otherwise I would have called him names and made fun of him. My purpose of that post, rather, was to open his eyes to the reality of his actual physical state, which his view of seems to be quite flawed at the moment. That is all. Not only that, but I figured it would take drastic meaures to open someones eyes like this who seems to be so stubborn. I am honestly worried about his health. Shit, my cholesterol and blood pressure get a little out of whack when I am 13-15% bodyfat AND still eating clean. This guy is 25% + and not even eating clean. That is scary. This is a ticking time bomb for health disaster over time.
    i was being serious...i have them up, it's titled Me!!!

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    before i join the flame war id just like to say! 7 months ago! wtf were u thinking man. ur beard is horrible :P haha im sure u know that too.. nice!

    also yeh like everyone else said. too high bf not enough expirence, no definition or proper muscle on thos 19 unch arms. if i were to arm wrestle u with my 15 inch bazookaz i would blow u to peices because i am the terminator! and ill be back
    Can you say CHEESDICK. Quoting arnold, you damne french are so pompus, you wish you were Brittish and you wish you were american but you are just left over anglo-euro trash. Fly your 15 inchers over here and give it a try you french pu$$y.

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Can you say CHEESDICK. Quoting arnold, you damne french are so pompus, you wish you were Brittish and you wish you were american but you are just left over anglo-euro trash. Fly your 15 inchers over here and give it a try you french pu$$y.
    he's not french he just lives there...he's really an aussie

  28. #68
    Quote Originally Posted by GGallin
    Can you say CHEESDICK. Quoting arnold, you damne french are so pompus, you wish you were Brittish and you wish you were american but you are just left over anglo-euro trash. Fly your 15 inchers over here and give it a try you french pu$$y.
    racism is not tolerated.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    May 2002
    im source cheks
    so the guy cycled most people...he admits it, and is looking for help. i wonder how many guys pointing the finger reached thier 'genetic potential' before taking the plunge..yeah, what you did was stupid, but staying dedicated and getting yourself in shape is a smart thing to do from here are definately making progress, i can definately see added muscle and some fat taken off ya..keep your diet sound and training regular, and keep it natty for a while after you come off.
    keep at it bro.

  30. #70
    hold up i reread that comment and damn man, u are truely a bad person at life. u do not deserve any help at all. im australian and even if i were french its better then being you, because you are racist and it will come back at you.

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Quote Originally Posted by Foskamink
    hold up i reread that comment and damn man, u are truely a bad person at life. u do not deserve any help at all. im australian and even if i were french its better then being you, because you are racist and it will come back at you.
    How am I racist, I am white you are white. I didnt call you a honkey I called you anglo-euro trash. And first of all you bashed me first buddy I only retalliated. So in my book you are the bad person at life as you put it. Why dont you go back and read you first posts to me. I am not an asshole for defending my self. So piss off and go back to the land down under with crocodile dundee you bloody wanker. Oh and why did you change your Avatar? Are you a little self conscious after what I said about your pic. And if any one should be banned its you for all the bad remarks you made FIRST! Oh and you still look scrawny in your new avatar, I would rather be fat than tiny. Eat a couple power bars and come back to judge me when you yourself look good.
    Last edited by GGallin; 12-12-2006 at 10:44 AM.

  32. #72
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Ggallin forget about if. anything read spounds post he took some time and he is really good guy.. check it out

  33. #73
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Quote Originally Posted by FaizakaFez
    Ggallin forget about if. anything read spounds post he took some time and he is really good guy.. check it out
    Totally, I respect the comments that were not just plain rude. Which some of your guys posts were. There is a difference between critiqueing and just being a dick.

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    GGallin, you have definatly made progress since 7 months ago. Spend some time in the diet forum too. Hopefully you have gotten your diet in check and have made some gains in the past month. Lets see the new pics.

  35. #75
    i changed my avatar. to show my traps. as ive been noticeing more in them lately. dont see what u wrote to even put my mind on my pictures. i do look good and i know it. racist isnt always about color, ur ignorance shows. seriously only thing u can say about australia is what steve irwin and crocodile dundee?
    please. 2 professional wildlife experts, done tv shows and movie and made alot of money. yeh they are sooo funny. everyone cmon and laugh cause its hilarious!

  36. #76
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Listen Fos just read my post on this Thread
    Sorry for bashing you back but like I said you bit firts. And then we can all move on with our lives.
    Did I say something about Steve Irwin? He was a funny guy though KRIKEY!

  37. #77
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Ununited States
    Function: noun
    Pronunciation: 'rA-"si-z&m also -"shi-
    1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
    2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
    - racĀ·ist/-sist also -shist/ noun or adjective

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