I dont know why but lately im constantly tired. I get about 10 hours of sleep a night and after a simple task as driving somewhere im exhausted. Anyone know causes?
I dont know why but lately im constantly tired. I get about 10 hours of sleep a night and after a simple task as driving somewhere im exhausted. Anyone know causes?
Have you ever been diagnosed with depression or anxiety?
Go to the doc, it couldn't hurt.
I have the same thing happening to me, but then again, I always feel like this during the winter when I am trying to put on mass by eating a TON and traing very intensely. I swear though, I oculd take a nap at any time of the day for as long as I want...on a dime. Kinda sucks...it keeps me from gettting my schoolwork doen.
maybe aneamia, or diabetes?
damn i have the same feeling too and diabetes does run in both sides of my familyOriginally Posted by donniebrasco
my bloodwork is always fine....
Depression/anxiety will definitely do the trick. But I'm pretty sure the list of possibilities is endless. Probably be best to just check with the doc.Originally Posted by cfiler
i had that for about 4-6 weeks. it went away, not sure what it was. i dont think it was depression or anxiety. well maybe. but i couldnt really go hard at the gym or anything. wasnt a good time of the year
do you sleep with out waking up. that is you have uninterrupted sleep. do you snore? if so you may have sleep apnea.Originally Posted by justinandrews7
I've heard a high RBC count can cause lethargy...I read a thread somewhere about this and some bros giving some blood to lower their count and they felt much better afterwards...
Get some lab work...see where your counts are at...if everything is normal, it may be a psychological issue then.
Good luck,
cant help u there...i am constintly tired but thats cause i dont sleep cuase of anxiety...
lol, ditto + anxiety about not sleeping. vicious cycle.Originally Posted by lucabratzi
i could probably be excommunicated for saying this but i found new energy after i stopped eating red meat and added lots of fiber to my diet. after two months my energy levels are up and consistent throughout the day.
really...what kinds of foods do u eat for fiber...also who told u about this diet..Originally Posted by omni
Though I am always reading the diet forums here, this is based on my actual experience towards boosting my energy. Two months ago I specifically set out to boost my energy. I was tired of being tired. So I went to see a family doctor. After a bloodtest I knew I had to change my ways.Originally Posted by lucabratzi
The red meat thing was a direct result of my doctor telling me to lower my cholesterol and triglycerides. And its important to add that, I have completely dropped dairy foods, too. I thought this would be hard but after a couple of months I don't miss either.
Fiber comes from one serving each of black beans, oatmeal, spinach, and apples per day. Always with some form of protein. This helps me get to six meals per day. Additionally, I will take soluble fiber supplements like psyllium husk. Because of the fiber it is easier to manage other carbohydates
I am definitely not one of of those trail-mix/granola type of guys. But I have found some miracle foods and I stick to a simple diet.
Maybe some injectable B-12 could help some....
i thought about it but i dont know if im down for injecting yetOriginally Posted by shrpskn
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