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Thread: Wasting time and $$. What am i doing wrong ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    Question Wasting time and $$. What am i doing wrong ?

    Alot of you know me. I have a solid grasp on nutrition and have been on cycles before. I am tired of taking before pics wiith shitty after results. I am 6'2 350 was 375. I have done my share of cycles. ( First ones al wrong)
    I am going one last time with some help from a few bros on AR. I have a LBM of 246 lbs. Hence about 100lbs of fat. I need some honest advice about the chances of an actual transformation. I am going to commit to the next 12 weeks of my life and I damned well better come out of this hard and tough.

    Frame wise I am now like Sapp from the Bucs. Diet wise , clean ! Cardio is 4x a week 25 minutes....I am opening this up for any and all feedback. Positive or negative.

    Cycle :
    weeks 1 - 12 / test 500mgs x 1
    weeks 1 - 10 / eq 400mgs x 1
    weeks 7 - 15 / 75mgs fina x eod
    and or
    weeks 7 - 12 / 50mgs winny x ed

    Help a brother out folks !!!!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    I would increase cardio.
    How does your diet look like? (im more interested in this then the gear) could you maybe pm it to me?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    If you are looking to lose that much fat, I would actually recommend considering DNP. A friend of mine was around roughly 270lbs and he had a lot of fat on him, he did his research and did a few cycles of DNP as well as a cycle of fina/eq/winny and now hes at roughly 190lbs and lean. DNP works magic if used correctly. I would run the Fina ED and I'd definitely keep the Winny in there. Good luck bro.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Van City
    Why not run the EQ to week 12 with the test, most recomend longer periods on EQ as it takes a while to really get the full potential out of it. Just a thought though. 10 weeks is good too.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    I hear DNP is VERY Dangerous bro. Can you tell me more about it.

    BTW here is my diet :
    Meal 1 : Whey Protein shake
    Meal 2 : 5-6 eggs 2 whole
    Meal 3 : 2 chicken breasts and salad or veggies
    Meal 4 : 2 cans of tuna w/mayo and onions
    Meal 5 : Chicken,Fish or Steak and Salad or Veggies
    Meal 6 : A Protein shake w/ psyillium husks

    This is is every day. 1 day a week maybe 2 I eat junk, Pizza or a Turkey Sub ! Thats all .

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Yeah bro DNP can kill you, i was recommended not even working out while on it.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    This thread should help answer most of your questions about DNP.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2002
    Boise, Idaho
    Well, I didn't start off with as much bodyfat as you, but here's some of my cycle results.

    DNP really isn't that dangerous if you use it correctly and know what you're doing.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Try eating a more balanced diet. What about a winnie/clen combo along with a diet and tons of cardio. Maybe some glutamine to preserve as much lbm as possible.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    my bro just lost 40lbs naturally in the last 12 weeks .he was 330 and now down to 290 with a lean body mass of 220. It's all about cardio and diet .I would wait before and lose some bf before going on .My bro's target is 270 lbs and thenm we start our cycle .

    Cut back your food intake some more.Go to one cheat day a week instead of two and take 1 chicken breast and 1 can of tuna instead of 2 .Just my opinion bro .Thats what my bro did and he has not lost any muscle mass but yet lost 40lbs of fat .He is taking creatine , 4 balanced meals and 2 mrp's a day.

    When your body has been used to being a certain weight for a long time it takes drastic measures to change it.It's the same as an ectomorph eating 5000 cals to gain weight. You got to do what you got to do

    lose before spending your money on a cycle and i would stay away from DNP ,jmo.

    good luck bro

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    nuke sup pimp ?dnp is dnagerous when u dont what your doing kinda like slin.cycle looks good ,,if u dont wanna mess with dnp i understand,when u switch to fina and winy (LIKE I TOLD YA BEFORE LEATHEL COMBO )i would definaetly doa t3 clen combo at the end with the fina and clen ,hit the cardio real good and ull be lookin pimp for the ladies down there

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Great feedback fellas !!
    DNP- Scares the crap out of me !
    Thegame01 - PM me more about yur friend. I do cardio now. Clen I have tons of.. It sucks to me that is.
    arthurb999- What about a winny/test eca stack ?

    I am not a "fat" as I made it out to sound. I am your average big boy , lumberjack size.

    Bros just at a very high frustration level. I have whatever " supps" i need . What I need is the magic formula.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    you say you have been doing the cardio for 4x a week? How intense is it? what are you doing? Are you riding the bike or running around the block? It seems like you are doing plenty of cardio, maybe you just need to pick up the intensity. Make sure you don't eat a good three hours b/4 bedtime. I hope this helps.
    Good luck,

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    I agree with big N, some T3 should help you out to lose some fat, especially when on the AS so you won't lose muscle mass.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    U already know what i think dawg...


