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Thread: Girlfriends and gear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2006

    Girlfriends and gear

    Hey do any of you guys that have g/f or are possibly married ever get into arguements about being on gear??? I havent even done a cycle yet and my lady trips that i am even a member of a forum with the word "steroid" in it. Just was wondering what y'all did b/c she is totally against it, and i'm thinking that i'm just gonna do it even tho she doesnt want me to. And the point she keeps bringin up is "If you do some roids your d--k will shrink and your balls will shrivel". WTF is up with everyone telling me this. It brings me back to sex ed and the myth that if you masterbate you will go blind.......and i can still see fine!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    You the man if so then take charge.

    Then when that dont work just hide it from her

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    what kinda excuse can i give her when she sees me lookin like michael clark duncan in the green mile??? "Honey i know it looks wierd but i've just been eating alot lately" or "babe i know your eyes are bad. maybe i should call and schedule you an appmt to get them checked again" ha ha

  4. #4
    is it your wife or gf

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    You the man if so then take charge.
    agree 1000%

    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr
    Then when that dont work just hide it from her
    gotta disgaree here... JUST FIND A NEW GIRl damn it.. too many fishies out there

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by iidea
    what kinda excuse can i give her when she sees me lookin like michael clark duncan in the green mile??? "Honey i know it looks wierd but i've just been eating alot lately" or "babe i know your eyes are bad. maybe i should call and schedule you an appmt to get them checked again" ha ha
    It's a protine thing.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    up a 500ft cell tower
    no man xyience is the excuse I use... see my old lady likes forrest griffin.. and i just say its how forrest got swole.. I have had the same jug of stuff for almost a year now and she just assumes it's a new one...

    Yes i realize this is horrible and i am going to hell

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Seriously. Educate her and be honest. the only reason she is so against it is cos she has listened to all the media hype, so thats all she knows. While I may have never been a freaktard about it.. before I knew what was what I thought similar stuff. Then I had a really smart BF who educated me on it.

  9. #9
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    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by uponone23
    no man xyience is the excuse I use... see my old lady likes forrest griffin.. and i just say its how forrest got swole.. I have had the same jug of stuff for almost a year now and she just assumes it's a new one...

    Yes i realize this is horrible and i am going to hell
    LOL good excuse. I'ma have to find out who she likes

    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    is it your wife or gf
    its my g/f

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tru2
    Seriously. Educate her and be honest. the only reason she is so against it is cos she has listened to all the media hype, so thats all she knows. While I may have never been a freaktard about it.. before I knew what was what I thought similar stuff. Then I had a really smart BF who educated me on it.
    And i have tried to educate her but she just has this complex about them. i dunno. ima do them anyways

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Tru2
    Seriously. Educate her and be honest. the only reason she is so against it is cos she has listened to all the media hype, so thats all she knows. While I may have never been a freaktard about it.. before I knew what was what I thought similar stuff. Then I had a really smart BF who educated me on it.
    depends on what kinna girl ur dealin with

    My ex was so stubborn no matter how i tried to educate her..she didnt wanna hear it and would never listen

  12. #12
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    You need to date someone who will support you. My bf is nattie and when we started dating I told him right up front. I said if you have a problem with it, then we can't be together. He said he doesn't like it but it's my body and I can'n do what I want. I've educated him about it now he's asking me to help him plan his first cycle.
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  13. #13
    Carlos_E's Avatar
    Carlos_E is offline National Level Bodybuilder/Hall of Famer/RETIRED
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    Quote Originally Posted by uponone23
    no man xyience is the excuse I use... see my old lady likes forrest griffin.. and i just say its how forrest got swole.. I have had the same jug of stuff for almost a year now and she just assumes it's a new one...

