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Thread: Injection Problem...Please Help

  1. #1

    Injection Problem...Please Help

    I have read through the searches and cannot find anyone with injection symptoms that match my problem, so I am posting in the hopes of getting some advice.

    I have done 30-40 self injections, mostly in glute, about 5 in the quads. Never had more than a little pain.

    I injected 1.25 CC test cypionate into the quad 6 days ago. The injection went horribly wrong. It hurt going in, my leg felt flexed even though I was sitting and it was relaxed, the needle seemed to go in crooked, and looked bent when I took it out. The shot hurt like hell, and bled quite a bit, for a while.

    I was not sore for the rest of that day, or the following day, but the third day after the injection I did legs and the pain set in that night. By the fourth day the area became swolen, red, and warm to the touch. I have not had a fever and have not felt sick. The pain is not debilitating, I can walk and such, but the area is extremely painful, swolen, red, and warm. Today is 6 days after the injection, and the swelling and redness persist, the pain has gotten a little better relative to the third day when the pain started.

    I lost my job in the middle of this cycle, so I cannot afford to see a doc, or I would have already done that and would not post here. I am certain sterility of my procedure was fine, but I can not be sure there was not something in the gear.

    I guess my question is whether the pain I feel and the swelling is a result of the botched injection, or if it could be an infection and I need to see a doctor. Again, no fever, but the area near the injection site is swolen, red, warm to the touch, and sore. It almost looks like a spider bite.

    Any help is appreciated.

  2. #2
    No one can help me out here?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Could be a number of things
    You could have moved the needle a bit and thus causing the pain
    Not much you can do if you can't get to a doctor. Try alternating heat and ice along with massage for a few day to see if the swelling goes away, but if not, then you got to get to an ER

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Im no doctor but it sounds like you hit a nerve when u stuck youself and that caused your leg to tense up, happened to me once and freaked me out. The redness and swelling worry me, have u been running a fever w/it? Is this your first cycle? 1st time I shot some test I felt like shit, ran a fever, was lethargic and couldn't walk normal for days but i attributed it to "test flu" and all got better eventually. IMHO if it is red, swollen, warm to the touch u need to see a doc. If u running a fever u need to go asap. possibly though some AAS got into your sub-cutaneous layer of fat and cause a rash. I had a bad rash one time from a delt injection, but if u have a lump or it is very localized go see the doc. Better to be safe than sorry. Good luck

  5. #5
    bro same thing happened to me when i injected test p and tren a into my shoulder i had the exact symptoms. if u have no fever and dont feel sick then ur fine and it will go away in a couple more days.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Sounds a little worrisome. The swelling, redness, and pain at the site are usually indicative of an abscess. The thing to remember is that when you inject, you push whatever bacteria you didn't kill by inadequately prepping the area deep into your muscle tissue. Therefore, the symptoms of an abscess may take a little while to fully manifest themselves. I'm sorry to hear about your job, but you should go to an emergency room where they will treat regardless of your financial situation and get it checked it before it is too far gone. Good luck.

  7. #7
    Thanks for the advice. unlike many other threads of this nature I have come across in my searches, I will update on what the outcome is.

    I will give it a few more days and see what happens, I am cycling heating pad now.

    this is not my first cycle, it is my third, and I have done 30-40 injections at least, mostly glute. The gear I used before was a legit US lab, the stuff I am using now is made by a fire breathing mythological beast, and obtained by me through a fine feline supplier. It always hurts a little, which is a big difference from the test Cyp I used in my previous cycles from certified US labs, they had zero pain.

    The injection sterility is not an issue, I know it was sterile. That is really the only thing that has not brought me to ER yet.

    If this does not get better, I will see the family doc after crapping some cash, and tell him i was self administering HRT obtained through the internet.

    I think the swelling, pain, and heat of the area has me concerned it maybe an infection.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Same situation happend to me when i administered test suspension into my quad.

    The site got really hard, swollen, warm, and there was a red area, very big in size.

    I knew i had taken all precautions and done the injection correctly, being sterile and all, so i knew it couldnt be an infection.

    But as the days went by, i got a little worried b/c the symptoms werent getting any better, however i didnt visit the doc. All said and done, it took approx. 3 weeks for the symptoms to subside.

    Im really not sure what happend or what cuased this, but im going to stay away from shooting that site, for a couple weeks just to be on the safe side.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by GHO5T
    Same situation happend to me when i administered test suspension into my quad.

    The site got really hard, swollen, warm, and there was a red area, very big in size.

    I knew i had taken all precautions and done the injection correctly, being sterile and all, so i knew it couldnt be an infection.

    But as the days went by, i got a little worried b/c the symptoms werent getting any better, however i didnt visit the doc. All said and done, it took approx. 3 weeks for the symptoms to subside.

    Im really not sure what happend or what cuased this, but im going to stay away from shooting that site, for a couple weeks just to be on the safe side.
    Did you continue to train your legs during this time? I am not sure can squat now with the discomfort I feel when strectching/bending my knee, let alone squat.

  10. #10
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    Golds Gym
    I did train them in the beg, and i noticed that the pain would subside when i was training, but the day after, it would double and the site would be even more swollen and painfull.

    I had to discontinue training legs until the symptoms subsided (bout 3 weeks). I usually can work thru pain, but man this was crippling, i couldnt even walk right.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Quote Originally Posted by ricki12
    I have read through the searches and cannot find anyone with injection symptoms that match my problem, so I am posting in the hopes of getting some advice.

