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Thread: .....Your girlfriend tells you she has Herpes.....

  1. #41
    Join Date
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    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    Stop banging her, and wait for the results... tell her that you love her, but need time to think. once you are in the clear, leave... if you are stuck with it... then she's stuck with you...

  2. #42
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    BTW, I caught chlamidia off of one of my ex-s. It all of a sudden burned when I pissed. It takes longer for women to notice chlamidia than in men... She lied to me, told me she has had a STD test since her last partner... She clearly didn't....
    I had to take 4 pills all at once.... not have sex for a week, then tell everyone that she gave me chlamidia just incase she infected others... It's not a fun game, even tho mine was curealbe..

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    Stop banging her, and wait for the results... tell her that you love her, but need time to think. once you are in the clear, leave... if you are stuck with it... then she's stuck with you...

    understood, sounds easy, i even slipped in injust now ....... were still talking, and shes still crying.......saying how BAD SHE FEELS to know that shes hurt me and put me in this situation, she feels helpless she its all her fault, she does understand though that m,y decision ismy decision......FVCK....lets see how long this conversations going to be.

  4. #44
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    Just make sure you stop banging her... You owe it to yourself... No matter what... be nice, but firm. tell her what is really on your mind.

  5. #45
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    Northern Califas
    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    BTW, I caught chlamidia off of one of my ex-s. It all of a sudden burned when I pissed. It takes longer for women to notice chlamidia than in men... She lied to me, told me she has had a STD test since her last partner... She clearly didn't....
    I had to take 4 pills all at once.... not have sex for a week, then tell everyone that she gave me chlamidia just incase she infected others... It's not a fun game, even tho mine was curealbe..

    we just hung up.....I said, after MANY multiple moments of silence.

    "well babe, I need to think about this one, I've never been put in this situation, i cant just make a sound decision at this moment,im gladyou understand my feelings, and can put yourself in my shoes. Im going to go to bed, and getsome sleep. Im going to go get tested again here in a couple of days and talk to my doctor, and see if he can give me some advice....unfortunatly thoug babe, I dont think theres a pill or any injectable sauce I can take(she criesand laughs) that will keep me from getting it. If there is, its probably not from Mexico, and VERY exspensive(she laughs again), i will call you tomorrow."-Rick

    and we said our goodnites blahblah blah.....

    we see what unfolds tomorrow in episode 2 Season 1

    Stay tuned for

    ......Your Girlfriend tells you she has Herpes........

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Whistler, B.C. CANADA
    I'm glad you are taking it well... Good luck...

  7. #47
    Join Date
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    Northern Califas
    trying brucy.....

    too, nice "join date" fck, cant believe i've been on this board for 3

    ohh yea and thanks

    Anastasia, bbplaya21, bodypaul, Bojangles69, Dangerdan, juicy_brucy, kaberle_15, Kale, MotoXracer, Patches24, rich19007, thegodfather, Venomous Nemisis .....and others

    for takin the time to read up and comment on this crazy sheeeit.

  8. #48
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    Mar 2004
    Eventhough the virus has the same name and is identified by simple tests as being one thing, in reality it has many members in its family, i am not talking abotu chickenpox and the later in age shingles, i actually mean the same old herpes has different strands which all have different strenghts and reactions on a person. It can be a very violent virus which gives you horrible outbreaks always, or it can be so mild you never ever in your life get a sign of it!

    This also has to do with you as a person and you immune system and body's reaction to it. Several people on health forums come out and say they test posative for it for the past 5 years or so and they never even had a single itch anywhere on their body!

    While othes are unfortunate and really really suffer from it thats why they need the medication.

    The pics that Kale showed us is some kind of worst case senarios, the reason websites show this is for people to know beyond a shadow of a doubt what it looks like at full blown most severe form. I doubt every person who has herpes gets that way because statistics are showing more and more each year that the numbers of people who have it are increasing so much it can be predicted that almost one in five in the USA have it!! Thats alot!! There would have been some presidential level awareness campaigns going on if everyone who had it was suffering that badly!

