View Poll Results: what do you believe happends when you die?

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  • heaven

    19 39.58%
  • hell

    2 4.17%
  • Reincarnation

    6 12.50%
  • nothing, the sould dies.

    21 43.75%
  • other

    6 12.50%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: death

  1. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by K.Biz
    In before the lock.

    this thread is definetly going to get out of hand

    My heaven is chicks everywhere, 10's that walk around naked and bring me fruit, chicken steak and free protien haha. and a brand new gym to workout in everyday. and brand new sheets to sleep on everynight. Now thats f*ckin heaven
    It wont be locked if it stays civil and it isnt getting out of hand

  2. #82
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    kale bro ur avatars are amazing. keep up the good work

  3. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    but this is my point,i have a muslim friend and she says at no point in the koran does it say killing people of other beliefs will get you into heaven,its only one persons interpritation of the book.
    and every religion on the planet says killing another person is a mortal sin and you will go to hell.

    so if that isnt a contradiction of terms about heaven and hell i dont know what is.

    so even holy books dont know where were
    who said anything about muslims? they create their own belief and that is entailed in it. it is a mercenary religion that those who die for their faith have created. everyone has their own religion, the key in society is to have followers.

  4. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    who said anything about muslims? they create their own belief and that is entailed in it. it is a mercenary religion that those who die for their faith have created. everyone has their own religion, the key in society is to have followers.
    understood but,what im saying is muslims still believe in heaven and hell.

    these certain fanatics believe they are martyrs not mercenaries,but even thats not straight forward either.
    martyrdom is someone of another religion killing you because of that essence everyone who died in9-11 are martyrs,because they were killed for notbeen muslim or even the correct kind,of course except the hijackers cus they werent killed for their faith ,they killed themselves,suicide(a deadly sin).so do they really go to heaven for martyr or hell for murder?

    besides every religion has the same god just different beliefs on when/if he sent/will send his son to save us.

    so if we have the same god does that mean we have the same heaven and hell?????????????????????????????????????

    fu*k me this is way too

  5. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    understood but,what im saying is muslims still believe in heaven and hell.

    these certain fanatics believe they are martyrs not mercenaries,but even thats not straight forward either.
    martyrdom is someone of another religion killing you because of that essence everyone who died in9-11 are martyrs,because they were killed for notbeen muslim or even the correct kind,of course except the hijackers cus they werent killed for their faith ,they killed themselves,suicide(a deadly sin).so do they really go to heaven for martyr or hell for murder?

    besides every religion has the same god just different beliefs on when/if he sent/will send his son to save us.

    so if we have the same god does that mean we have the same heaven and hell?????????????????????????????????????

    fu*k me this is way too
    thanks for googling information i already knew. in any case, you are off point because the 9/11 analogy is off. you have to die FOR what your religion believes in. stated fact. its very straight forward. if someone told me they were going to hunt me down and kill all of my clergy, i would die and take them out to preserve my religion and its beliefs. exactly whats happening.

  6. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by novastepp
    thanks for googling information i already knew. in any case, you are off point because the 9/11 analogy is off. you have to die FOR what your religion believes in. stated fact. its very straight forward. if someone told me they were going to hunt me down and kill all of my clergy, i would die and take them out to preserve my religion and its beliefs. exactly whats happening.

    ha ha

    just incase you didnt read my previous posts,i was raised i a very strict irish roman catholic family ,2 catholic schools,hour long latin masses,alter boy the for 15 yrs i had religion drummed into me and not just catholosism or sorry to dissapoint,didnt need

    and again i do understand what your saying,i have no problem with any religion even though i dont believe in anything,so if i was blown up on a bus in london they would be martyrs for killing me cus they believe im trying to wipe out the nation of islam,even though i dont care.

    i still see that as murder = sin = hell

    its only my opinion that every religion on the planet is hypocrytical.and thats part the reason i have no faith whatsoever

  7. #87
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    But those ideas could not pass scientific tests even back then.... They where never scientific theories, not in the sense we use the word today.

