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Thread: second shot hurts like hell

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006

    second shot hurts like hell

    i did my first shot of deca and sust last monday eve right quad, 2ml deca and 1ml sust using a 23g 1"1/4 needle with a 3ml syringe. tell the truth i enjoyed it very much there was no pain from the needle but the following 4-5 days the quad was very sore the same sort of feeling a day after a legz workout.

    last night i decided to split the deca and sust into different syringes 2ml deca and 1ml sust shot in 2 different areas of the left quad , woke up this morning the pain was unbearable could not even walk, the whole quad hurts.

    i have done some research just now and most likely its because its virgin tissue. what i want to ask is:-

    1) what and how do you get a abscess
    2) why should having a fever make you have concerns
    3) how can you tell between 'normal pain' and a infection what are the tell tale signs.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Den sitta på huk ställ
    You'll likely be just fine...your pain is likely from the prop in the sust. However, I do think think 3cc's may have been a bit high volume injection for the quads, especially if they aren't meaty enough or it's your first time hitting this could likely be an attributing factor as well.

    I've been there...when I first introduced prop to my quads I was nearly in need of a wheel chair or crutches for the first few days afterwards.
    With time, you're muscle with adjust to it.

    Like I said, you should be fine...try a good anti-inflammatory to help relieve the soreness. This helps with me.

    Keep an eye on it and if you notice symptoms that you've read up on as far as abcesses or infections, get to the clinic.

    Keep us posted.

    Good luck,

    Last edited by shrpskn; 12-19-2006 at 10:05 AM.

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