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Thread: TREN...start or end of a cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2005

    TREN...start or end of a cycle?

    If one were to do a 10 week cycle of test prop, tren A, and EQ as follows...should tren be done the LAST 6 wks or the FIRST 6 wks for the best looking physique and MOST gains by the end?

    1-10 EQ 400mg/wk (800mg frontload)
    1-6 Test Prop 350mg/wk
    5-10 Tren A 40mg/day (280mg/wk)

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    To be honest, I run it the entire time. Never had any real issues from it. If I were to choose when to run it though, I would run it the last 6 weeks. Why are you only running test prop the first 6 weeks? I would run that the entire 6 weeks as well, and be sure to use ED dosing on the tren A and test prop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    382 setup..Tren at START or FINISH?

    Okay..revised...I'm going to do:

    EQ 1-12: 400mg/wk
    Test E: 1-12: 350mg/wk
    Tren A: 1-6: 75mg EOD (all I have on hand)
    Nolva 1-12: 10mg/day (13-16 20mg/day)

  4. #4
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    I would start the tren at the begining of the cycle along side the test E, also i would drop the EQ at that dose its useless infact at any dose its weak,

    Hit the body with both compounds when its at its freshest at the start for the best gains.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    I would start the tren at the begining of the cycle along side the test E, also i would drop the EQ at that dose its useless infact at any dose its weak,

    Hit the body with both compounds when its at its freshest at the start for the best gains.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Also add b6 with the tren

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    why run the b6 with the tren?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Venomous Nemisis
    why run the b6 with the tren?
    Because tren has the potential to cause progesterone-related issues (gyno) especially when stacked with testosterone. B6 blocks progesterone in doses from 200mg-600mg/day.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    Okay..revised...I'm going to do:

    EQ 1-12: 400mg/wk
    Test E: 1-12: 350mg/wk

    Tren A: 1-6: 75mg EOD (all I have on hand)
    Nolva 1-12: 10mg/day (13-16 20mg/day)
    Those dosages are low to see any kind of results with. IMO dosages for both compounds need to be bumped up.

  10. #10
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    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    If one were to do a 10 week cycle of test prop, tren A, and EQ as follows...should tren be done the LAST 6 wks or the FIRST 6 wks for the best looking physique and MOST gains by the end?

    1-10 EQ 400mg/wk (800mg frontload)
    1-6 Test Prop 350mg/wk
    5-10 Tren A 40mg/day (280mg/wk)
    I personally like this combo better, but with a couple changes.

    1. drop the eq

    2. run test prop for the full duration of cycle dosed at 75-100mg/ed.

    3 Depending on your cycle history with tren, if its your first run with the compound run it from weeks 1-6 at 50-75mg/ed. If its your 2nd or your experienced with the compound run it the full duration of the cycle at 75-100mg/ed.

    4. IMO since you favor fast acting AAS, if your bulking i would run npp at 75-100mg/ed, or if your cutting i would run masteron at 75-100mg/ed.

    5. of course cycle should be followed up with proper pct, use whatever combo of compounds that help you recover fastest.

  11. #11
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    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    I personally like this combo better, but with a couple changes.

    1. drop the eq

    2. run test prop for the full duration of cycle dosed at 75-100mg/ed.

    3 Depending on your cycle history with tren, if its your first run with the compound run it from weeks 1-6 at 50-75mg/ed. If its your 2nd or your experienced with the compound run it the full duration of the cycle at 75-100mg/ed.

    4. IMO since you favor fast acting AAS, if your bulking i would run npp at 75-100mg/ed, or if your cutting i would run masteron at 75-100mg/ed.

    5. of course cycle should be followed up with proper pct, use whatever combo of compounds that help you recover fastest.
    I don't have any scientific evidence to support this, BUT....anything boldenone-related makes my shoulders and forearms grow at an extremely fast pace. I respond very well to it. I'd hate to leave it out. I already bought a lot of it anyway. I respect your opinion as your physique is obviously ahead of mine, but I'm going on my past experience with it...and it's already paid for :-/ ...can't exactly return it.

    NPP....I hadn't considered deca due to the long ester....didn't even think of NPP...derrrr. Good idea. The question is FINDING some that can be here quickly. (2 wks) hmmm. Anyway.

    Tren...never used it before...only heard great things about it. I only have enough to run 44 days at 40mg/day.

    As far as test prop...I have TONS of Test E but no prop at this point. Prop is ridiculously expensive locally and costs 4-5x as much per mg as test E. Hmmmm.

    PCT.....I don't have to "recover". My HPTA is permanently shut down due to a pituitary tumor. So...all I do is drop back to TRT dosage and should keep most/all of my gains. I do have nolvadex on hand and was planning on running 40mg/day for 2 wks, then 20mg/day for 2 wks, then 10mg/day for 2 wks (if needed). and 10mg/day during cycle.

    ***It's not that I don't want to follow your advice....financially and with time constraints (doc's bloodwork)....I may be limited to these compounds I have on hand currently.

  12. #12
    weird... i always get my prop 30% cheaper then the E

  13. #13
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    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by liftin4life
    I don't have any scientific evidence to support this, BUT....anything boldenone-related makes my shoulders and forearms grow at an extremely fast pace. I respond very well to it. I'd hate to leave it out. I already bought a lot of it anyway. I respect your opinion as your physique is obviously ahead of mine, but I'm going on my past experience with it...and it's already paid for :-/ ...can't exactly return it.

    NPP....I hadn't considered deca due to the long ester....didn't even think of NPP...derrrr. Good idea. The question is FINDING some that can be here quickly. (2 wks) hmmm. Anyway.

    Tren...never used it before...only heard great things about it. I only have enough to run 44 days at 40mg/day.

    As far as test prop...I have TONS of Test E but no prop at this point. Prop is ridiculously expensive locally and costs 4-5x as much per mg as test E. Hmmmm.

    PCT.....I don't have to "recover". My HPTA is permanently shut down due to a pituitary tumor. So...all I do is drop back to TRT dosage and should keep most/all of my gains. I do have nolvadex on hand and was planning on running 40mg/day for 2 wks, then 20mg/day for 2 wks, then 10mg/day for 2 wks (if needed). and 10mg/day during cycle.

    ***It's not that I don't want to follow your advice....financially and with time constraints (doc's bloodwork)....I may be limited to these compounds I have on hand currently.
    Understandable bro, im sure you will see the kind of results your looking for with a spot on diet and solid training regime, with whatever gear you run. keep us updated on the cycle and what you choose to run

    best of luck to you bro

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Understandable bro, im sure you will see the kind of results your looking for with a spot on diet and solid training regime, with whatever gear you run. keep us updated on the cycle and what you choose to run

    best of luck to you bro
    I'll definitely keep the progress posted on here. Since the EQ will be included, I'm going to leave the other numbers alone (keep test at 350). I don't want to take more than necessary until I've reached a growth threshold for that amount.

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