  9. #49
    Join Date
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    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    the thing is it will be a constant source of arguments and stress,regular checkups and condoms etc etc....

    if you think your relationship can handle that and dont believe she got it while she was seeing you,ie cheating,then thats one less thing to think about,

    ive had clamidia twice and know the stress it can cause and i was the one who cheated,the girl i was with was beautiful and i loved her and we were planning on getting married,even though she still wanted to,but everytime we argued she brought it with that and other things i finished it.i just couldnt keep my co*k in my pants and it was my fault.

    if you lve her enough and your relationship is strong enough then stay with her if not you know the answer.

    i really hope you get it sorted cus its a real shitty situation

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    the way I look at it is. IF SHES WORTH IT. which you say she is, then keep her bro. I dont have herpes, but damn i need to get tested real soon cause i think somthing might be going on down there. i had a bump like twice and there both gone, never again, so i prob have somthing, which blows but im gonna tested real soon. anyway the way I look at it is, If you stay with her and marry her... your prob not going to get divorced unless you divorce her... because she has herpes... how impossble is it going to be for her to find someone else.. prob pretty impossible haha.

    also herpes has no negative effects on the body exept random breakouts, and with medication, valtrex... you may never ever see a breakout. also you may never ever catch it ever. whos to say your 100% going to catch it?

    Its honestly a hard decision, but I think if i was old enough to get married, i had a girl i really loved and she broke that to me.... i dunno atully, mabye I would, im just saying i wouldnt just dump her because of some desease that 1 in 5 have. soon everyones going to have herpes which is pretty sad to say.

  11. #51
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    the test for herpes is not very acurate unless she is having a break out. no blood or piss or pap smear is acurate when lookin for herpes

  12. #52
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    the test for herpes is not very acurate unless she is having a break out. no blood or piss or pap smear is acurate when lookin for herpes
    exactly, i am almost sure they cant test you unless you have some kind of lesion

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnabolicRick
    trying brucy.....

    too, nice "join date" fck, cant believe i've been on this board for 3

    ohh yea and thanks
    Tell me about it... I was 3,000 miles away from home when I joined just to look for some "real" pics... holy... its been 3 years... YIKES!!! I gotta get out of this province!!!! I NEED A CHANGE!!!!

    Man, oh man... I hope everything works out good for you... There is a good chance you haven't caught it tho bro... keep your head up high until you know for sure... and either way... things can always be worse than they are... stay positive bro. at least try too...

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by dhriscerr
    I thought I had Warts cause I had a few bumps, scared the sh!t out of me, and went away with medicine then came back 3 months later, they tested me and it came back negative, froze the bumps off and nothing for 4 years, and all test have been negative so who knows? Maybe I have HPV? My wife has been tested and she is negative, so I just hope it doesnt resurface. Mostly because it could give her cancer if thats what it was.
    hapened to me bro i went to the doctor and had them froze off 6 years ago,doc says after there burnt off the hpv is gone.he also said on average if you have had sex with more than 4 women you have hpv if you have symptoms or not.i found out my wife had them(she caught it from me before my 1st outbreak)6 years so far and its all good in the hood.

  15. #55
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    i think the all viral tests try to find the antibody which is always present even when no breakout...i think!

  16. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheNextBigThing
    I myself am in a very serious relationship that has been going on for over 2 years with someone I really love. That being said, if she were to tell me that she had herpes I would be gone before she started her explanation.
    sucks to be your girlfriend

  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by juicy_brucy
    Just make sure you stop banging her... You owe it to yourself... No matter what... be nice, but firm. tell her what is really on your mind.
    i agree with that

  18. #58
    Doc.Sust's Avatar
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    a van down by the river!
    Quote Originally Posted by rubix6
    sucks to be your girlfriend

  19. #59
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    Jan 2005
    If i found out a person i was dating had that @#$ this is the closest i would be to us having sex ,

  20. #60
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    if shes a good girl and you do end up dumping her you need to help her through this --I'm sure its rough
    also remember you can catch herpes from other ways then sex--wrestlers get it from grappling and if someone has a sore and you get their fluid on you you can get it--unsure if its genital herpes but I'm sure they can make their way there.
    last thing you got to ask what do you think she would do--would she stay with you or hit the road--if she was to stay with you then you got a good girl---and it sounds like she has a mild case as you guys just found out during regular dr exam

  21. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tapout
    if shes a good girl and you do end up dumping her you need to help her through this --I'm sure its rough
    also remember you can catch herpes from other ways then sex--wrestlers get it from grappling and if someone has a sore and you get their fluid on you you can get it--unsure if its genital herpes but I'm sure they can make their way there.
    last thing you got to ask what do you think she would do--would she stay with you or hit the road--if she was to stay with you then you got a good girl---and it sounds like she has a mild case as you guys just found out during regular dr exam
    Wow, insightful, informative, compassionate...

