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Thread: mass cycle

  1. #1

    mass cycle

    i came up with this for a mass cycle

    sustanon 250 500mg week weeks 1 thru 10
    Equipose or Deca-Durabolin 200/400mg week weeks 1 thru 10
    Dianabol 25/30mg day weeks 1 thru 6
    Nolvadex 40mg day for weeks 12 thru 15 and i want extra incase I run into any problems during the stack

    I also heard eq is better than deca and i was wanting some info on what u guys think

    thanks for your time

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    First off it this your first cycle?

    About what you have listed here I personally would go with something like this:
    sustanon 250 500mg week weeks 1 thru 10
    Equipose 400mg week weeks 1 thru 10
    Dianabol 35mg day weeks 1 thru 4

    You can run 17aa 6 weeks but really you don't need to in this case..just use the dbol as a jump starter for the sust. Up your dosage to 35mg ED of dbol. As for the eq I would go that way for sure instead of the deca.

    Why are you runny novladex 40mg weeks 12-15???

    If you want to run them as an anti-e to avoid possible problems and maybe cut back on some water retention run them from day one at 10-20mg ED. And if you noticed any problems then you can go up from there. But that should do the trick.

    Make sure you also have clomid post cycle and run it something like this
    300mg day 1
    100mg next 10 days
    50mg next 10 days then stop and things should be back in order

    Also because you are taking 17aa you may want to look at taking milk thistle.

    hope that helps

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    I'm with shredz, although not for the reason of liver toxicity.
    D-bol, at least for me, seems to lose its kick after 3-4 weeks.
    By then the enathate should have kicked in.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002

    Your cycle ok

    Yeap i made taht cycle myself and im 37lbs heavier now...keep with schedz solution

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I think he is running the Nolva as an alternative to Clomid for post-cycle therapy.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by Shredz
    First off it this your first cycle?

    About what you have listed here I personally would go with something like this:
    sustanon 250 500mg week weeks 1 thru 10
    Equipose 400mg week weeks 1 thru 10
    Dianabol 35mg day weeks 1 thru 4

    You can run 17aa 6 weeks but really you don't need to in this case..just use the dbol as a jump starter for the sust. Up your dosage to 35mg ED of dbol. As for the eq I would go that way for sure instead of the deca.

    Why are you runny novladex 40mg weeks 12-15???

    If you want to run them as an anti-e to avoid possible problems and maybe cut back on some water retention run them from day one at 10-20mg ED. And if you noticed any problems then you can go up from there. But that should do the trick.

    Make sure you also have clomid post cycle and run it something like this
    300mg day 1
    100mg next 10 days
    50mg next 10 days then stop and things should be back in order

    Also because you are taking 17aa you may want to look at taking milk thistle.

    hope that helps

    I am also taking 17aa, and I was wondering if there was anything else I could take to avoid more liver toxic problem with 17aa,

    I am taking cranberry and milk thistle. I drink about 2 galons of water a day too. I hope thats enough. I am taking 25mg/ed of dbol.


  7. #7
    Last edited by crushhhh859; 01-08-2007 at 05:30 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Nolva can be used for both. In fact, some say it's even better than Clomid although most disagree.

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