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Thread: Testing in the Federal Goverment?!?

  1. #1

    Steroid Testing for employment with the Federal Goverment?!?

    Hello, This is my 1st post, and I have a little question. I am seeking employment with the Federal Government, I would like to try a small cycle.

    WILL Steroids come out in a Pre Employment Drug Test?!?!
    Last edited by MMATrouble; 01-15-2007 at 11:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Sort of doubt it, steroid tests are expensive. Companies don't normally do them unless there associated with sports or some athletic activity.

  3. #3
    I planned on using Equipoise, Sustanon and then some Stanazol, but like a said I'm really paranoid about the drug screening

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Quote Originally Posted by MMATrouble
    Hello, This is my 1st post, and I have a little question. I am seeking employment with the Federal Government, I would like to try a small cycle.

    WILL Steroids come out in a Pre Employment Drug Test?!?!
    I would highly doubt that they would test you for AAS, however you are talking about the Federal Government, so you never know.

    You might want to wait until after the drug screening is over, and then start your cycle, just a suggestion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    I know several federally employed people and none were or are ever tested for AAS...recreational yes!!...As far vas the cycle you proposed whats your cycle history?? .

  6. #6
    My cycle history isnt all that extensive, but I have used. The last time I injected was about 5yrs ago, I was getting ready for a competition that I didnt enter and was weighing 196lbs I'm 5'9, I was able to reach 218lbs before the Weight Cut, I wanted to Compete at 205lbs, using Aratest, Equipose, Stanazol. I have used Equipose a couple of different times and LOVED IT, Sustanon I used a really long time ago (6yrs ago), back in those days I was into being HUGE and lifting alot of weight, NOW, I do it because I compete in JiuJitsu and Submission Grappling Tournements, I'm not the most athletic guy out there so I kinda want a little edge.

    PLEASE BIG MAX, tell me what you think, I've been away from the Gym Scene for about 2 1/2 yrs now and my MMA training is all I do really. I really want to get back into it, OH, I'm 25yrs old, 5'9 195lbs....

    PS. I already have all the gear I need, I have the Nolvadex, Clomid, Proviron just in case

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    No, you will not be tested for AAS. The only way the federal gov't can test an employee for that is if there probable cause on testing you for AAS. Meaning someone has to specifically state that they know you are using either they saw you or you told them that you are using. Like everyone also stated, it is very expensive for them to test.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    If you're serious about BJJ training and competitions, you may want to focus on doing crossfit exercises this will help with you explosive strength and your cardio (fighting cardio).

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by rana173
    If you're serious about BJJ training and competitions, you may want to focus on doing crossfit exercises this will help with you explosive strength and your cardio (fighting cardio).
    Thankyou rana173,

    I have been doing sprints, bungi pulls(shoots), burpees, bleacher and such, I also run just about EOD, on top of my BJJ, Greco/FreeStyle Wrestling, Boxing, MuayThai, etc. But your right, (Fighting Cardio) is alot different than CrossCountry Cardio for example. I would like to be as explosive as possible, like I said, I just want a little extra edge.

    Oh, and how are you so sure that Probably Cause is needed?!? I would like to know.

    Thanks again.
    Last edited by MMATrouble; 01-15-2007 at 04:09 PM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Most gov't agencies conduct RANDOM testing. For the random testing to be conducted it HAS TO BE RANDOM (this is for your normal narcotics, such as Marijuana, Cocaine, etc...) The only way they can specifically target you is if they are certain you are on drugs, they just can't assume and say “Hey lets test Johnny he looks like a coke head or a roid freak." Numerous issues come into play, like I stated earlier, someone has to have knowledge for them to test you and that is PC enough. But they can not test you just because you put on some size. I.E. if you put on some size and you wife has been injecting you for the last couple of years and she finds out that you banged her sister last week and she calls your boss or internal affairs and tells them you she has been injecting you with AAS, well that is PC. So the moral of the story is don’t let you wife inject you or don’t get caught banging her sister!
    For testing AAS it would have to be requested up to headquarters 1.) one for funding issues (it is never calculated in there budget for that kind of testing) and 2.) for PC.
    As for your question regarding PC, lets just say I well connected with the feds, that’s all I can say.

