Thought I was going to post a report on my HGH results. Hav used 1000 iu of jin only. No AAS and nothing else. I have been using for 6 months and I have only 100 iu left. I am now tappering down to 2 iu a`day.
Started out at 3,3 iu/day/7 days a week. After four weeks I moved up to 5 iu/day/7 days a week and thats when the magic happened.
I have had strength gains all through my cycle. I have been on a low calorie diet high in protein, medium - low in fat and low in carbohydrates.
I have lost 40 pounds of bodyweight and managed to gain strength all thorugh the cycle.
I have split my dosage into morning and afternoon shots.
No sides; only some carpal (I kind of liked it
- Fat loss
- Strength gains
- Improved sleep
- High quality skin improvements and wrincle decrease
My question:
I` am going to start IGF1-LR3 only cycle now, but I don`t hav acsess to pharmaceutical grade Astetic Acid.
Is it safe to make my own with clear Vinegar from the supermarked?
Have anyone of you guys done this?