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Thread: Frontloading explained-

  1. #1
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Frontloading explained-

    Front loading is a process to saturate your receptors with the peak dose from week one to ensure stable blood levels instead of it taking several weeks to peak like most long esters,this is why most people dont feel the effect of a long ester until its built up substantial amount in the blood stream, the problem can be solve by front loading which is doubling the amount of mg in the first wk,

    When you inject AAS regardless of the ester a certain amount is released over the next 24-48hrs the only thing the esters does is extends the half life of the AAS it wont slow down the first initial release of the AAS,, so after the the first release of the AAS as mentioned above the reminder is released over a certain amount of time up to the half life,

    Why wait for you to feel the effects or for it to kick in around wks 6-7, you would be better of getting the blood androgen level up sooner,spiking and working so you feel the effects of the AAS, If you work out exactly the level of active testosterone and the esterized amount waiting to be activated you will see the advantage of front loading and the benefits -

    The example i will show you is the first few weeks of a cycle what is not front loaded and one which is front loaded, please dont look to forward into the ester because its not really important to the final results other than dose difference, lets give an example of AAS with half life of 7 days -

    Standard cycle of 500mgs per week

    Week 1- 500mg used........After 7 days 250mg left - so active test delivered in that wk 250mg

    Week 2 - 500mg used.......+ 250mg (left over) = 750mg - test active for that wk = 375mg

    Week 3 - 500mg used.......+375mg (left over)= 875mg - test active for that wk=437.5mg

    Week 4 - 500mg used........+437.5mg(left over)=937.5mg - test active for that wk=488.7mg

    Week 5 - 500mg used........+488.7mg(left over)=988.7mg - test active for that wk=494.3mg

    Week 6 - 500mg used........+494.3mg(left over)=994.3mg - test active for that wk=497.1mg

    Week 7 - 500mg used........+497.1mg(left over)=997.1- test active for that week=498.5mg

    And so on...............

    Takes 7 weeks to get the full weekly dose of 500mgs

    250mg in the first wk
    375mg in the second wk
    437.5mg in the third wk
    488.7mg in the fourth wk
    494.3mg in the fifth wk
    497.1mg in the sixth wk
    498.5mg in the seventh wk
    Front loaded cycle of 500mg per week -

    Week 1 - 1000mg used.......After 7 days 500mg left - so active test delivered in that 1st week!!!!
    Then back to the normal dose of 500mg per wk, job done!

    By the end of the first week you will achieve the peak dose as opposed to the 7th wk of a cycle not front loaded, 1 wk or 7 wks for peak blood levels? no argument really, you will have the benefit of the gear kicking straight away,without doubt this is an excellent way to achieve your goals and get the full strength of the gear kicking striaght away, remember the body grows at its best when its fresh which is noramally at the start of a cycle, cut the whole length down of the cycle and front load it, less time shutdown, faster stable blood levels at peak dosage, results striaght from the start, reason why many stay on cycle for many wks is because of when the gear starts to kick fully so why not cut the length down which will cut the time down for shutdown, with front load no need to stay on for so long,

    Long esters and short esters can be used when front loading, long esters work better and should be doubled during the first wk of the cycle and the short esters should be doubled on the first day of the cycle but not that much in it tho!, this is due to the half life of short esters, a easier way around this would be - if you implement the rule of - with every standard dose you inject double each time you jab until you reach the first half life, this will ensure you wont go over the required amount and this will hit your peak blood levels in the first week, no unstable levels and straight away in the first wk you will be running the required amount,

    Many like this method and many prefer kickstarting the front end of the cycle an oral i would say try them both and see which one you respond best to, i would advice anybody who likes running the standard length of cycle with long esters to try this method it may just change the way you cycle in the future.

  2. #2
    Nice Post marcus..

    I have some graphs to illustrate what you have explained above.

    First graph shows Test E E3D without frontloading.

    It takes approx 20 days for the hormone to reach its max Blood Concentration of 40ng/ml

  3. #3
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Quote Originally Posted by AleX-69
    Nice Post marcus..

    I have some graphs to illustrate what you have explained above.

    First graph shows Test E E3D without frontloading.