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  22. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard
    Wow, insightful, informative, compassionate...

    welcome to ar..
    If it is the same tapout I am thinking of he has been a member since back in the day when pete235 & dane were mods.

  23. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by abstrack
    If it is the same tapout I am thinking of he has been a member since back in the day when pete235 & dane were mods.

    yea, i know... it was just refreshing...

    Join Date: 02-17-2002

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    A bigot is a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted
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    If you get scammed by an UGL listed on this board or by another member here, it's all part of the game and learning experience for you,
    we do not approve nor support any sources that may be listed on this site.
    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
    Don't Let the Police kick your ass

  24. #64
    Join Date
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    ya bro, Id be outta there. a year isnt long enough for me to want to risk that... sad to say, but its true man. lots of women out there without the herpes. look at your options...

    but then again, its your call, your life and you will ultimatley do what you want to do.

  25. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard

    yea, i know... it was just refreshing...

    Join Date: 02-17-2002

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    I thought you were being sarcastic, but then again i didnt know if you were just a tart

  26. #66
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    [QUOTE=AnabolicRick]So, what would you do, if your girlfriend that came back from the doctor to get her yearly papsmere test results (typical of women i guess) told you the following:

    (crying) "my doctor gave me the results, he says i test positive for herpes."

    Me: WHAT THE ****?!

    Her: (crying) "I must have got em from my ex, when he was sleeping around"

    Me: (Thinking) K thats your fault for being with the f*** bag knowing he was gettin around.....

    BTW, I got tested and tested negative. I've been with her for 1 year, i saw our relationship very trippin now....WTF?do I want to sacrafice love for a possible chance of catching STD's??? F-NO! cuz im thinking, what if something where to happen, break up...etc. and now im stuck with STD's?

    Any words of advice? I told her that I wasnt down with catching STD's. She says she has never had a break out.....but theres always a chance i i dont know what to do. Condoms for the rest of my life? lololol

    Thanks homeys[/QUO

    found a number of dating sites for people with herpes he is just ine

  27. #67
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Thanks Spywizard for the rewelcome
    and thanks Abstrack for remembering me
    ---its been awhile since I've been here get caught up in different things and fall asleep before I can get to AR

    spy I used to train with Powerlifter Jay who was a mod here on the power boards--before he died

    what ever happened to Pete235,Dane or Ironfist they still around

  28. #68
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Ironfist is still around. He comes on the board every once in awhile. Pete & Dane havent been here in ages. I think I see ironfist on bass killers board more so.

  29. #69
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by king6
    That doesn't stop the spread of herpes though, just keeps the outbreaks to a minimum.

    Break up with her dude, that shit stays with you forever.

    BTW you should get tested in another 6 mos, as it may not register right away. And for god sakes wrap your tool from now on.
    Not if you’ve been intimate for several months, assuming she’s been faithful and didn’t recently contract and transmit to you.

    Blood tests do not actually detect the virus; instead, they look for antibodies (the body's immune response) in the blood. When an individual contracts herpes, the immune system responds by developing antibodies to fight the virus: IgG and IgM. Blood tests look for and detect these antibodies, as the virus itself is not in blood. IgG appears soon after infection and stays in the blood for life. IgM is actually the first antibody that appears after infection, but it may disappear thereafter.

    Although it takes time for IgG antibodies to reach detectable levels, time can vary from person to person. For one person, it could take just a few weeks, while it could take a few months for another. So even with the accurate tests, a person could receive a false negative if the test is taken too soon after contracting the virus. For the most accurate test result, it is recommended to wait 12 - 16 weeks from the last possible date of exposure before getting an accurate, type-specific blood test in order to allow enough time for antibodies to reach detectable levels.

    So if you’ve been dating for one year, and she contracted prior to said dating, as long as you began having sex more than 4mths ago your test is valid.

    Regarding your decision:
    It’s obviously a personal call. Some people only have one outbreak, while others have several. Meds reduce inflammation time, but Kale’s pics look terrible and I hear affected area pain is intense and urination is excruciating.

