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Thread: New workout schedule..what to take for supplements

  1. #1

    New workout schedule..what to take for supplements

    Next week I am going to start a new workout routine. With my old schedule I was taking NoXplode and Nitrix. What supplements should I take or is my NoXplode and Nitrix fine? I was thinking maybe creatine and whey protein...
    Thanks in advance

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    wrong forum.. take it to supplements forum

  3. #3
    Heres my .02

    You should be on whey protein to begin with!!! I like to think of it more as an essential than a supplement

    NoExplode...meh its alright...imo theres better options out there...My new fav is Amplify O2 by comes in pill form. The pumps are r-tarded and the energy/focus is redic

    About nitrix...ive used it in the past as well and liked it for the added pumps...but your wallet is gonna take a killing. Ive been using bulk arginine (the main ingredient in nitrix) 5g, 3x per day and cannot notice a bit of difference in "results" cept im not blowing as much $$$$$

    Make sure your diets in check though cause all the supps in the world wont save you if its not

  4. #4
    here are my three cents! Tank is correct, you should always be taking protein regardless of any pwo or prwo you are taking. I have heard alot amped, but iam using no shotgun right now and i love the results. In the past i used no xplode but it lacked consistency. Hope your diet is straight! what are your goals in the weight room?

  5. #5
    is this not the supplements forum?

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