I haven't been able to get a good night sleep in awhile (4-6 mo). It's either I can't fall asleep - toss and turn, or I don't want to go sleep until its around
4am. When I do fall asleep, it's very "lite", not going to my deep cycle.
I got new pillows, I have a great mattress. I don't have much stress at work or home. I have a clean diet...
Anyway, I catch myself falling asleep in my office in the middle of the day. The worst is on my way back home during rush hour. I almost wrecked a few times.
Is there anything I can take OTC to help me fall asleep FAST. I don't want to go to a doc... don't want blood tests.
I work out 4-5 days a week and just recently started a cycle. I don't think I'm over-training. Anyone else have the same issue with sleep?