    People realised the earth isnt flat and that the earth revolves around the sun because the flat eart and earth in the center ideas could not be supported by observation. They realised that if it was true the other plants and the sun had to have very wierd orbits. Finaly someone had the guts to point it out and say that assuimg the sun is in the middle gives a much simpler solution.

    IMO rigorus science realy started with Newton and since newton there hasnt been one succesfull scientific(atleast not in physics) theory that has been canned. Newton mechanics and maxwell electrodynamics still stand as two of the finest theories ever made.

    Even if scientists belived in flat earth it doesnt mean much. Newton himself was a alchemist first and foremost. But there was never any experimental proof for alchemy so it was never a scientific theory.

    Let me expand on what I said about newton and einstein.
    For a while everyone belived that newton mechanics and maxwell electrodynamics was the answere to everything. There where some small problems where the theories broke down though. Einstein offcourse figured out how to fix the problems and he fixed them by creating theory of relativity. But theory of relativity doesnt mean newton was wrong. It just means that newtons theory doesn not work when dealing with very fast relative motion. But no one uses theory of relativity when building a bridge or house, newton works just as good today for that purpose as it did a couple of hundrad years ago.

    Another example of today is quantum mechanics. QM is the most tested theory ever created. It has passed so many test that its ridicilous, but it has offcourse evolved. The schrödinger equation works for most thing, but then it breaks down and dirac had to invent his dirac equation, but even that breaksdown and we have to use quantum field theory ect. But whenever a addition is found it doesnt mean the old parts are bad. Just incomplete.
    But if any of these theories where wrong it would have a real noticable real world effect. Our computers would not work since semiconductor theory is based completely on quantum mechanics. The sun would turn of since fusion is a quantum theory.

    So what can concivably happen that would show quantum mechanics wrong? If we find out some new stuff tomorrow it cant mean our computers just stop working? The theories prove themself everytime you turn on the computer or everytime you look up to the sun that is a absolute truth that can never change. We know that the quantum theories are not complete, but except for a few very wierd circumstances(graviational singularities, first picosecond of big bang ect)they are accurate to as high degree as we can messure.

    rant off
    boy that was a mouth full, and i cant argue with the science aspect and the specifcs you stated but i still stand on the fact that what science states today may be proven complletely or at least partially wrong later in time, things that are though of as impossible and not probable, have the posibility of happening. never say never, i am nto saying anything against scientific theory or the way sceintifc tests humans, we are the ones running these experiments, and even our best and brightest make mistakes, after all, we are human.the margin for eror may be slight, but we are far from being infalable(sp?) correct me if i am wrong johan, as of now, ther is nothing faster than the speed of light, and i think the theory states than nothing can be faster than light, how can we be certain of this?in the future, who know what advances we can achieve ,it is beyond our comprehension.

  8. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    boy that was a mouth full, and i cant argue with the science aspect and the specifcs you stated but i still stand on the fact that what science states today may be proven complletely or at least partially wrong later in time, things that are though of as impossible and not probable, have the posibility of happening. never say never, i am nto saying anything against scientific theory or the way sceintifc tests humans, we are the ones running these experiments, and even our best and brightest make mistakes, after all, we are human.the margin for eror may be slight, but we are far from being infalable(sp?) correct me if i am wrong johan, as of now, ther is nothing faster than the speed of light, and i think the theory states than nothing can be faster than light, how can we be certain of this?in the future, who know what advances we can achieve ,it is beyond our comprehension.
    Get me started on talking physics and you have to shoot me to get me to shut up

    I agree that the future will probably bring new discoveries that blow our minds away. But if we take the light speed limit as a example. We can atleast with todays theories say with 100% certainity that you can not just strap a engine on something and accelerate to faster than light speeds. If you want to somehow travel or comunicate faster than light it has to be by some kind of shortcut.

    The thing with theories is that they are all associated with certain conditions that they work under. Newtons theories work when the speeds are less than roughly 10% of the speed of light and we dont deal with super dense masses like neutron stars. General relativity works aslong as we dont deal with very tiny things like elementary particles and so on. Every theory has its on conditions, often those conditions are not fully known or well defined yet.

