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Thread: how much accutane?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2001

    how much accutane?

    Hey what's up everyone. Quick question. Well i'm starting to break out... little on my back and chest but i can feel it will not be a pritty site. But on my forhead, it's getting pritty bad, if you get up close.

    I have the europharm Accutane 20mg tabs

    Is it 20mg a day? thanks

  2. #2
    Take it once every third day. Accutane works well. If it does not work every third day then try it every other and if that does not work go to everyday, but start light first and give it time to work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    20mg every third day???
    My dermatologist started me on 40mg twice a day, and bumped it up to three times a day, which is the dosage I've now been on for a little over a month. It should also be determined by your weight, and this is under the assumption that your not taking it with any other AS. Whatever you decide, make sure you get regular blood tests and buy a case of skin moisturizer and chapstick. Good luck.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Toronto, Canada
    My dermatologist told me to take 70mg/day for 5 months. It did the job, and i haven't seen a pimple in almost a year

    Question: How often can accutane be perscribed? Reason being is I want another perscription for my next cycle, but i am worried the doctor might say WTF you just finished a perscription. If I go to a different dermatologist, will they check if I have charts anywhere?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    you're in canada, so I don't know the laws there, but in NY it's a big f*ckin deal to get, and they will not give you more than a 30 day supply at a time. However what that 30 day supply amounts to is dependant on what the doc is precribing you per day. Hop that helps.

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    6ft. away...but you can't
    If you start out at too low of a dose then your body can build a up tolerance to accutane and it will never work for you. How true this is I don't know, but this is straight from the dermatologist's mouth.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    ok so would you guys say 40mg or 60mg a day? Also i am done with the dbol, all the as i'm taking now is eq and test for 4 weeks more. and how should i take this devided into differnt times or pop 2-3 tabs at once?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    I had acne on my face pretty bad and that fuckin sucks I wish I just got it in my body so its covered all the time......but anyways I just went to the doc and said accutane please and got it but still had to do blood work once a month I took 40mgs one day and 80mgs 2nd day for 5 months and worked well try that

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2002
    North of Boston
    Just go to the derm and have insurance pay for it. He/She will tell you exactly how much you need. Plus you should get bloodwork done every month.

  10. #10
    OK I assuming that this kids ance is induced by steriods alone. In that case he does not need that much accutane to counteract the poblem, if your a naturally zitty person then your going to have to take it at the recommended dosage. Accutane has some serious side effects so I would consider who the hell you take advice from, maybe you need to go to a dermatoligist and tell him/her the truth so they can recommend a moderate safe dosage.

  11. #11
    easy enough, go ask your doctor!!!!!!!!!1
    safest way!!!!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    flying overhead in my fina-jet...
    According to my dermatologist, who was aware that it was pretty much AS related, and not a pre-existing condition, decided on this dosage, which has been working well. I am under the assumption that either you do not have insurance, or that your doctor does not believe in Accutane, which is not uncommon, or you would not be taking ** stuff and guessing on the doses. I agree it can have serious sides, which is why I recommended regular blood work for your safety. Whatever you decide, be careful, and yeah, consider who the hell you're taking advice from.
    Last edited by landshark; 10-17-2002 at 10:59 AM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Dr. D raises a very good point, standard acne and steriod acne will require much different dosages, the guys who are on 40-80mg ed for 3-5 months are no doubt suffering from acne unrelated to gear usage.

    This is one particualr reason why young steriod users are choosing a bad road, 18-21 on steriods can mean some serious acne especially if you are genetically prone to acne.

    Now I talk from experience I have suffer with bad bad acne in my teens, I took a 4 month dose of Roacutane, at approx 3 tabs ed. Now some ten years later off-cycle which is when acne normally flairs due to the self-induced adolesence my dosages of accutane are fastly reduced.

    I believe if you suffer from acne you need to eliminate that problem and wait a good 2 years before taking gear, make sure the acne is gone for good, and be prepared for a semi-return whilst on gear.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2001
    well you see i have never really got acne. Only on my cycles. I am not a acne type of person. I might have gotten maybe 3 pimples in the past 5 years. My body always used to be clear from them. I will try taken 40mg Accutane a day for 2 weeks and then cutting it down to 20mg. I can't go to a derm... no insurance.

  15. #15
    OK bro here are some documented side effects that you can get from misuse of accutane: skin dryness, itching, muscle soreness, severe joint pain, headaches, fatigue, nausea, and the most severe BONE SPURS.

    Its your choice but if your not prone to Ance and it is only AAS induced, IMO opinion 40mg ed is to much. I know that I will not make you change your mind but I would like for you to think about have such sore joints and feeling ill that you cant train to your fullest potential while on cycle. You may not have any of the above side effects or know of any, as some of the people who have responded to this post. Just think about it before you decide.

    As for building a tolerance I think that that is a total load of shit, accutane is accutane, plain and simple. it will dry you out to the bone, literally speaking. Good luck man

  16. #16
    just go SEE your DOCTOR, jesus christ, if this guy isnt goona listen to anybody here with experiance like Dr.Derek who is very knowledgable. then go ask your doctor. they are their to help you. not hurt you.

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