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Thread: Sex life after cycle???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    Sex life after cycle???

    Did a 12 week cycle of tren, test and winni followed by 30 days of PCT, which included:

    20mg nolva ed
    100mg clomid ed
    .25 mgs letro ed

    The past few weeks I have been showing signs of erectile dysfuntion. So I stopped the letro after the third week. A week went by and still having a problem. Did i **** myself up and should i see a doctor? I'm 25 and this has never happened before.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    in dreamy land
    what's a sex life?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    haha...well it was good....went down the shitter now!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Give your natural test level a little boost with some myogenx.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    gettin lucky in kentucky
    i've had this happen and i just used cialis for a while until all was back to normal.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD
    i've had this happen and i just used cialis for a while until all was back to normal.
    gonna give it a long did it take you to get back to normal?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    myogenx stacked with paravol is what I will be using to get my nuts should be a killer combo, i hope!

  8. #8


    I would NOT put too much faith in myogenx doing much of anything. As far as I'm concerned myogenx = snake oil. People should be looking at proven, tried and trusted pct's along with blood tests to restore natty levels.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by ecivon
    I would NOT put too much faith in myogenx doing much of anything. As far as I'm concerned myogenx = snake oil. People should be looking at proven, tried and trusted pct's along with blood tests to restore natty levels.

    Oh kinda like the blood test one member had done when on myogenx that doubled his free test levels,

    and another bro that used it instead of clomid as a part of a sucessfull pct.

    yeah that stuffs crap........

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    I guarantee you it was teh letro that did it. Why the hell were you using letro during PCT? IMO, Letro is wayy too strong to be using at all...the stuff is jsut wayy too harsh

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Training my ninja Degu
    My sex life after sucks. During PCT, I find I have a real hard time cumming. Although I have no problem getting hard.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Happens to me after every cycle anymore. Cialas is the greatest chemical invention (next to roids) ever. Get your hands on some and you'll be good to go for the next few weeks until things return to normal. Everyones different but it took me 3-4 week following PCT to feel good and not need the cialas anymore. Great stuff!

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Russian liquer plant
    You will be fine.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by spound
    I guarantee you it was teh letro that did it. Why the hell were you using letro during PCT? IMO, Letro is wayy too strong to be using at all...the stuff is jsut wayy too harsh
    I would have used arimidex, but i ran out and I used it during my cycle. I know the letro is strong and kills the sex drive, but i was only taking 1 or 2 squirts a day with the clomid and nolva...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    dont need clomid if ur taking an AI and SERM

    but in all honesty.. in that situation i woulda just used nolva and never of added the other two.. 2ndly wrong forum?

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    dont need clomid if ur taking an AI and SERM

    but in all honesty.. in that situation i woulda just used nolva and never of added the other two.. 2ndly wrong forum?

    hmm... so your saying Nolva alone at 20mg should be sufficient to bring his hpta back from that cycle? interesting......

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by JAYROD
    i've had this happen and i just used cialis for a while until all was back to normal.
    This is all you really can do. It worked for me but it could take a few weeks to come back. This is the main reason why i will never do D-bol again

  18. #18
    guys since he did do tren... he might need some Caber..???? Maybe?

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969
    guys since he did do tren... he might need some Caber..???? Maybe?
    what is caber? Never heard of it

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by abrick
    what is caber? Never heard of it
    Stop trying to take every drug in the book to speed it up. You just have to wait it out till your body recovers. If you start taking all these other drugs you could just prolong it. Take it as a lesson learned , don't do tren unless you want to keep your sex drive.

  21. #21
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    Sep 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Stop trying to take every drug in the book to speed it up. You just have to wait it out till your body recovers. If you start taking all these other drugs you could just prolong it. Take it as a lesson learned , don't do tren unless you want to keep your sex drive.
    Yeah...i understand that, but its been like 2 months since my last shot of tren and I took it with test. Your right, just gonna wait it out

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    lol tren and test both cause suppresion .. and pct is pct once ur shut down..
    some people recover faster than others big woop.. thing is u need to incorporate TONS of O M E G A fatty acids and high cholesterol in ur diet.. ur pct should consist of ai and serm but NOT LETRO... longjack is good shit too

  23. #23
    i read in one of the threads on this form that sex offenders are sometimes givin nandrone steriods to mess up their sex drive, and if they do it reduces there time in jail. im never doing tren, or deca again even though those are 2 of the best mass and strength gaining steroids.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by randy6969
    i read in one of the threads on this form that sex offenders are sometimes givin nandrone steriods to mess up their sex drive, and if they do it reduces there time in jail. im never doing tren, or deca again even though those are 2 of the best mass and strength gaining steroids.
    lame lrn2pct

