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Thread: What is the meaning of life ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    What is the meaning of life ?

    Im sure this has been asked lots of times before but theres loads of new members now.

    I believe there is NO meaning in life and that humans evolved by accident many trillion years ago by 2 chemicals / compounds in the earths atmosphere been in the right place at the right time. Thats it. No god.

    Over time we developed more and more until we turned into what we look at in the mirror each day.

    And in the end our own fate and the fate of this planet will be down to us and not some sort of intervention by a greater power.

    There is no heaven or hell if there is then were is it ? In the mind thats were and when we all die we rot in the ground or get cremated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    i believe in God

  3. #3
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    I believe my purpose in life is to return to my heavenly Father

  4. #4
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    so ur an athiest...i believe theres a god...i believe he has been there for me...i believe in heaven because i dont know what else to think and it hurts my head to think there is something else...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    Im sure this has been asked lots of times before but theres loads of new members now.

    I believe there is NO meaning in life and that humans evolved by accident many trillion years ago by 2 chemicals / compounds in the earths atmosphere been in the right place at the right time. Thats it. No god.

    Over time we developed more and more until we turned into what we look at in the mirror each day.

    And in the end our own fate and the fate of this planet will be down to us and not some sort of intervention by a greater power.

    There is no heaven or hell if there is then were is it ? In the mind thats were and when we all die we rot in the ground or get cremated.
    What are you nuts... God just forgot to mention about those colloding molecules in primeval soup in the bible, along with a few other things like the dinosaurs and the trillions of other planets in the universe he created. C'mon he cant remember everything he was busy allowing attrocities such as the holocaust to happen. You wanna good burning at the steak for your heresy bro.. shame on you

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    so ur an athiest...i believe theres a god...i believe he has been there for me...i believe in heaven because i dont know what else to think and it hurts my head to think there is something else...
    hey thats cool bro. i aint into dissin other ppls beliefs

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    hey thats cool bro. i aint into dissin other ppls beliefs
    word...when i think theres something besides heaven and hell..i cant come up with it just black for eternity?...i dont believe god made the earth, but i do believe he's up there...

  8. #8
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    The meaning of life = Girls, and gear.

  9. #9
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    so your way of thinking.. there is no reason for life, there fore life has no value.. thus killing someone should have no negative results...

    but then again, punishing that killer has no results either.. so what does it matter..

    Maybe hitler had it right in the 1st place..???
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  10. #10
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    right now im at a moment in my life that i dont know what to believe. i was raised catholic and always believed in christ and his creator God but the more and more science is proving things things just dont seem to make sense. the main thing that is scary for me is that once we die is that it? is there no heaven? also how do ghosts exist without there being an after life?

  11. #11
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    There is no God.

    The meaning of life is to evolve and either survive or die.

  12. #12
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    The meaning of life is the same for humans as it is for every other living thing down to and including amoeba, that is to survive and reproduce. It is not in the interests of ones kind to kill one and other. Genocide on the scale of the holocaust is relatively small scale when compared to the world population and Hitler was a deranged lunatic as are all mass murderers and cant be classed as a typical humans on which to base an argument

  13. #13
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    Im the reason all of you live. SERVE ME, WORSHIP ME.

  14. #14
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    the reason we live is to reproduce. Squeeze out a few puppys and call it a day. We are animals, we run off of pure instinked. Guys find a girl with large breast sexy because they know that if that girl has his kid she cane feed him. Girlls find a guy with a vshape sexy because they feel protected around him and if they have his kid the v shape normally means good health and good immune system, and thiose genes would be passed down to make a strong healthy baby

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    the reason we live is to reproduce. Squeeze out a few puppys and call it a day. We are animals, we run off of pure instinked. Guys find a girl with large breast sexy because they know that if that girl has his kid she cane feed him. Girlls find a guy with a vshape sexy because they feel protected around him and if they have his kid the v shape normally means good health and good immune system, and thiose genes would be passed down to make a strong healthy baby
    so why do we marry?? why do we not just have sex with every woman we have contact with??