    Look into Crossfit, I did it a last year and loved it for BJJ, but I am not sure I still want to compete. I rather do it for fun and get bigger.
    I hope this helped.

  11. #11

    Thanks again bro, you are very informative and I'm going to take your advise, i'll be looking into Crossfit. I love MMA, I do BJJ because its the closest thing to MMA that my employer will allow. If you like BJJ, compete, the only way to see how good you are is to compete, I love competition, nothing makes me happier than getting someone in an armbar, arm triangle, umaplata, knee bar, etc...

  12. #12
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    Aug 2006
    No problem, I did MMA for a while, them just did straight BJJ for a couple of years. I am back into MMA, like I said I do it for fun. Plus I am getting old and don't heal as well, especially when I am training with a kickboxing world champ, God he kicks the crap out of me and also a couple of UFC fighters here, they are truly amazing at what they do. MMA is so damn addicting it would be almost impossible to stop training.

  13. #13
    Quote Originally Posted by rana173
    God he kicks the crap out of me and also a couple of UFC fighters here, they are truly amazing at what they do. MMA is so damn addicting it would be almost impossible to stop training.
    Those leg kicks hurt like hell dont they?!? UFC/PRIDE fighters are truely masters of their Craft, as i hope to because close some day too. In your opinion would it be safe to start an AAS cycle now, knowing that I may be called to a Training Academy sooner than later?

  14. #14
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    Aug 2006
    Legs kicks suck, there are times I can't walk normal for a week. It depends on what agency you are going to, they usually give you a month or two notice, but I have known guys that they gave a weeks notice because of openings because of injuries etc...
    Just remember you should have your own room with your own locker, privacy should not be an issue. The problem is they will make you do fed workouts, which do suck (very each but a waste of time), plus you may have long hours of studying or just work. If you can start before you go or just hold off until you get back. Time it so that you are not taking while you are there.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Land of the Free(kind of)
    My military unit moved about the country to train law enforcement agencies all over the world. We were gone anywhere from weeks to months and always had piss tests when we came back in country. We held TS clearance so were administered the same tests as other federal agencies and AS in the system never hurt us.

    My advice would be to watch some cold meds as they trigger a flag and often lead to "further testing". I am not sure as to what those test are for and did not want to find out.

  16. #16
    Thanks guys ya'll have all given me some real good advice. I think what I'm gonna do is take a PP cycle I found it On line for $45 ill get me some other stuff. What over the counter stuff do ya'll recamend? I'll do my AAS Cycle when I have a little more time to fully prepare

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The Balkans Somewhere...
    Some legal muscle building supplements? Besides the obvious ones. Some new ones by ALRI are Jungle Warfare and Bad Ass Mass. Some people have good results from them. For a libido boost I would throw in some Myogenx.
    I am a D.O.D. Contractor and we get tested all the time, but definitely no steroid testing.

  18. #18
    I know Legal Muscle building products are few and far between, I have used gear before and I KNOW nothing even comes close. Its been 5yrs so I'll try legal stuff 1st then use what I already have.

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The Balkans Somewhere...
    Sounds good! Good luck!

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    In 2004 the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration overhauled the Federal employee drug testing program to include hair, saliva, and sweat testing. Also, many government contractors voluntarily changed their drug testing programs to include the additional tests. Depending on the position, one could face these new tests.

    Although testing for steroids is highly doubtful, it is possible, and a hair test can detect use for a period of approximately 90 days (generally). In recent years hair testing has become less expensive and with the government testing so many employees adding more substances to the list isn’t going to cost that much more.

    Since there is no definitive list of what the Feds actually test for (hair) you might want to skip the cycle until after the pre-employment test. (hair tests are preferred for pre-employment because of the span of time tested)

  21. #21
    Quote Originally Posted by TAPPER
    In 2004 the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration overhauled the Federal employee drug testing program to include hair, saliva, and sweat testing. Also, many government contractors voluntarily changed their drug testing programs to include the additional tests. Depending on the position, one could face these new tests.

    Although testing for steroids is highly doubtful, it is possible, and a hair test can detect use for a period of approximately 90 days (generally). In recent years hair testing has become less expensive and with the government testing so many employees adding more substances to the list isn’t going to cost that much more.