    Yes i realize this is horrible and i am going to hell
    Nice avatar!
    Muscle Asylum Project Athlete

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    St. Paul, MN
    i wouldn't tell her, i've read stories on here about girls and gear. they don't mix...they're uneducated and retarded (not all but most), and when you try to enlighten them...they refute everything you said.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    educate her and if she still doesn't listen well what can you do. Gear up I guess. lol

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    Go Figure
    My girl's brother is on the gear so life is good!
    Last edited by Chitown Raider; 01-04-2007 at 01:17 AM.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    umm...penis dont shrink...infact may gain a bit or girth due to water retention...balls....who needs em..not like we use em during intercourse:P

  18. #18
    Be a man or do what she's your choice.

  19. #19
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    Dec 2006
    she is supportive, but she pulls that "i like you the way you are" then she says "but i dont care if you gained alot of fat b/c i like you no matter what" so i tell her then what the fvck is wrong with me gettin bigger then. Its just a lame arguement that we have all the time. i think in the end she'll like the results. thanks for the tips and i look forward to gaining some mass.

  20. #20
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    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Tru2
    Seriously. Educate her and be honest. the only reason she is so against it is cos she has listened to all the media hype, so thats all she knows. While I may have never been a freaktard about it.. before I knew what was what I thought similar stuff. Then I had a really smart BF who educated me on it.
    Exactly. My g/f only knew what she saw on tv or in highschool health class or whatever. Have you seen those educational videos from the 50's that say smoking you know what will make you into a rapist/murderer/lunatic? Same deal with the roids - just trying to scare kids. I explained what I had learned to my gf, showed her a few things on here. I told her I'm gonna do it - peroid. Now she's relatively fine with it. She even offered to help me inject! I think she is secretly fascinated with the whole thing, although she would never admit it. Just find her some good literature on the subject and be firm w/ her.

  21. #21
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    Aug 2004
    Just dispell one myth at a time some girls get confused with too much information... Shell soon change her mind once the test kicks in... they all do

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    I wouldn't tell her unless you want everyone to know. She talks to her friends and they being girls talk to anyone who will listen. If you break up it will be worse. I don't believe in telling anyone. It is no one's business what I do.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    May 2004
    ^Maybe you date the wrong type of girls.


    The only compound my girl and i have argued about is DNP.

    She won that argument by the way.. because she had an educated argument which even I couldnt' dispute.

    (that and the fact that i had tried it anyway for 7 days and realised for myself that it is poison )

    I agree with Tru and others.

    You date individuals who will support and trust you

  24. #24
    Quote Originally Posted by MartyMcFly
    I wouldn't tell her unless you want everyone to know. She talks to her friends and they being girls talk to anyone who will listen. If you break up it will be worse. I don't believe in telling anyone. It is no one's business what I do.
    thats wut happened with my ex..told my whole HS it seems-thanks

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by iidea
    Hey do any of you guys that have g/f or are possibly married ever get into arguements about being on gear??? I havent even done a cycle yet and my lady trips that i am even a member of a forum with the word "steroid" in it. Just was wondering what y'all did b/c she is totally against it, and i'm thinking that i'm just gonna do it even tho she doesnt want me to. And the point she keeps bringin up is "If you do some roids your d--k will shrink and your balls will shrivel". WTF is up with everyone telling me this. It brings me back to sex ed and the myth that if you masterbate you will go blind.......and i can still see fine!
    I WAS one of those girlfriends Then my boyfriend took the time to sit me down and explain to me all about steroids and how when used properly they can be fairly safe. I used to flip out when I saw him on this board look at me, I'm a member LOL It's just scary when you have no knowledge about it, and a person you love is doing it. News and magazines always portray it so negatively, we don't know what else to think.

  26. #26
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    Northern Iowa

    Check out this thread man, I used it for my speach and alot of people came up after my speech and had alot of questions almost none were bad. They all said they never saw it like that, and the fact that it was on television really made it all the more real to them, since it was media that gave them the negative perception in the first place.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    Training my ninja Degu
    If you don't live together, it's probably easier to just deny it, and hide it from her.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    Quote Originally Posted by uponone23
    no man xyience is the excuse I use... see my old lady likes forrest griffin.. and i just say its how forrest got swole.. I have had the same jug of stuff for almost a year now and she just assumes it's a new one...