    choice?? or have we evolved to control our emotions, and thus now we are no longer natural.. but perverted
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    so why do we marry?? why do we not just have sex with every woman we have contact with??

    choice?? or have we evolved to control our emotions, and thus now we are no longer natural.. but perverted
    If we had evolved our emotions so much why do people cheat. Its not natural for us to marry, that is why when your married its not like you stop thinking of other women.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    word...when i think theres something besides heaven and hell..i cant come up with it just black for eternity?...i dont believe god made the earth, but i do believe he's up there...
    the only thing that is up there is the ever deteriorating ozone layer and a shit load of space.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    so why do we marry?? why do we not just have sex with every woman we have contact with??

    choice?? or have we evolved to control our emotions, and thus now we are no longer natural.. but perverted

    Because we invented concepts like law and society and morals and ethics.

  19. #19
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    Feb 2005
    its natural to want to reproduce with every girl out there...thats why we're so horny...but evolution has made us communicate and have emotions unlike lots of animals..

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    the only thing that is up there is the ever deteriorating ozone layer and a shit load of space.
    so heaven can be out there somewhere in a black hole or something...we havent even begun to explore near .00000000001% of space..

  21. #21
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    I dont think animals are devoid of emotions, swans for instance usually stay with one partner and are very protective of one another...just that animals are able to detatch themselves a LOT easier than humans. Its all about survival. Survival and evolution and whos strongest.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    so your way of thinking.. there is no reason for life, there fore life has no value.. thus killing someone should have no negative results...

    but then again, punishing that killer has no results either.. so what does it matter..

    Maybe hitler had it right in the 1st place..???
    I think thats a fairly slippery slope bro. I dont think he meant that at all, just because he thinks it has no meaning is not indicative of him thinking murder is ok. C'mon now.

    Life has value, but its just what YOU make it, is what I think he is saying, because thats exactly what I believe. I do not believe in a god, sure I think there is a greater power or else how did all of this start, but I would never believe or follow any religion.

  23. #23
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    I ont beleive in god. I think in a few hundered years christianity will fall just like old religons and it will be rep[laced with somthing new.

  24. #24
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    If there was no superior being, then how did time and space come into existence? That isn't something where two chemicals come together and poof. It's creating something from nothing, absolute nothing.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    I ont beleive in god. I think in a few hundered years christianity will fall just like old religons and it will be rep[laced with somthing new.

    I hope so but I fear the human race will always jump at their own shadows and hold onto old superstitions.

  26. #26
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    The eternal question, i have been asking this myself this year in 2006 the worst year of my life to date.

    For me or what i can see from life is that its a big test and you either overcome what ever is trown at you and grow from this or deal with the issue the same way so it keeps on coming back.

    I would very much like to have some kind of proof other then the bible that there is an after life, and a purpose to life itself.

    Sometimes life is pushing some stuff at you, my mother has no self esteem what so ever and she is a very negative person, she never drove the car and never done nothing by herself, when my father passed away from cancer last year, she started to drive the car and do things on her own, its sad has hell that my father died from cancer but to think of it was that my mother's test to see if she could take care of my father like she did, and is now able to do things by herself.

    My female cat died 1 month after my father, she was only 6 years old and i love her so much, in the morning i was playing with her yet at 3pm my girlfriend called me telling me that the cat was dead on her bed.

    Has of now i dont really give a fukk about nothing, i am not affected by anything life throws at me cause in 2006 i seen it all.

    One of my work buddies has cancer and he is 43 years old, its sad but i dont let it get to me.

    I live my life, love my girlfriend and our 3 cats and when its my time to die then i will just die. I stop asking myself all the useless questions.
    Last edited by sonar1234; 12-12-2006 at 03:20 PM.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    so why do we marry?? why do we not just have sex with every woman we have contact with??

    choice?? or have we evolved to control our emotions, and thus now we are no longer natural.. but perverted
    Good question and I believe I can answer it. People have to pair in order to reproduce. Marridge is an invention of religion not just christianity but pagan religions too. I believe religions came into being as humans soceities evolved and became larger they had to be controlled somehow in order to organize resources and suchlike, so religion is just another manifestation of evolution and in time will iether survive or die. Perversions as you call them are nothing more than our animal instinct to reproduce coming to the surface. Just as your dog goes through the motions of trampling the vegetation as he lies down on the rug.

