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Thread: Primo Users

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2001

    Arrow Primo Users

    In your experience how much Primo can you use/wk without being shut down?

  2. #2
    i think you will be safe around 300 mg wk
    this is normally a bridging dose

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    primo will shut u down regardless,

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    New Jersey
    What do you guys mean it will shut you down??

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    "shut you down," meaning suppress your endogenous hormone production.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Primo will inhibit HPTA at 300 mg. I am not sure how much the inhibition will be but I don't think it is the best choice for bridging.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    i'd bridge with 200mgs bro,

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by big N
    primo will shut u down regardless,
    really cause I have friends that claim otherwise. One has gone up to 600mg of Primo and claims that he wasn't effected. Now this is not based upon Lab Test results, however teticular atrophy is a good indicator. So mabey I should restate my question. Will Primo shut you down "completely"?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by Iron horse
    i'd bridge with 200mgs bro,
    how's that worked for you? Have you ever upped it to 400mg?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Originally posted by Iwan2bsolid2
    Will Primo shut you down "completely"?
    Perhaps, if you use it long enough. Let's face it, every anabolic steroid is suppressive to some degree. The fact that Primobolan isn't very suppressive probably has to do with its low androgenic nature. But if you use it long enough at a high enough dosage, I'm sure it will affect your endogenous hormone levels.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Ok, if I can get a good answer on this I will not post another thread about it. What do you suggest running GH or Primo? GH will let my Endo Test recover while able me to keep gains and lean out. It's almost the same Price too for the amount which is best?

  12. #12
    alevok Guest
    I used 200mg/w for 12 weeks, no shut down

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Va Beach
    Originally posted by alevok
    I used 200mg/w for 12 weeks, no shut down
    Just do you know you did not shut down?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Originally posted by BamaSlamma

    Just do you know you did not shut down?
    I'm assuming he could tell because his nuts stayed the same size and did not begin to atrophy

    alevok- what kind of result did you get off 200mg/wk?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Alright solid2, here is my best advice for you. First, I wouldn't bridge with any anabolic if I were you. Bridging does not allow for complete HPTA recovery. It just isn't possible because as long as there are exogenous steroids coming into your body, it won't see a need to completely restore its endogenous hormonal output.

    That doesn't mean there aren't ways to get around a hard crash. Here's what I did for my last cycle. I ran Test Enanthate at 400 mg/wk for about 9 weeks. I did experience a couple days of testicular pain around week 5. (I wish I had some HCG during that period.) Around week 7 or 8, I started running Primo @ 300 mg/wk for the next 6-7 weeks. I had already gone from 250 to 270 by then. Around week 10, I added 240 mg/day of Andriol for about 4 weeks. I then tapered the Andriol over the next 10 days. After going off of the Andriol, I ran a course of cyclofenil for the next 2 weeks, followed by 20 days or so of Clomid. So the Primo (being esterfied with the enanthate ester) was still active during the cyclofenil period. During the clomid, however, nothing was really that active.

    A couple of things I noticed....I really, really enjoyed the Andriol/Primo taper. I was still getting awesome pumps, getting really hard, and continued to look really jacked, even though I had lost about a gallon of bloat from the test e. My nuts did not recover noticeably during this period, even though I had discontinued the test e long ago. The day after I dropped the Andriol, I could feel a noticeable decline in my libido and erection frequency. Andriol really does work, because if it hadn't, I would have been crashing pretty hard by this point since the test e was probably gone completely.

    Running the cyclofenil with the Primobolan didn't seem to stimulate my balls that much either. But I was able to maintain excellent intensity in the gym. And my metabolism was still rockin'. By the time the Primo was out of me and I started clomid, my balls came back rather quickly, but my libido and metabolism were pretty depressed. However, this period only lasted for about 10-20 days.

    Right now, I'm dropping the clomid entirely. I feel really good and my metabolism has returned. I also have no problems with the "wood," either. (Last night I had trouble taking a piss because I couldn't get it down.) The next couple of weeks will really be enlightening. I believe that this type of taper allowed me to avoid a hard crash and recover much quicker than normal. Remember, my last test e injection was about 8-9 weeks ago. Ordinarily, about 2 months after the last injection of a slow-acting test compound like test e, I really feel terrible.

    About running GH or Primo, why not do both?

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    good post bro. I would love to run both, but I'd probably have to get a second job just to support that one.

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