i did my first shot of deca and sust last monday eve right quad, 2ml deca and 1ml sust using a 23g 1"1/4 needle with a 3ml syringe. tell the truth i enjoyed it very much there was no pain from the needle but the following 4-5 days the quad was very sore the same sort of feeling a day after a legz workout.
last night i decided to split the deca and sust into different syringes 2ml deca and 1ml sust shot in 2 different areas of the left quad , woke up this morning the pain was unbearable could not even walk, the whole quad hurts.
i have done some research just now and most likely its because its virgin tissue. what i want to ask is:-
1) what and how do you get a abscess
2) why should having a fever make you have concerns
3) how can you tell between 'normal pain' and a infection what are the tell tale signs.