    It takes approx 20 days for the hormone to reach its max Blood Concentration of 40ng/ml

    Thanks Alex

  4. #4
    Now with 500mg Frontload on day one. A comparable Blood Concentration of 40ng/ml is approx reached on day 14.

    Last edited by AleX-69; 02-12-2007 at 07:04 AM.

  5. #5
    and finally 750mg Frontload. a blood concentration of 40ng/ml is reached after only 5 days.
    Moreover the peak concentration is a little higher compared to the other graphs.
    That is why i would most certainly always opt for Frontloading the tripple amount of hormone used in a single injection - for longer ersters that is.

    Last edited by AleX-69; 02-12-2007 at 07:22 AM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Good thread.

    Question:How much is 40mg/ml acording to, ng/dl?

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by vitor
    Good thread.

    Question:How much is 40mg/ml acording to, ng/dl?

    got a typo there.. It should read ng/ml..

    40ng/ml should equal 4000ng/dl which would be 4times the upper limit of the normal test range.

  8. #8
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    wow, awesome graphs Alex. Definitely puts in perspective and answers all questions about frontloading...including benifits.

    Amazing how only a 750mg frontload would raise you Test levels that sharply.


  9. #9
    Wow great post guys. That helpped greatly. Ok here is my question. I just started a cycle one week ago. It is 500mg of test and 250mg Deca per week. Can I jump up the doses now or is it to late?

  10. #10
    Are you injecting once every 7 days?

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300
    Front loading is a process to saturate your receptors with the peak dose from week one to ensure stable blood levels instead of it taking several weeks to peak like most long esters,this is why most people dont feel the effect of a long ester until its built up substantial amount in the blood stream, the problem can be solve by front loading which is doubling the amount of mg in the first wk,

    When you inject AAS regardless of the ester a certain amount is released over the next 24-48hrs the only thing the esters does is extends the half life of the AAS it wont slow down the first initial release of the AAS,, so after the the first release of the AAS as mentioned above the reminder is released over a certain amount of time up to the half life,

    Why wait for you to feel the effects or for it to kick in around wks 6-7, you would be better of getting the blood androgen level up sooner,spiking and working so you feel the effects of the AAS, If you work out exactly the level of active testosterone and the esterized amount waiting to be activated you will see the advantage of front loading and the benefits -

    The example i will show you is the first few weeks of a cycle what is not front loaded and one which is front loaded, please dont look to forward into the ester because its not really important to the final results other than dose difference, lets give an example of AAS with half life of 7 days -

    Standard cycle of 500mgs per week

    Week 1- 500mg used........After 7 days 250mg left - so active test delivered in that wk 250mg

    Week 2 - 500mg used.......+ 250mg (left over) = 750mg - test active for that wk = 375mg

    Week 3 - 500mg used.......+375mg (left over)= 875mg - test active for that wk=437.5mg

    Week 4 - 500mg used........+437.5mg(left over)=937.5mg - test active for that wk=488.7mg

    Week 5 - 500mg used........+488.7mg(left over)=988.7mg - test active for that wk=494.3mg

    Week 6 - 500mg used........+494.3mg(left over)=994.3mg - test active for that wk=497.1mg

    Week 7 - 500mg used........+497.1mg(left over)=997.1- test active for that week=498.5mg

    And so on...............

    Takes 7 weeks to get the full weekly dose of 500mgs

    250mg in the first wk
    375mg in the second wk
    437.5mg in the third wk
    488.7mg in the fourth wk
    494.3mg in the fifth wk
    497.1mg in the sixth wk
    498.5mg in the seventh wk
    Front loaded cycle of 500mg per week -

    Week 1 - 1000mg used.......After 7 days 500mg left - so active test delivered in that 1st week!!!!
    Then back to the normal dose of 500mg per wk, job done!

