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Thread: Stop hgh, igf, aas due to injury?

  1. #1

    Stop hgh, igf, aas due to injury?

    I pulled/sprained 3 muscles in my sholder. Can't barelly move it let alone work out. The injury did not happen at the gym or from the gym. It was from arm wrestling. (stupid ass move) Went to the chiro and he said i'll proberly be at least 2 weeks out of the gym maybe more.

    I"m in my 2nd week of hgh and igf-1 and a month in to my aas cycle of test, deca, eq,dbol anadrol.

    My question is should i stop everything since i can't go lift or stop aas and igf and just keep doing hgh?? Thanks for any input, have a nice day
    Last edited by eko ramadan; 12-14-2006 at 08:38 AM.

  2. #2
    If you will be back lifting in two weeks then stay on IMO.

    jing jai

  3. #3
    yea i'm hoping everything goes back to normal within a couple weeks. Its just i'm in sooo much pain and it scares the crap out of me it wont be 2 weeks. I'll be at the gym 5-6 days a week either way doing legs and abs. So i should stay on the normal routine with everything?

  4. #4
    might reduce the dosage of the HGH and IGF-1 ... but stay on them.

    maybe drop the aas for a couple weeks.

    the HGH/igf-1 should help your healing

  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by surazal
    might reduce the dosage of the HGH and IGF-1 ... but stay on them.

    maybe drop the aas for a couple weeks.

    the HGH/igf-1 should help your healing
    i'm only on 2.5iu of hgh and 50mcg igf right now as i'm bumping it up week by week. i think i'm gonna drop aas and keep the hgh and igf at the same dosage till i heal. Thanks for the help

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by eko ramadan
    i'm only on 2.5iu of hgh and 50mcg igf right now as i'm bumping it up week by week.
    oh ... no need to drop them

    good luck

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by surazal
    might reduce the dosage of the HGH and IGF-1 ... but stay on them.

    maybe drop the aas for a couple weeks.

    the HGH/igf-1 should help your healing
    and let your hormones take a rollercoaster ride? stay on it as planned and take the weeks lost,lesson learned. never do arm wrestling.


  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by rodge
    and let your hormones take a rollercoaster ride? stay on it as planned and take the weeks lost,lesson learned. never do arm wrestling.

    Thanks rodge, can always count on your advise

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New York
    Yea arm wrestling can end up bad. I pulled a muscle in my forearm real nice from it because I had to be a tough guy and it messed up how much weight i could lift for like two months.

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