    Since there is no definitive list of what the Feds actually test for (hair) you might want to skip the cycle until after the pre-employment test. (hair tests are preferred for pre-employment because of the span of time tested)

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    i was on federal probation for five years.. on the last year i did my first cycle. my p.o notice the wieght increase and asked me about it.. i showed him the creatine jar and the leagel gear m1t bottles and the pinnacle andro poppers and told him this is what im on.. the m1t and the andro poppers i bought before the bann and told him these are no longer avilable over the counter and are now legal but i did get them before the bann. so he made copies of all lables and put them on file so my ass was coverd... i showed him that the lables state that any person taking these could possible fail a drug test. he told me that there wasnt any problem since i got them before the bann.. was never given a ass test.. if you need an empty bottle with a few pills in them, pm me your addy and i will sent it to you.. o yeah the feds have all the money they need, giving someone an ass test is nothing to them, dont listen to that stuff that companys dont like to give a steriod test because its to expensive.. the feds are not a company.. trust me ive been in their world for thirteen years.... dont believe everything you read on here, most of these guys on here are just parrotting what they hear....

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    stated this in another post, but i have a friend who's border patrol, and one that's a U.S. Marshall...both clearly not taking creatine...however, if it's your livelihood we're talking about, why not wait a bit, get in, see how things go, poke around, etc...weigh risk vs. benefit...

  24. #24
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    Aug 2006
    Feds do not always have the money, considering most agencies are currently on a continuing resolution, back in the 90's when the feds where on a continuing resolution when Clinton sent all non-essential personal home (non-paid) because of funds, he later reimbursed them. There was at a time (a couple of years ago) certain federal agencies did not have the money for agents to gas up there take home cars. So just to let you know feds don’t have all the money, each new fiscal year they get allotted a certain amount of monies.
    Regarding probation, that is a different story. There job is to piss test you, you are on probation for a reason. They will have funds for piss tests. Also regarding hair follicle testing it is out there. But as previously stated you need PC, but when you are on probation PC is not needed that is why the P.O. can enter your house without a warrant.
    Trust me there is no parroting here.

  25. #25
    Quote Originally Posted by Alpha-Male
    stated this in another post, but i have a friend who's border patrol, and one that's a U.S. Marshall...both clearly not taking creatine...however, if it's your livelihood we're talking about, why not wait a bit, get in, see how things go, poke around, etc...weigh risk vs. benefit...
    This is exaclty why i asked, I'm applying for Border Patrol and Customs Border Protection, I have friends that are CLEARLY no just on Creatine aswell that are BP Agents...

    Is that what you mean when you said "Both clearly not taking creatine"??? Your implying they're using gear right??! Sorry if i sound so ignorant, i've been out of this scen for a really long time.... but your right, I'll poke around for a while

  26. #26
    Can I take Hyperdrol, Pheraplex or Methyl 1?!?!? They're legal right?!?!

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    The Balkans Somewhere...
    Hyperdrol, I believe is the only currently legal supplement you listed. M1T and Pheraplex are no longer legal.

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    I have though about this to as I have just passed my interview for a federal law enforcement position. I will be starting a cycle tomorrow. 10 weeks cyp at 500 a week, 30 mg dbol a day. They will be calling sometimes soon for a drug screen

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Congrats on getting hired, as you may now know that the fed system is slow as hell. Your drug srceen can be in a week or two or it may not be for 6 months. I am sure they still have to conduct a background check on you. You can take your chances, it depends on what agency. Like I stated earlier I know of no agency that tests for AAS for hiring.

  30. #30
    Hey Redcell, let me know how it goes, also what agency are you in the process for. Let us know and good luck.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Houston, Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by MMATrouble
    This is exaclty why i asked, I'm applying for Border Patrol and Customs Border Protection, I have friends that are CLEARLY no just on Creatine aswell that are BP Agents...

    Is that what you mean when you said "Both clearly not taking creatine"??? Your implying they're using gear right??! Sorry if i sound so ignorant, i've been out of this scen for a really long time.... but your right, I'll poke around for a while
    yeah, that's exactly what i meant...this guys a year-rounder dude, and the funniest thing is, he's stationed at the same crossing we both used to run back in the day, building better bodies all over the SE, LOL...i wouldnt worry 'bout it personally...

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