    So if we find a way to travel faster than the speed of light it will be under some kind of condition that the theories we have today dont apply to.

    So I agree what we discover in the future will probably be awsome and make things we thought impossible into everyday events. If not Im going to be angry cause I want some action god damn it.
    But the theories of today will still work under the conditions where they are applicable.

  9. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kärnfysikern
    Get me started on talking physics and you have to shoot me to get me to shut up

    I agree that the future will probably bring new discoveries that blow our minds away. But if we take the light speed limit as a example. We can atleast with todays theories say with 100% certainity that you can not just strap a engine on something and accelerate to faster than light speeds. If you want to somehow travel or comunicate faster than light it has to be by some kind of shortcut.

    The thing with theories is that they are all associated with certain conditions that they work under. Newtons theories work when the speeds are less than roughly 10% of the speed of light and we dont deal with super dense masses like neutron stars. General relativity works aslong as we dont deal with very tiny things like elementary particles and so on. Every theory has its on conditions, often those conditions are not fully known or well defined yet.

    So if we find a way to travel faster than the speed of light it will be under some kind of condition that the theories we have today dont apply to.

    So I agree what we discover in the future will probably be awsome and make things we thought impossible into everyday events. If not Im going to be angry cause I want some action god damn it.
    But the theories of today will still work under the conditions where they are applicable.
    great post my friend, i think now we see wee both of our statements are coming from. icant wait to se waht the future hold, especialy from your fields of study

  10. #90
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    i still see that as murder = sin = hell

    I hate to break it to you, but murdering someone is no different than lying to someone. There's no such thing as a second or third degree sin. Sin is sin. All sin is recoverable through repenting. The only sin that is nonrecoverable is blasphemy. Blasphemy is an act of praising the devil for something that came about due to the work of God.

    Check out my post from December that goes into more detail about this.

  11. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I hate to break it to you, but murdering someone is no different than lying to someone. There's no such thing as a second or third degree sin. Sin is sin. All sin is recoverable through repenting. The only sin that is nonrecoverable is blasphemy. Blasphemy is an act of praising the devil for something that came about due to the work of God.

    Check out my post from December that goes into more detail about this.
    that is totaly your opinion, we all dont have to agree with that, if you are comparing me telling a lie about going to the store, but instead i go out with my friends is comparable to the acts of jeffrey dahmer, i say bullshit! not in my religion. if that is what you believe, hey fine by me, but please dont push beliefs on us, we have the right to think differently depending on our choice of faith.christianity has many froms that differ, not one set rule book, that is why there are so many divisions and seperations of different churches throughout the history of time. hell this country was started because of seperation of religious beliefs

  12. #92
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    understood but,what im saying is muslims still believe in heaven and hell.

    these certain fanatics believe they are martyrs not mercenaries,but even thats not straight forward either.
    martyrdom is someone of another religion killing you because of that essence everyone who died in9-11 are martyrs,because they were killed for notbeen muslim or even the correct kind,of course except the hijackers cus they werent killed for their faith ,they killed themselves,suicide(a deadly sin).so do they really go to heaven for martyr or hell for murder?

    besides every religion has the same god just different beliefs on when/if he sent/will send his son to save us.

    so if we have the same god does that mean we have the same heaven and hell?????????????????????????????????????

    fu*k me this is way too
    You are refering to judgement, and atonement from that judgement...

    here is a vid that is very violent..

    ever hear of taking women of slain soldier as war booty??

    This vid is violent and long...
    The answer to your every question


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  13. #93
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    You are refering to judgement, and atonement from that judgement...

    here is a vid that is very violent..

    ever hear of taking women of slain soldier as war booty??

    This vid is violent and long...
    maybe it is just me, but what is the point we are trying to understand here? i am lost

  14. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I hate to break it to you, but murdering someone is no different than lying to someone. There's no such thing as a second or third degree sin. Sin is sin. All sin is recoverable through repenting. The only sin that is nonrecoverable is blasphemy. Blasphemy is an act of praising the devil for something that came about due to the work of God.

