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Thread: dbol

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada

    Angry dbol

    Sup everyone this is my first post here and I'm hoping you guys can help me out. I'm 21, 130lbs, not sure of body fat but i'm sure it's low. I 've been working out for the last 2yrs on and off. My question is dbol, how much, how often, is it worth it for me, is it as bad as people say for your liver, will I keep my gains are there any side effects if taken properly and do I have to take anything after like clomid. I'm sure there is more but I'll leave that to you guys any and all info is welcome if you read this post please put something down help a new comer out, this will be my first cycle

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Bro you might want to do a little research first. But d-bol only isn't the smartest thing you can do for a first cycle. Everyone says you lose almost all gains, you don't but you will lose some as well as a good deal of strength. You will def. need clomid after. You should read up some more and look into stacking it w/ an injectable for better results. You first cycle is the best so make the best of it. Good luck with whatever you do.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    thanx for the reply, I'm trying to stay away from injectables and where can I get clomid can I buy it in stores? and keep the info comin guys


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    i got a lot of stupid friends that don't research, and time and time again i hear about them bragging about how their going to juice. These idiots don't even look into researching the shit. They just listen to their "trustful suppleir" wink wink. Give me a break, at least u'r asking questions, and know u'll learn. Don't do dbol on its own as it retains huge amounts of water and is meant to be stacked. And like all water after time it goes away, right away. So don't be like my friends who claim that dbol on its own is going to make them huge, cause their supplier has them wrapped around his finger, makeing them false promises and then saying u need more when no results are evident. That MF charges $600 for an 8 week cycle of deca! thats obsurd! sorry brothers didn't mean to rag on everyone but this has been on my mind for some time now and i had to get it out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    D-bol is a great choice for a first cycle, but it is essential to also use a test, and about not wanting to inject, if thats how you feel bro i would reconsider using gear in the first place.....Get over the phobia, put together a test-d-bol-and say equipoise cycle and watch yourself grow,grow,grow......Sounds like there is alot of research that you need to do before considering a cycle, learn everything you can first off, then put your cycle into .02

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    I know you guy's aren't very big on dbol by itself but unfortunately it is all that I have access to. Will i not retain any of my gains if I do choose to go ahead with it and what sideffects are there, also what will I have to take post cycle if anything at all

    thanx for all you replies

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    You will lose some of your gains but not all. You must take clomid post cycle, and don't be afraid to do some research about sides and stuff. Everyone reacts different to substances, w/ d-bol you will retain water, possibly elevated blood pressure, speed baldness if your prone, acne, the usualy stuff. Keep researching bro.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    thanx Kull where can I get clomid is it legal in Can or USA and is it really needed what will happen if I can't get (i'm sure you guys have answer this ? a ton of times)


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001

    Red face

    you will die. just jokeing the only way to get clomid is to get a doctor to give it to you or find it through the black market. it is not that hard to come by. if you dont get clomid your test levels will be low for a long time and they mit not come all the way back up and most likely you will lose all your gains and the money that you spent will be wasted.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    D-Bol only cycle will give you some mass but a lot will be water retention.You will need Clomid post cycle and you will need Nolvadex in case of Gyno which is a side effect from most AAS.
    Staying away from Inj limits your options.

    You say your b/w is 130lbs how tall are you? Sounds like you could put some weight naturally.

    What is you diet like?


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Get rid of that needle phobia. Its all in your head, so get it over with. Go out and buy a bunch of injectibles and you'll be forced to use a needle. Do some research on injecting and you'll be fine. Good luck!

  12. #12
    The original jason Guest
    well bro wwhat I would suggest is a few things if you can only get dbol to be honest then I wouldnt cycle cos its not hard to find juice you need to look some more research and stuff at youur weight there is plenty of room for natural improvement that would take hard work what you need to realise is that juice is not a miracle pill and will not make u massive quickly!. I think if we looked at your diet and gave u some help there im 100% positive u dont eat enough there are so many factors to getting bigger not just dbol you got to be carefull if you do it right then you can grow slowly but surely and safely be carefull take it easy


  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    First off, research RESEARCH RESEARCH!!!!. Then take some time to look at your diet. I would BET you are not eating NEARLY enough to get any natural gains. You should try and get your cals up to 4000 a day and be hitting the gym like a mad man. Keep the cardio to a min and again EAT EAT EAT!!!!! steroids are not for you at this point at all. D-bol alone is secound only to anadrol for the shittiest stand alone cycles. You NEED to build a good base of mass before you start steroids or it will be hard as hell to maintain any size you get from a cycle. So just keep working out HARD, EAT EAT EAT, and read EVERYTHING you can find on steroids.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Well said BG21

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by Shogun97 View Post
    thanx for the reply, I'm trying to stay away from injectables and where can I get clomid can I buy it in stores? and keep the info comin guys

    People on here aren't going to right up a whole cycle for you and do all your research for you - and rightly so. The more you research yourself the more you'll understand the potential benefits and the all too often side effects from AAS use - both in the short and long term. You need to build up not only a physical foundation base, but also a mental foundation base through which you can make a better and more informed decision.

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