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First off, I am a vet. I ruptured my quadriceps tendon back in March of last year playing sports. To give you an idea of how rough the road back has been, it's almost been a year since the surgery and I'm still not even able to jog, even at a snails pace. Ok, here's my cycle:
Test E.........600mg/wk......wk1-14
Tren A.........360mg/wk......wk1-10
Here is more info about me that you may want to know, so read if you wish. First off, I don't have much personal experience with Deca. I am simply trying it in this cycle because I've done this cycle with EQ several times, so I'm just mixing it up a little. I am an EQ guy just because I love the increased vascularity and I can easily use it while cutting because it doesn't seem to affect my appetite very much. I have experience with just about every kind of Test.....I've done the classic Prop/Tren/Eq cutting cycle vs Enanthate/Tren/Eq and I got the same results minus the literal pain in my ass from the Prop. My experience has been this:
1)I tend NOT to retain water very much at all with any ASS that I've used.
2)Personally I don't like Winstrol. It hurts like hell and my gains were minimal.
3)I love tren, I know most of you that have experience with it feel the same.
4)I am prone to libido problems while on tren, hence the HCG mid-cycle.
5)I've only used Deca once....it was one of my first cycles and it was a simple Cypionate/Deca cycle....HOWEVER, contrary to the libido problems on tren, I didn't experience this at all on Deca....in fact, I experienced no negative side effects at all....I don't know, it may have been due to the fact that I was 20 years old and had the sex drive to go along with it....not that being 24 while on tren should be a whole lot different.