    By the end of the first week you will achieve the peak dose as opposed to the 7th wk of a cycle not front loaded, 1 wk or 7 wks for peak blood levels? no argument really, you will have the benefit of the gear kicking straight away,without doubt this is an excellent way to achieve your goals and get the full strength of the gear kicking striaght away, remember the body grows at its best when its fresh which is noramally at the start of a cycle, cut the whole length down of the cycle and front load it, less time shutdown, faster stable blood levels at peak dosage, results striaght from the start, reason why many stay on cycle for many wks is because of when the gear starts to kick fully so why not cut the length down which will cut the time down for shutdown, with front load no need to stay on for so long,

    Long esters and short esters can be used when front loading, long esters work better and should be doubled during the first wk of the cycle and the short esters should be doubled on the first day of the cycle but not that much in it tho!, this is due to the half life of short esters, a easier way around this would be - if you implement the rule of - with every standard dose you inject double each time you jab until you reach the first half life, this will ensure you wont go over the required amount and this will hit your peak blood levels in the first week, no unstable levels and straight away in the first wk you will be running the required amount,

    Many like this method and many prefer kickstarting the front end of the cycle an oral i would say try them both and see which one you respond best to, i would advice anybody who likes running the standard length of cycle with long esters to try this method it may just change the way you cycle in the future.
    As a point of note, you aren't "saturating the receptors" but rather just getting a higher blood plasma level sooner. Just a technical flaw in your explanation. The reason for this is that there is ample evidence that by taking AAS, you increase the number of receptors, so you can never actually saturate them, by definition.

  12. #12
    I am injecting twice a week

  13. #13
    I'd say it still would benefit you to some extend.
    This is your Test E concentration administering 250mg twice a week.

    This would be the concentration if you would double your 250mg dose TEst E on day 8 of your cycle.

    I could also post the graphs for deca, but there is not that much diffrence here.

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Marcus, I think this is a great way to start the cycle. However, if you had a compound like deca involved as well, would you:

    a) still shorten the the normal 12 week cycle? If so, how?
    b) frontload the deca too?

    Thanks, Johny.

  15. #15
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    I just frontloaded with:

    5 - Omnadren (1,250mg)
    2 - Test E. Galenika's (500mg)
    4 - Deca 200mg (800mg)

    I did all these injections over the period of 4 days (to include today).

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    great info...i am planning on front loading my next cycle, i asked this question yesterday but cant find the post now so i am going to ask again...its somewhat related.

    What is the shortest cycle you can run using a long ester like Test E when front loading??

  17. #17
    I#d say 4 weeks but you have to use rather high dosages + you have to stop injections at the 14day mark to let the metabolites clear out of your body until cycle termination.

    I am not a friend of using long esters in short cycles though - i am not a fan of long esters all together. But that wasn't the question i suppose

  18. #18
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    mostly curious on if its possible.

  19. #19
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    So, help me:

    If I was planning a 12 week cycle of test enan and deca, and I decided to frontload the two compounds, how many weeks should the cycle last? 10? 8?

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    excellent thread marcus!!!!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johny-too-small
    So, help me:

    If I was planning a 12 week cycle of test enan and deca, and I decided to frontload the two compounds, how many weeks should the cycle last? 10? 8?

  22. #22
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Yes you could cut the noraml cycle down by 2-3 wks if you frontload IMHO

  23. #23
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    Oct 2004
    My advice would be to fronload then inject everyday. This was posted on another board. All good information:

    I am writing this but cannot take credit for it. This line of reasoning was pointed out to me by a bro who wishes to now remain anonymous.

    GG and Superduty got me thinking tho so I'd thought I'd try to explain it.

    The goal of injecting steriods is to increase blood levels of testosterone much higher than can be achieved normally. One of our criteria in doing this is to keep blood levels as stable as possible throughout cycle to provide the best environment for growth and to avoid as many sides as possible. I believe many side effects are caused by the spikes and dips created by once or twice a week injections, even using long esters. A way to reduce these sides would be to use a proper half life to determine when to inject or more importantly how much to frontload with.