    There have been a few evolution vs creation threads recently, it never ceases to amaze me how normaly rational people can suddenly become whackos as soon as religion is mentioned.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    If there was no superior being, then how did time and space come into existence? That isn't something where two chemicals come together and poof. It's creating something from nothing, absolute nothing.
    Time is man made. Its not real nor are years and dates. they are just markers to help us keep track of things. Do you see a squirel wearing a wrist watch, i dont think so. Yes we have seasons but birds dont fly south every year at the same date. Turtles and bears do not start hybernating at the same time every year. They have a general schedule because of the weather

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    If there was no superior being, then how did time and space come into existence? That isn't something where two chemicals come together and poof. It's creating something from nothing, absolute nothing.

    You have a point cause I believe EVERYTHING has a beginning. Oh im sure there some things that can go on forever or an eternity but everything has a beginning or a start. Its like the chicken and the egg theory, it was clearly the egg that came first. But then if a superior being created the universe, how did IT come into existance and blahblahblah.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by lucabratzi
    so heaven can be out there somewhere in a black hole or something...we havent even begun to explore near .00000000001% of space..
    so if that sthe case, how do u get there ?easyjet ?

    you just flawed ur own argument cos in christianitys theory you only get to heaven when ur dead. But im alive and well yet I know where the black hole is so theroreticaly I can get there if we had the means possible, which we wil one day eventualy have

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chemical King
    so if that sthe case, how do u get there ?easyjet ?

    you just flawed ur own argument cos in christianitys theory you only get to heaven when ur dead. But im alive and well yet I know where the black hole is so theroreticaly I can get there if we had the means possible, which we wil one day eventualy have
    Will you pay for my ticket their

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    Time is man made. Its not real nor are years and dates. they are just markers to help us keep track of things. Do you see a squirel wearing a wrist watch, i dont think so. Yes we have seasons but birds dont fly south every year at the same date. Turtles and bears do not start hybernating at the same time every year. They have a general schedule because of the weather
    Time, not as in oh what time is it, but time as in the opportunity for action to occur. If there were no people, no planets, no space, there would be no essence of time. Therefore we have time, something started it.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg
    You have a point cause I believe EVERYTHING has a beginning. Oh im sure there some things that can go on forever or an eternity but everything has a beginning or a start. Its like the chicken and the egg theory, it was clearly the egg that came first. But then if a superior being created the universe, how did IT come into existance and blahblahblah.
    Because we're the 'supreme being's' science project, like sea-monkeys.

  34. #34
    Join Date
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    sea monkeys were such a dispointment

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    The meaning of life is simply what you make it mean.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    Because we're the 'supreme being's' science project, like sea-monkeys.
    In that case, life/existance is just a loop. Like the infinity sign. Cause then that supreme being is the experiment of something greater that IT and so on. But all the while SOMETHING exists, the question beggars...what came before that. So a infinity loop wraps it all up nicely.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by skipp
    If there was no superior being, then how did time and space come into existence? That isn't something where two chemicals come together and poof. It's creating something from nothing, absolute nothing.
    Good question and Ive heard it answered in the media by the scientific community as a simple " I dont know" they didnt make up some elaborate story and burn people at the steak who didnt believe it.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by beuleux
    Good question and Ive heard it answered in the media by the scientific community as a simple " I dont know" they didnt make up some elaborate story and burn people at the steak who didnt believe it.
    I burned a steak the other day. I fell asleep while ai had it on my george forman grill

  39. #39
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    george foreman grill is overrated

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by italianplayboy09
    george foreman grill is overrated
    NO WAY. I love that thing. It knockes out the fat

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