  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Big N - Now you you Im already pimpimg with the lovely Mrs Nuke. ( With her fine self)

    Bowser / Big N - I am feeling ya about the intensity. I am at about 85% though. I have a strong feeling I need to really tweak my diet a little more.
    I have never looked into T3- will do know.

    OG - Yoda, this is your young paladine. I will be utilizing your knowledge dawg. no fear . We need to tweak this next "run" though.. IM me bro. Like I need to tell ya !


  17. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Nuke, sup my brother? Here is my .02 for what it's worth...the first thing I would do (and beleive me it will be a biatch because I did the same thing) is go NUTS with the cardio. The first time I tried to compete I was performing cardio 3 times per day 5-6 times per week....yes you heard right. I lost a shit load of fat in twomonths but also lost muscle (which is ultimately why I didin't compete). You're a big thick guy and since you're sitting on about 240lbs of lbm, you can afford to lose some muscle as well, especially since you told me your goal is not so much a BBer physique, but a lean hard look. I would incorporate HIIT in the morning AND evening 5 times per week (give yourself the weekends to recoup). As far as gear, DNP scraes the shit outta me as well. I would suggest throwing in some clen and T3, the T3 can be catabolic but with the other AAS you should not have to worry about that at all. Shoot me a PM or email if you want more details bro.


  18. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    PETEY ! You always come through... Thanks for the added info. I am about to look into T3 .

    Between you and OG I should have this licked by Christmas.

    Pete shoould I do the cycle and go nutz on cadio or do one first then the other ?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Hey bro, well after reading up on t3 (cytomel) i really dont recommed it for u. jmo

    Cytomel is NOT a drug for beginners, but with adequate research, experience with diet and some self-control, I don't see why cytomel shouldn't be the first thyoid compound used. But for recreational users looking for a fatburner, I still suggest using clenbuterol over cytomel for all intents and purposes. Cytomel is much more powerful, but clenbuterol is a lot safer for use. The results are easier to maintain with clenbuterol as well. Negative feedback in the thyroid may decrease natural levels of T3 in the body, causing a decrease of metabolic rate after coming off a cycle of T3. That can cause a rebound effect during which a lot of weight is gained back.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Thanks OG !! I do enough damage as it is right now.....

    Pete i PM'ed you

  21. #21
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    The Rink!!
    Ok now for my .02 Your cycle looks is a perfect mix of AAS' for a cutting cycle. I wouldn't change a thing there. If you decided you wanted to extend the eq until week 12 then fine..but don't think that it is needed. Add some T3 and clen to the mix and you will be on your way as far as the cycle goes.

    For the cardio. 4x a week @ 25mins/session isn't enough. I would up it to 5 days a week starting out at 30min sessions and then working you way up from there. I find that when I am dieting down that walking on a treadmill on an incline works best for me to burn fat.

    Now for the diet. We have discussed this manytimes in the past and again you are not eating enough. Remember bro you have over 240+ lbs of LBM to feed. Yes Pete is totally right you can afford to lose some muscle mass but try to keep it to a minimum.

    I understand that carbs are the enemy but you have to eat some, and you are not eating enough protein to feed you LBM. Here is your diet with some alterations:

    Meal 1 : Whey Protein shake ( make sure you have around 50gms of protein and mix it in water only)
    Meal 2 : 8-10 eggs 2 whole 5-6 eggs simply is not enough protein. Also add 1/2 measured dry plain oatmeal and not instant oatmeal.
    Meal 3 : 3 chicken breasts and salad or veggies and 1 small Yam.
    Meal 4 : 2 cans of tuna w/mayo and onions (make sure if you have to have the mayo it is light or fat can also have salsa instead.
    Meal 5 : Chicken,Fish or Steak and Salad or Veggies
    Meal 6 : A Protein shake w/ psyillium husks (again make sure that you have 50gm protein and only mix with water.

    About cheating...keep it to one day a week...weekends work best for me as a cheat day. Remember a turkey sub is a much better cheat then pizza.

    Make sure you are drinking tonnes for water a min. of a gallon a day, but try for more.

    If you need anything else let me know.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2002
    When are you doing your cardio? I found doing it first thing in the morning BEFORE you eat rips the fat off like nothing else, especially when combined with an eca stack.Also glutamine helps preserve lbm while dieting down.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2002
    Originally posted by Red5
    When are you doing your cardio? I found doing it first thing in the morning BEFORE you eat rips the fat off like nothing else, especially when combined with an eca stack.Also glutamine helps preserve lbm while dieting down.
    I told him this i hope he understands diet and cardio is more important atm then the gear.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    The Game01 -- BIG PROPS BROTHER !!!

    Great PM ! I sent one back to you get to ma asap.

    NUKE !

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    nike no shout out to me ?even after i suggested the use of clen and t3 along with gear so min muscle is lost ?just j/k bro u need anything else bro u know how to find me

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Big N- You know I have nothing but love for ya dawg ! Cut me some slack...:-)

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