    Now most half lives are calculated on 1.5 x the number of carbon atoms to determine 1/2 life in days. Thats wrong! If you go to PubMed or AMJ you can look up numerous studies showing a much shorter half life(@ .7 per carbon atom)

    That difference is because esters decay at a logarithmic rate, meaning the more esterified hormone in the injection depot, the more is released. This release rate slows as the amount of esterified hormone in the depot is reduced over time.
    The general rule is about 0.7 X the number of carbons atoms in a linear ester . However when the body builder needs to keep in mind is that the majority of the esterified hormone is released, regardless of the ester, with the first 24hrs of injection because of the logarithmic rate of decay.
    What does this mean in simple terms?
    I'll useTestosterone Enthante in an 8 week cycle as an example:

    Assume a 5 day half life for enthanate based on .7 x it's carbons.
    Injecting 579mg on day one of your cycle will provide stable levels of 550 mg per week for the duration of your cycle provided you replentish 75 mg EVERY DAY.
    Day 1- 579- giving you 550 mg in 24 hours
    Day 2 75 giving you 550 mg
    Day 3 75 550
    Day 4 75 550
    Day 5 75 550
    Day 6 75 550
    Day 7 75 550
    Day 8 75 550
    Day 9 75 550
    Day10 75 550
    Day11 75 550
    Day12 75 550

    and so on until day 57 when you stop injections
    decay clearance is as follows
    DAY Total MG
    58 479
    59 417
    60 363
    61 316
    62 275
    63 240
    64 209
    65 182
    66 158
    67 138
    68 120
    69 104
    70 91
    71 79
    72 69
    73 60
    74 52
    75 45
    76 40
    77 34
    78 30
    79 26
    80 23
    81 20
    82 17
    83 15
    84 13
    85 11
    all the way down to day 98 (end of week 14) before the enth is totally cleared.

    Enthanate Clearance 500 mg


    Now let's look at 1 shot of test enthanate of 500mg taken on day one.

    It will take 8 weeks to clear(assuming a 5 day 1/2 life)

    DAY Injected 500 mg(level)

    1 500
    2 475
    3 414
    4 360
    5 313
    6 273
    7 238
    8 207
    9 180
    10 157
    11 136
    12 119
    13 103
    14 90

    and so- on until week 9 when it reaches 0.

    Enthanate injected E3D at 250 mg-levels


    NOw lets look at Injections of Test Enthanate every 3 days with 250 mg.
    Blood levels are all over the place and create many dips and spikes.
    Not a prime anabolic environment. It takes 7 days and 3 injections to even get to 500 mg(498) adn then continues to dip and spike the 500 mark until week 4 but then the spikes are over 600 mg. This daily flucuation cannot be good for combating sides or keeping steady growth rate.
    The other way to look at it is $$$$. 500 ed levels would be more economical. You'd gain more.
    I wonder if the 2 grams a week guys would do better on 1 gram injected every day vs 3x a week.


    1.... .250.... 238
    2 .......0..... 207..
    3 ......0 .....180
    4.... 250 ....394
    5 ......0 .....343
    6 ......0..... 299
    7 .....250... 498
    8 .....0...... 433
    9..... 0 ......377
    10 ..250 ....566
    11... 0 ......493
    12... 0..... 429
    13 ..250..... 611
    14... 0....... 532
    15... 0 .....463
    16.. 250 ...640
    17 ...0 .....558
    18 ....0 ....485
    19 ...250 ..660
    20... 0 .....575
    21 ...0 .....500
    22 .250 ....673
    23... 0.... 586
    24... 0 ....510
    25 ..250.. 681
    26... 0 ....593
    27... 0.... 518
    28 ..250 ..687
    29 ..0 .....598
    30 ..0 ....521

    and so on.
    ^^That BTW, IS why you frontload.
    I used this web calc for these figures.

  24. #24
    great thread,i was wondering when i try my first cycle it will test e only. can a first timer use the jump start method,tanx.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil ORourke
    great thread,i was wondering when i try my first cycle it will test e only. can a first timer use the jump start method,tanx.
    As already said, there's nothing wrong with a first timer frontloading.

  26. #26
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    What about mid loading if you are using a compound like masteron near the end of a cycle? Like if you were doing 1-9 weeks of a test ester and weeks 5-9 of masteron?

    Great thread btw! Thanks for the info Marcus!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Swifto
    My advice would be to fronload then inject everyday. This was posted on another board. All good information:

    I am writing .....

    That is a very interesting example..

    Can someone comment on this -

    From this i will definitely would want to frontload and inject ED...

    OR triple load and inject E3D (for enanthate)

  28. #28
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    Are there any complications with the sudden spike of androgens (when frontloading) as it relates to estrogen-related problems like gyno?

