when u guys get sick and ur just startign a cycle do u take a day or two off or what? i got a mad high fever and the works.
when u guys get sick and ur just startign a cycle do u take a day or two off or what? i got a mad high fever and the works.
Depends how sick, traing while you have a cold of flu is one thing but probably not a good idea if you have glandular fever or pneumonia or something like that. Generaly I will allways train unless Im bedridden cycling or not, I dose up with paracetamol an hour before gym.
what the hell is a paracetamol ? yea i was thinking the same thing tho, dont stoplol
If I am not feeling well in general or have a simple cold, I find that working out will make me feel much better. However, I stay in bed if I am truely sick, which I have not been in years.
go ahead and work out if your sick , but please only work out at home ! Im tired of getting sick from people at the gym.
ahaha thats where i got sick in the first place, all these little kids come in with like polio and down syndrom and spread it to the rest of us.
I do not workout when I have a high fever I feal that it does more damage than good to me......
i dont take any thing but asprin but here , i just looked up paracetamolOriginally Posted by nephilim666
well my only concern is that i just started my Superdorl cycle yesterday, and i took a weeks break before i started it to let my body heal up and whatnot. should i just take a day or two mroe off? i mean cant i go a good 3 weeks without lifting and not lose anything? theoreticly speaking.
You caught downs syndrome at your gym? Youll need a bit more than paracetamolOriginally Posted by nephilim666
Originally Posted by beuleux
Originally Posted by HORSE
depending on how sick, i often too just call it a day. resting for me ensures that i have enough strength to battle whatever it is and get it out of the way. when i workout when sick, its usually the crappiest workout ever anyways.
yea i guess, im just concerned about losing my muscle. i mean i know im over paranoid about it , but a week off to me , i feel like every day i get smaller haha. how long is the longest u guys have gone without losing gains.?
Im going to start a count LOLOriginally Posted by nephilim666
im lost. lol
Just my little joke... If youre concerned others are conspiring against you and out to get you in general then you are indeed paranoid, however if your concerned about losing muscle while your ill then you are infact anxious. I tell my kids this all the time... and Im going to start a "paranoid" abuse count LOLOriginally Posted by nephilim666
lol i just got owned. but honestly how long could i go, saying my diet is just about the same, maybe a little less seeing as this sickness kills my apetite and im basicly just laying around my house like a dead animal.
if i had a super high fever, I doubt I would be working out. what is "the works"
congestion, body aches, all that shitty shit.
relax, a few days off or even a week won't kill you.
u think 2 weeks is the max i should go? i hardly ever get sick, but when i do, its like god himself took a shit on my life.
yeah that contagious downs syndrome is a pain in the ass, I know this guy who's smart as hell, one day he just caught downs syndrome, never been the same since.....Originally Posted by nephilim666
yea man that shits bad. lol
Take a few days off and let your immune system catch up, AAS weakens you immune system so it need as much help as it can get, drink lots of OJ.
guna havta bust out the 500mg vitamin c pills, i have like 6 bottles of these, i dont remember ever buying them tho. but hey i have them. lol
no use in lifting if youre feeling that bad. You wont be able to generate enough intensity to make the lift count and it will be useless. Better off staying home and recovering/getting stronger and then lift when youre 100%.
Originally Posted by Snrfmaster
lol damn u guys really liked that down syndrome joke.
I don't know man. The way I see it is that when your sick it's your body's way of telling you that it's trying to repair itself so why go and add more for your body to repair? I feel like the duration of a cold or a flu is extended when I workout, so I don't do it anymore.
I dunno - I've found that I hardly get sick anymore since I have been consistent in the gym the last few years. If I feel something coming on it seems like I can hit it hard in the gym and "burn it off" before it fully develops.
Oh, except for that mongolism - but I didn't think I caught from the other lifters, I'd assumed that it came from all of the repeated blows to the back of my head doing tris with dumbbells. Still, since I no think so good anymore.....
Last edited by vermin; 12-29-2006 at 10:06 PM.
Weird. I've noticed the exact same thing. The more consistent I am, the less sick I get.Originally Posted by vermin
I have read some studies indicating that resistance training does heighten the amount of monocytes after an initial downfall immediately after and during the exercise, so resistance training is good for your immune system if you dose it properly and rest enough inbetween excertions.
On the other hand I remember a university professor of mine having said to me to never do cariovascular training when a fever is present, apparantly not good for the heart. Don't know wether or not this applys to weight training though. (the professor works with top athletes by the way, so I am supposing he knows his "stuff")
Old thread though, but still want to contribute.
Nothing like recycling an old thread LOL Here are some articles on exercise and the immune system
thats actualy the way i felt, believe it or not i got sick during a 2 week break i was taking as prep for a cycle and also as a time to let my tendons all heal up before hitting it heavy, and prior to that i worked almost a year and a half without a break lasting longer then 3 days, and alluva sudden i get sick haha
Originally Posted by nephilim666
ive read that it takes at least 2 weeks off from the gym to start losing muscle. taking a week off occasionally is actually a very good idea
Originally Posted by Andorious
man id rather die than lose my gains. i dont care how sick i am, il still hit the weights. even a fractured hand couldn't keep me out of the gym
ahah i hear ya . im so drunk rihgt now, its the first time in a year that ive drank and i only drank 9 beers and im honestly waste., and i was guna lfit tomrowo and stiil am , ( i hear beer krux ur o;mwaaw. ) lol
Ah yes, truer words were never spoken.Originally Posted by nephilim666
you cant transmit down syndrome....its a chromosomal disorder...passed from your mommy and daddy when you are growing in her belly.Originally Posted by nephilim666
lol u most definitly can catch down syndrome, look at K FED.
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