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Thread: My 1000 iu report - and one question!

  1. #1

    My 1000 iu report - and one question!


    Thought I was going to post a report on my HGH results. Hav used 1000 iu of jin only. No AAS and nothing else. I have been using for 6 months and I have only 100 iu left. I am now tappering down to 2 iu a`day.

    Started out at 3,3 iu/day/7 days a week. After four weeks I moved up to 5 iu/day/7 days a week and thats when the magic happened.

    I have had strength gains all through my cycle. I have been on a low calorie diet high in protein, medium - low in fat and low in carbohydrates.
    I have lost 40 pounds of bodyweight and managed to gain strength all thorugh the cycle.

    I have split my dosage into morning and afternoon shots.

    No sides; only some carpal (I kind of liked it

    - Fat loss
    - Strength gains
    - Improved sleep
    - High quality skin improvements and wrincle decrease

    My question:

    I` am going to start IGF1-LR3 only cycle now, but I don`t hav acsess to pharmaceutical grade Astetic Acid.
    Is it safe to make my own with clear Vinegar from the supermarked?
    Have anyone of you guys done this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2005
    wow, 40 lbs in 6 months? i used 2 iu ed for about 7 or 8 months. nothing really. mine was script (saizen) and very spendy. never tried igf but i may give them a go together, i've read that's when you really see gains and bf loss. good luck

  3. #3

    My astetic acid question - anyone please answer

    I` am going to start IGF1-LR3 only cycle now, but I don`t hav acsess to pharmaceutical grade Astetic Acid.
    Is it safe to make my own with clear Vinegar from the supermarked?
    Have anyone of you guys done this?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Nice job on the gains and success.

    Acetic acid can be purchased on a few sites, one has already been provided..

    What kind of LR3 are you using? In some circumstances Acetic acid is useful and in others not.

  6. #6
    What does the Astetic Acid do? Is this supposed to be done post HGH cycle?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by P!ttzburgh1
    What does the Astetic Acid do? Is this supposed to be done post HGH cycle?
    Why do people keep saying Astetic acid? If we're talking about Acetic acid, then chances are it's what this persons LR3 is dissolved in.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    What kind of LR3 are you using? In some circumstances Acetic acid is useful and in others not.
    in what circumstances its not useful with igf? Only thing i can think off is the injection pain, i almost dont feel anything with AA but with BW it's completly painless

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Glutes & Quads
    Quote Originally Posted by fred9
    in what circumstances its not useful with igf? Only thing i can think off is the injection pain, i almost dont feel anything with AA but with BW it's completly painless

    Fred what's up buddy, long time no talk :-).

    I wouldnt recommend adding AA to LR3 dissolved in BA. The only person I know of that carries LR3 like that is O M E G A. I have had some complain b/c when they added AA to their O LR3 it turned to Gel.

    I'd only add BW to LR3 Dissolved in BA.

    Plus you're right Fred, BW does help tremendously with the Injection pain...

  10. #10
    Quote Originally Posted by Jayhova
    Nice job on the gains and success.

    Acetic acid can be purchased on a few sites, one has already been provided..

    What kind of LR3 are you using? In some circumstances Acetic acid is useful and in others not.
    Thank you for answer.
    I have genlei igf-1LR3, it comes in 100 mcg. vials and i only have sterile wather that came with the kits. According to the producer it`s only stable for 24 hours when reconstituted. I am going to try a low dose protocol with spot injections so I need the igf to be stable for a longer time.
    I live in a country where customs will stop anything I trie to order. My source don`t have Acetic Acid. I will have to make my own.......

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