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    Are there any complications with the sudden spike of androgens (when frontloading) as it relates to estrogen-related problems like gyno?
    Of course, take precautions.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jdavis2007
    Are there any complications with the sudden spike of androgens (when frontloading) as it relates to estrogen-related problems like gyno?
    My guess is, that since the active mg per day is immediately brought up with front loading to what it would be weeks down the road with a long ester...

    Then as you notice a buildup of side effects in a normal cycle, the side effects of a front loaded cycle would be immediate. As long as you begin taking an AI or have one on hand you'd be fine just the same as you would at the end of a cycle without front loading when levels of the drug are already built up in your system.

  31. #31
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lejes
    My guess is, that since the active mg per day is immediately brought up with front loading to what it would be weeks down the road with a long ester...

    Then as you notice a buildup of side effects in a normal cycle, the side effects of a front loaded cycle would be immediate. As long as you begin taking an AI or have one on hand you'd be fine just the same as you would at the end of a cycle without front loading when levels of the drug are already built up in your system.

  32. #32
    Join Date
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    bump.....good thread marcus

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ianchov
    That is a very interesting example..

    Can someone comment on this -

    From this i will definitely would want to frontload and inject ED...

    OR triple load and inject E3D (for enanthate)

    I just front loaded this cycle of Test E. only did two shots the first week. Noticed it kicking in by the end of week two. strength is up and sex drive is through the roof......

    Thanks Marcus

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by AleX-69
    Now with 500mg Frontload on day one. A comparable Blood Concentration of 40ng/ml is approx reached on day 14.


  35. #35
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    what about the sides? i think they will be more in the beginning since the body has to adapt to the new levels of testosterone very fast. this will be a shock for the organism and there will significant increase in estrogen and cortisol, since the hormones are supposed to be in homeostasis. we do not want rapid increase in these "antibodybuilding" hormones. on the other hand if you inject in the normal way the levels of test will increase in slower manner, but the organism will adapt better. to conclude frontloading really allows you to feel the roid faster but the sides will be more, than if you do it in the normal way. am i right/wrong - waiting for input...

  36. #36
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    Den sitta på huk ställ
    This is one of the better threads I've seen in this forum lately.

    Great work guys.

    Personally, I use test prop at the start of a long-estered cycle to get things going sooner than if I frontload as described above.

  37. #37
    the triple frontload seems to be the best according to the charts.

    so running test cyp for 10 weeks, would this be smart?
    Week 1:1500 mg.
    Week 2:500 mg.
    Week 3:500 mg.
    Instead of no-frontload and 500/week for 12 weeks.

    Of course I would probably take arimidex as a precaution in the first couple of weeks.

  38. #38
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    More on Frontloading?

    If you were frontloading and wanted to maintain a level of 750 mg per week of Test E, how would you structure it and how often would you inject. EOD or twice a week(once on Monday AM and Thursday PM) ? Also, if you were taking tren E and dbol with it, would you also frontload the Tren and keep the dbol for the first three weeks? Just trying to put all the pieces together on this amazing Thread. I would read it for weeks if it kept going.
    Last edited by Killzone; 04-26-2007 at 12:08 AM. Reason: More info

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by std4
    what about the sides? i think they will be more in the beginning since the body has to adapt to the new levels of testosterone very fast. this will be a shock for the organism and there will significant increase in estrogen and cortisol, since the hormones are supposed to be in homeostasis. we do not want rapid increase in these "antibodybuilding" hormones. on the other hand if you inject in the normal way the levels of test will increase in slower manner, but the organism will adapt better. to conclude frontloading really allows you to feel the roid faster but the sides will be more, than if you do it in the normal way. am i right/wrong - waiting for input...

    Not that I know anything (see my screen name), but this makes sense to me. Not only are we playing chemistry with what we are putting in our bodies, we are also dealing with the subseqent reactions and effects on other systems. We have to look at things both in chemical AND physiological terms in order to adequately address the effects it has on us.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    this may be a dumb question..but does front loading work with deca? to my knowledge its a slighly different compund then testosterone, would i double my reg monthly dose with this as well?

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