    Check out my post from December that goes into more detail about this.
    i truelly respect you as iv read a lot of your posts and can see that your a man of faith and honour.

    but sorry i disagree.there is no way you can compare murder to lying.
    if i went into a confesional box to repent my sins and told my priest id just murdered someone ,he wouldnt just give me 20 hail marys and tell me to go in cant be that easy to buy a ticket into heaven.
    and if people of true faith really believe all sins will be forgiven(blasphemy and suicide aside) then there would be no need for hell to be ever invented.

    i really am not disrespecting your beliefs or religion,these are my personal opinions.its just i see lots of hypocrisy in all faiths including my own,catholosism

    eg; dont murder,but if you do you will be forgiven and go to heaven anyway.

  15. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    i truelly respect you as iv read a lot of your posts and can see that your a man of faith and honour.

    but sorry i disagree.there is no way you can compare murder to lying.
    if i went into a confesional box to repent my sins and told my priest id just murdered someone ,he wouldnt just give me 20 hail marys and tell me to go in cant be that easy to buy a ticket into heaven.
    and if people of true faith really believe all sins will be forgiven(blasphemy and suicide aside) then there would be no need for hell to be ever invented.

    i really am not disrespecting your beliefs or religion,these are my personal opinions.its just i see lots of hypocrisy in all faiths including my own,catholosism

    eg; dont murder,but if you do you will be forgiven and go to heaven anyway.
    back you 100% ronan

  16. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    maybe it is just me, but what is the point we are trying to understand here? i am lost
    dang, i had to go back and reread..ha

    2 parts..

    the question was put forth... are christians and muslims going to the same heaven and hell..


    the 2nd was my point regarding what muslims really believe when it comes to war, death and the lack of value life has.. that civilized countries are not afraid of them, or their choices, but rather we will not allow such crazed behavior..

    example would be what do you do when you find a rabid dog?? you put it down..
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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  17. #97
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    dang, i had to go back and reread..ha

    2 parts..

    the question was put forth... are christians and muslims going to the same heaven and hell..


    the 2nd was my point regarding what muslims really believe when it comes to war, death and the lack of value life has.. that civilized countries are not afraid of them, or their choices, but rather we will not allow such crazed behavior..

    example would be what do you do when you find a rabid dog?? you put it down..
    ahh i got it now, i also back this 100%

  18. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian

    i really am not disrespecting your beliefs or religion,these are my personal opinions.its just i see lots of hypocrisy in all faiths including my own,catholosism

    eg; dont murder,but if you do you will be forgiven and go to heaven anyway.
    And respect back to you, man. I think it's cool that we can respect each others beliefs. One thing that I'll never do is attempt to manipulate someone into thinking the way that I do. I enjoy sharing my beliefs, but not enforcing them.

  19. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    ahh i got it now, i also back this 100%
    If people really want to know what i think...................... oh wait i see they don't really want to know..

    I prefer to allow others to do what they want.. but don't tell me i'm wrong, or that should do what you do... (not just you Doc S ) people in general..

    the real problem becomes people think they have a right to force themselves on others, and that i will not tolerate..

    If a person says homosexuality is a choice or a precondition then it is only logical that pedo's are the same thing, or rapest can make the same argument, men who beat women (this is still acceptable in many parts of the world) men and women that abuse physically anyone that they percieve as weaker than them (this is the cause of all wars) a country will only attack another country if they think they can win..

    This last statement regarding war has changed and is changing due to the availabilty of small interest groups access to media..

    note the link i posted, if they posted that on CNN... it wouldn't be 20,000 extra troops over there.. there would be no arabs left alive..
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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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  20. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    And respect back to you, man. I think it's cool that we can respect each others beliefs. One thing that I'll never do is attempt to manipulate someone into thinking the way that I do. I enjoy sharing my beliefs, but not enforcing them.
    spoken like a true gentleman. we can all agree to disagree

  21. #101
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    that is totaly your opinion, we all dont have to agree with that, if you are comparing me telling a lie about going to the store, but instead i go out with my friends is comparable to the acts of jeffrey dahmer, i say bullshit! not in my religion. if that is what you believe, hey fine by me, but please dont push beliefs on us, we have the right to think differently depending on our choice of faith.christianity has many froms that differ, not one set rule book, that is why there are so many divisions and seperations of different churches throughout the history of time. hell this country was started because of seperation of religious beliefs
    Remember now, I'm not attempting to sell my beliefs to you. I'm just sharing my beliefs and nothing more. I totally respect your opinion Doc, and will never criticize you or anyone else on this board for what they believe in.

