Quote Originally Posted by Fordfan01
ive been trying to do some damage control with some of my friends who found out. I made up a pretty good story but they aint idiots. But the bad thing is if i kick his a$$ then he might have me locked up, so this just sucks all around. Mom done told me if she found me doin juice she would never let me come stay at her house ever.
plus they will just say it's the roid rage...

i'd take him aside, tell him to mind his own business and that if any additional trouble that you have to go through, that one day in the near future, he will wake up and realize he can't see or defend himself... don't yell, but plant a seed..

oh by the way.. you better be running a great cycle, and gain 20 lbs of muscle, and get ripped as hell...

that'll shut him up..