    I have done 30-40 self injections, mostly in glute, about 5 in the quads. Never had more than a little pain.

    I injected 1.25 CC test cypionate into the quad 6 days ago. The injection went horribly wrong. It hurt going in, my leg felt flexed even though I was sitting and it was relaxed, the needle seemed to go in crooked, and looked bent when I took it out. The shot hurt like hell, and bled quite a bit, for a while.

    I was not sore for the rest of that day, or the following day, but the third day after the injection I did legs and the pain set in that night. By the fourth day the area became swolen, red, and warm to the touch. I have not had a fever and have not felt sick. The pain is not debilitating, I can walk and such, but the area is extremely painful, swolen, red, and warm. Today is 6 days after the injection, and the swelling and redness persist, the pain has gotten a little better relative to the third day when the pain started.

    I lost my job in the middle of this cycle, so I cannot afford to see a doc, or I would have already done that and would not post here. I am certain sterility of my procedure was fine, but I can not be sure there was not something in the gear.

    I guess my question is whether the pain I feel and the swelling is a result of the botched injection, or if it could be an infection and I need to see a doctor. Again, no fever, but the area near the injection site is swolen, red, warm to the touch, and sore. It almost looks like a spider bite.

    Any help is appreciated.

    I am going to assume this was a UG Cyp? the pain you discribed sounds as somone else mentioned you might have hit a nerve. The other symtoms sound to me like the cyp you took had a VERY high BA % which isnt uncommon for UG or mex gear. Cyp shouldnt hurt. The warmth is part of it and im going to assume you have a lump about the size of a lemon mabey not that big but a lump mabey 3" wide? is so i think my theory is right on.
    A certin UG lab i used to use lets call him mr Swis had great stuff every time i bought. then he announced he was taking a break for a bit and would finish up the remaining order. my order was pretty big and included Test E test P EQ, Winst and EVERY ONE OF THEM were SO painfull everyone who used my batch stoped after a week it was horrible felt like you were injecting lava.
    I havent spoken to mr Swis since that batch as my hushmail account expired with his new email on it so i never did get to ask him what the hell was going on.

  12. #12
    Yes, it was UG lab gear. I felt a little pain from other injections, but nothing like this.

    And yes, you have the symptoms down. Swolen area about 3 inches.

    And thanks for the response Ghost, it sounds like the same symptoms I have. The pain did not hit until I trained legs.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Golds Gym
    Yah its killer bro, i hope everything works out for you and best of luck.

    keep us posted on how everything goes.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    give it a week or so you will recover. In the future if you get hot shots aka too much BA in the mix. get yourself some steril cotton seed oil or whatever you wanna use and pop a cc or so of that into the mix extract half of your gear cc then half oil then half gear and half oil leave a little air in swirl it around a bit "Do not shake it" and this should cure the injection pains.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Also if you have any width in your shoulders inject their as well . i do strictly glute and shoulder injections.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    you could have caused deep internal bruising, causing a little bit of internal bleeding. and all the excess blood in the area could be putting pressure on nerves..causing pain

    but im not a doctor, thats just a theory

  17. #17
    I have a little meat on my shoulders. I have always been afraid to inject there. Is it pretty painless?

    I rotated heat and ice last night, but it feels about the same today. Still no fever.

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Washington state
    Shoulders are deeper then you think. If you are afraid use a 1" dart instead of 1 1/2 . Read around for proper injection sites as explaining it might not work. Its the side dead center flex the muscle find the middle relax and pop your in. shouldnt have much pain unless you go to deep also make sure the area is clean.

  19. #19
    Well, It is a week and one day since I took the shot, and 5 days since the problems appeared. I am sure I am getting better, but it is a slow process. The swelling, and redness went down 2 days ago. The pain remained, but slowly seems to be getting better. It is not near the pain it was 5 days ago.

    The amp I drew from has about 1/2-1 CC left in it, and I think i am going to throw it out. There is no way I am risking this type of pain and or infection for a few drops of juice. I have other amps on hand.

    Thanks for the advice/feedback everyone. I will come back and let you know how it is going, if not for your own curiosity, for the people that may do a search and find this thread.

  20. #20
    Well, It has been a week since the pain and swelling set in, and 9 days since the injection. The pain is almost all gone, barely noticeable. Swelling, redness, heat, are all gone. Looks like I am almost all better.

    I did legs today, squats and deads, and there is a slight pain, barely noticeable.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone. I think I am all better. Not sure what caused the pain, swelling, redness, and heat at the swelling area, but i did not see a doctor and never ran a fever.

    Thanks again everyone.

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    ey bro i have the same exact issue... i injected susp into delt (my first injection) and my shoulder is red, hurts like CRAP!, and is warm to the touch.... im starting to get worried now

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I realize its an old thread but I had the same thing happen once. My leg swelled up and was warm and red. I went to see the doc as its free here in Canada! Thank God for that... He said it wasnt infected but he did say it looked kinda weird and to just watch it so it didnt get worse. That night after 6 to 7 days of this I took the hottest heat pad possible (microwaveable) and I held it on the area for 3 hours as hot as I could stand.
    The next morning I could feel instant relief.... I beleive I had injected into very dense sinue as it was hard to insert needle. The oil just sat there and did not dissipate at all causing inflamation, swelling and non-absorbence because of swelling. Im not a doctor but I know for sure that the heat pad was an instant relief. Now I have many injections behind me and I would never push that hard to inject. If you need to your in the wrong area.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    awesome thx

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