    I'm very sorry if you felt that I was attacking you or anyone else within this thread.

  22. #102
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    Remember now, I'm not attempting to sell my beliefs to you. I'm just sharing my beliefs and nothing more. I totally respect your opinion Doc, and will never criticize you or anyone else on this board for what they believe in.

    I'm very sorry if you felt that I was attacking you or anyone else within this thread.
    no i didint feel attacked, i am just a passionte guy, i come across as agressive sometimes in text . i absolutely understand and i respect your beliefs as well

  23. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    spoken like a true gentleman. we can all agree to disagree
    agree 100 %

  24. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    no i didint feel attacked, i am just a passionte guy, i come across as agressive sometimes in text . i absolutely understand and i respect your beliefs as well
    A perfect example as to the very reason why I refuse to communicate with my wife in e-mail form. A lack of tone in the delivery can turn some of the nicest of comments into an act of evil!

  25. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard

    This last statement regarding war has changed and is changing due to the availabilty of small interest groups access to media..

    note the link i posted, if they posted that on CNN... it wouldn't be 20,000 extra troops over there.. there would be no arabs left alive..

    i agree with you a million%,but this will never get shown on bbc

  26. #106
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    On one hand we have the need/desire to help and protect those that cannot help themselves.. no matter the differences..

    and then on the other hand, if you keep getting your hand slapped by that person there comes a point when you just stop caring..

    God or who ever help us all if the USA ever did quickly produce hydrogen fuel in the automobile..

    1/2 of the world would starve to death..
    The answer to your every question


    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
    to his or her own opinions and prejudices, especially
    one exhibiting intolerance, and animosity toward those of differing beliefs.

    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
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  27. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    A perfect example as to the very reason why I refuse to communicate with my wife in e-mail form. A lack of tone in the delivery can turn some of the nicest of comments into an act of evil!
    damn right, i stoped communicating with my lady via text message becasue of the exact same reason

  28. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    On one hand we have the need/desire to help and protect those that cannot help themselves.. no matter the differences..

    and then on the other hand, if you keep getting your hand slapped by that person there comes a point when you just stop caring..

    God or who ever help us all if the USA ever did quickly produce hydrogen fuel in the automobile..

    1/2 of the world would starve to death..
    lets go hydrogen fuel!!!!hurry!!

  29. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by mavsluva
    I hate to break it to you, but murdering someone is no different than lying to someone. There's no such thing as a second or third degree sin. Sin is sin. All sin is recoverable through repenting. The only sin that is nonrecoverable is blasphemy. Blasphemy is an act of praising the devil for something that came about due to the work of God.

    Check out my post from December that goes into more detail about this.
    ALL HAIL THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........seriously... .wtf......guess what? i don't even think there is sin so don't tell me that there aren't different degrees like it's fact...... .....evil is the funnest way to be anyway

  30. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    It wont be locked if it stays civil and it isnt getting out of hand
    uh oh........i guess i just got it locked????? well i felt pushed from that one post which he claims he doesn't do......

  31. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    ALL HAIL THE DEVIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........seriously... .wtf......guess what? i don't even think there is sin so don't tell me that there aren't different degrees like it's fact...... .....evil is the funnest way to be anyway
    I respect your opinion.

    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    uh oh........i guess i just got it locked????? well i felt pushed from that one post which he claims he doesn't do.....
    I am very well known on this board for saying that I'm not perfect. I struggle just like the guy next door, but I allow my faith to prevail at the end of the day.

  32. #112
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    Scotty, beam me up
    Quote Originally Posted by Doc.Sust
    great post my friend, i think now we see wee both of our statements are coming from. icant wait to se waht the future hold, especialy from your fields of study

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