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Thread: need help with igf and bw!

  1. #1

    need help with igf and bw!

    hello guys,

    my igf is already reconstituted in a 1000mcg bottle and comes with a 30ml bottle of bacteriostatic water. I dont know how much of what to draw for a 20mcg jab in a 1ML(100unit) barrel. Dont seem to understand the mcg according to the barrel. Any help would be grately appreciated. Cheers

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by moe123
    hello guys,

    my igf is already reconstituted in a 1000mcg bottle and comes with a 30ml bottle of bacteriostatic water. I dont know how much of what to draw for a 20mcg jab in a 1ML(100unit) barrel. Dont seem to understand the mcg according to the barrel. Any help would be grately appreciated. Cheers
    first, do not add any bacteriostatic water directly to the vial of igf !

    For 20 mcg, your gonna want 0.02 mL which is about a quarter of the way between nothing and the '10' mark on the barrel which is nearly impossible to accurately measure!

    My recommendation, purchase some acetic acid and add 5mL to your vial. If you use 5mL, then 20mcg = the '10' mark which is much easier!

    then you can add some bact. water to the syringe with the 20mcg to dilute the shot a little if you feel like it stings a bit, but IMO, not neccesary

  3. #3

    Do u know of any site where i cn purchase the acetic acid and will post out to the UK?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    how many mls of solvent has it been reconstituted with already? If it is 1 ml/1000mcg (which i suspect it is) then each little tick on a u100 slin pin is 20mcg. Simply draw up the desired ammount into slin pin (for example 2 ticks for 40mcg) then draw some BW into the slin pin to dilute and shoot it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by moe123

    Do u know of any site where i cn purchase the acetic acid and will post out to the UK?

  6. #6
    It is in liquid form. Do i hav to add the acetic acid or is it ready to shoot???? Im bein told by some that if it is in liquid form it has already been reconstituted?
    Last edited by moe123; 12-14-2006 at 07:14 AM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    first off, edit that post quick, you cannot have that link or the lab name!

    next, yes it is reconstituted 1000mcg/1mL

    but as i said before, if you want 20mcg it will be very hard to measure on a U100 slin pin with only 1mL

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    heres the simple math breakdown

    you want 20mcg out of 1000mcg?

    20/1000 = 0.02

    now if you are using 1mL of solution...

    0.02 x 1ml = 0.02

    which is, like is said, not even a quarter of the way between nothing and the 10 mark on the slin pin

    now if you use 5mL of solution....

    .02 x 5mL = 0.1 which is the 10 mark on the slin pin (much easier to read)

    personally i use 2mL, and shoot 0.1 (10 mark) to get 50mcg

    good luck

  9. #9
    lol, iv edited it! Thanks mate! last question, what pin size do u guys use to draw the ifg n bw??? Thanks a million!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by moe123
    lol, iv edited it! Thanks mate! last question, what pin size do u guys use to draw the ifg n bw??? Thanks a million!
    Insulin U100 Pin 29gauge x 1/2" long

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