    Should you continue even with a condom and Valtrex, you’ll likely contract it and if so, for life.

    Best to you,


  30. #70
    Join Date
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    Go Figure
    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Herpes really isn't that big of a deal when you think about it. If you stay very healthy then you shouldn't expect but maybe 1 very small breakout a year (consiting of 1 little herpe blister)... and that's without medication. As far as I know it doesn't cause any problems, it's just there. If you love her then stay with her
    Exactly. Wear a condom and you should be good. Just be thankful it was herpes and not AIDS.

  31. #71
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Not if you’ve been intimate for several months, assuming she’s been faithful and didn’t recently contract and transmit to you.

    Blood tests do not actually detect the virus; instead, they look for antibodies (the body's immune response) in the blood. When an individual contracts herpes, the immune system responds by developing antibodies to fight the virus: IgG and IgM. Blood tests look for and detect these antibodies, as the virus itself is not in blood. IgG appears soon after infection and stays in the blood for life. IgM is actually the first antibody that appears after infection, but it may disappear thereafter.

    Although it takes time for IgG antibodies to reach detectable levels, time can vary from person to person. For one person, it could take just a few weeks, while it could take a few months for another. So even with the accurate tests, a person could receive a false negative if the test is taken too soon after contracting the virus. For the most accurate test result, it is recommended to wait 12 - 16 weeks from the last possible date of exposure before getting an accurate, type-specific blood test in order to allow enough time for antibodies to reach detectable levels.

    So if you’ve been dating for one year, and she contracted prior to said dating, as long as you began having sex more than 4mths ago your test is valid.

    Regarding your decision:
    It’s obviously a personal call. Some people only have one outbreak, while others have several. Meds reduce inflammation time, but Kale’s pics look terrible and I hear affected area pain is intense and urination is excruciating.

    Should you continue even with a condom and Valtrex, you’ll likely contract it and if so, for life.

    Best to you,


    good info and if you thought kales pictures were disturbing check these out

  32. #72
    Join Date
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    Long Island, NY
    I agree with you. It's something you want to avoid catching downstairs because it's painful. I have the type of herpes you catch on your lips and it hurts when it breaks out and it would really suck to have it on your tool.

    I once dated a girl who had herpes but her outbreaks were rare. Never caught it from her and it was really a non issue. Just take precautions.

    Quote Originally Posted by Superhuman
    Herpes really isn't that big of a deal when you think about it. If you stay very healthy then you shouldn't expect but maybe 1 very small breakout a year (consiting of 1 little herpe blister)... and that's without medication. As far as I know it doesn't cause any problems, it's just there. If you love her then stay with her

  33. #73
    Quote Originally Posted by magic32
    Should you continue even with a condom and Valtrex, you’ll likely contract it and if so, for life.


    the pleasent truth

  34. #74
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    That shit is scary anyway you slice it! I was with this redneck woman and right before we broke up last May she came clean and told me about all of these different sleeze balls she had been with and didn't use protection...I was scared for months but so far so good, I test negative for everything. I won't ever date a slut again though.

  35. #75
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    found a number of dating sites for people with herpes he is just ine
    The seemingly infinite range of the internet never ceases to amaze me!


  36. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    good info and if you thought kales pictures were disturbing check these out
    I'll pass.
    As you indicated I thought Kale's were disturbing, no need to see more.


  37. #77
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by cj1capp
    good info and if you thought kales pictures were disturbing check these out
    Jesus I just unloaded my protein shake !!!!

  38. #78
    Join Date
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    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    maybe im an idiot,and iv never ever known anyone with when i checked out those pics i neary fu**in threw............

    but do those womens noo noos look that bad before it or does it actually disfigure them during an outbreak????

    cus i know if a girl showed me that id still be running away now

  39. #79
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by ronan the barbarian
    maybe im an idiot,and iv never ever known anyone with when i checked out those pics i neary fu**in threw............

    but do those womens noo noos look that bad before it or does it actually disfigure them during an outbreak????

    cus i know if a girl showed me that id still be running away now
    LMAO at noo noo's

  40. #80
    Join Date
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    Ruckin with the Rozzers!!
    i got it of an old girlfriend,

    you can say it to girls and they dont find it offensive or childish.

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