    Yes i realize this is horrible and i am going to hell
    Forrest Griffin? He weighs 205 soaking wet.
    Vitor, Arlovski, Monson, and Shirk are pretty diesel though.

  29. #29
    I have to hide all of my shit in my dresser underneathe the last drawer and do all my shots when she is asleep or not there.

    She basically knows that i use them but has no proof so cant say anything really.

    She commented the other day something along the lines of "Well if you aren't using steroids, why are you so much bigger than you used to be and why do your legs always have lumps on them and your back breaks out?

    She is too ignorant to understand so I don't bother to try and convince her or involve her in any way.

  30. #30
    Join Date
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    VA - Formerly OH
    I'm in the same boat. We'll go out with friends I havent een in 2 years and they all comment on how big I've gottena and she always makes some shitty comment about steroids, although she has no proof.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    I would never tell my GF I was using anabolics. Right when you break up, the first thing she is going to use against you is the fact that you were a 'roid head.' Happened to my friend and pretty much owned his reputation.

    Your wife is a whole different story IMO.

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    VA - Formerly OH
    I'm going to start slipping 80mg of Var into my fiancee's food, so next time she makes a steroid comment, I'll be like "You are too! Why do you think you're hotter looking now, from your half hour cardio workout?"

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    I'm going to start slipping 80mg of Var into my fiancee's food, so next time she makes a steroid comment, I'll be like "You are too! Why do you think you're hotter looking now, from your half hour cardio workout?"

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by audis4
    I would never tell my GF I was using anabolics. Right when you break up, the first thing she is going to use against you is the fact that you were a 'roid head.' Happened to my friend and pretty much owned his reputation.

    Your wife is a whole different story IMO.

    A friends partner went through this with his now ex-wife. They had 2 kids together and whaddya know.. she tried to use it in the custody suit. oddly enough. he still won.

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Well i'm going to try to educate her and if she still doesn't understand then fvck it ima do it anyway. hopefully she will tho b/c since i'm about the start a cutting diet with some possible clen she's been askin all kinds of questions on how she can lose a couple lbs.

  36. #36
    bah women are freakin crazy. My ex had a terrible temper so after every time shed start screamin at me or someone else Id laugh and say "You have roid rage, if anyone is on steroids its you"

    Using her own shit against her. Roid rage what a joke

    People that say that..everytime they get mad I say "Oh you must take steroids, you are raging"

  37. #37
    Join Date
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    In your crawlspace
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    bah women are freakin crazy. My ex had a terrible temper so after every time shed start screamin at me or someone else Id laugh and say "You have roid rage, if anyone is on steroids its you"

    Using her own shit against her. Roid rage what a joke

    People that say that..everytime they get mad I say "Oh you must take steroids, you are raging"
    haha i love that... i don't know, i think eventually she will find out and then she'll be butt hurt about you lieing about it. if you think there is any possibility you will stay with her then you should tell her. maybe not all at once but you shouldn't lie.

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Tru2
    Seriously. Educate her and be honest. the only reason she is so against it is cos she has listened to all the media hype, so thats all she knows. While I may have never been a freaktard about it.. before I knew what was what I thought similar stuff. Then I had a really smart BF who educated me on it.
    There you go theres some great advice for you!

  39. #39
    Quote Originally Posted by MAXIMA5
    I'm in the same boat. We'll go out with friends I havent een in 2 years and they all comment on how big I've gottena and she always makes some shitty comment about steroids, although she has no proof.
    Sp you werent lyin when you said she wears the pants lmao. j/k

    Yea my buddy said "You look thicker" and she says "Yea only cause he uses steroids".

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    educate her bro and things will be fine.besides is easier than runnin in the closet for ya fix

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