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by RuhlFreak55
    what's a sex life?
    my words exactly

  26. #26
    Join Date
    May 2004
    Georgia and Texas
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life
    Stop trying to take every drug in the book to speed it up. You just have to wait it out till your body recovers. If you start taking all these other drugs you could just prolong it. Take it as a lesson learned , don't do tren unless you want to keep your sex drive.
    BINGO!! PCT is wayyyy overrated IMO. You know what the best PCT is? HCG at the end of your cycle, and a good diet that has plenty of EFA's in it. Maybe throw in some aromasin OR clomid OR nolva.....not a mixture of any of them....just one. If you used deca or tren, cabergoline or bromo may help, but probably isn't needed.

    I am currently coming off a 15 months cycle (about 7-8 months of that was only a replacement dose of test...200mg) and I am 5 wks into "PCT". I took HCG for a month before coming off at a low dose, and now I am taking some aromasin, but I have kept my diet PERFECT, and backed off the training volume a little bit and all I have lost is some water weight. This is the best "PCT" I have ever had, simply because diet is spot on and I am not going crazy with PCT drugs that throw your hormones and emotions in a whirlwind. The body is a perfect specimen of will find an equilibrium on its own, it just needs some time.

  27. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Ok I have an issue somebody might be able to help me out with. I am 26 and I started working out hardcore at the age of 19. My body responds very well to almost anything I take and I almost always see more gains than somebody else that is doing the same cycle that I am. I have taken sus, deca, tren a, prop, t400, dbol, win, and anadrol. I have taken several different combos such as deca tren & sus or win with prop, etc. but never more than 3 kinds at once (usually 2). I would say I have taken about 20 cycles in my life atleast I know I havent really taken more than 2 or 3 cycles in one years time. My most active steroid times were during my 20-23 years. It has done me pretty well over the years, I started out 6'0 165 and the largest I have been was 254 with 16% bodyfat. I have competed in several weightlifting competitions like bench presses with much sucess. I never had any side effects to count for (other than a little extra aggrivation from time to time) and it was great.
    But...about 2 years ago when I was 24 I was dating a girl so my sex life was very active and I was about 3 or 4 months away from my last cycle (what it was I dont remember) and something strange happened. I was able to function(get it up) fine and last a normal amount of time but all of the sudden once I got my nut I was done! I couldnt get it up for atleast 10 minutes after that for a second round. I didnt know what the deal was and it bothered me so much I even went to the doctor and I didnt get anywhere with that( he simply just said he wasnt sure & I was too young for viagra so I didnt get anything out of it). Since then I probably have only had 2 different cycles and its been 2 years and it hasnt really changed much. It takes less time now (5 minutes or so) but I still go limp right after I get off. I know the first thing you are going to ask me is if I ever took any PCT's or anything after my cycles and the answer is yes I have about 70% of the time.
    Now at 26 I took off everything for about 9 months and then had blood work done and any other tests I could take (liver & kidneys, etc) and everything came out normal. I have no idea what the deal is but if anybody could help me out or give me any advice or ideas im all ears. Also I was planning on starting a new cycle,6 week cycle of sus tren a and dbol. I have taken all of them before but not in that combo. Is this a good cycle for someone with past experience but has been off for 9-10 months? I know you might say I shouldnt do anything bc of what i just said but I have taken several cycles since this problem came about and nothing ever changed it so I dont see how it could hurt. Anyways please let me know whaat you think. thanks

  28. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    flying from the ashes
    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy jones
    Ok I have an issue somebody might be able to help me out with. I am 26 and I started working out hardcore at the age of 19. My body responds very well to almost anything I take and I almost always see more gains than somebody else that is doing the same cycle that I am. I have taken sus, deca, tren a, prop, t400, dbol, win, and anadrol. I have taken several different combos such as deca tren & sus or win with prop, etc. but never more than 3 kinds at once (usually 2). I would say I have taken about 20 cycles in my life atleast I know I havent really taken more than 2 or 3 cycles in one years time. My most active steroid times were during my 20-23 years. It has done me pretty well over the years, I started out 6'0 165 and the largest I have been was 254 with 16% bodyfat. I have competed in several weightlifting competitions like bench presses with much sucess. I never had any side effects to count for (other than a little extra aggrivation from time to time) and it was great.
    But...about 2 years ago when I was 24 I was dating a girl so my sex life was very active and I was about 3 or 4 months away from my last cycle (what it was I dont remember) and something strange happened. I was able to function(get it up) fine and last a normal amount of time but all of the sudden once I got my nut I was done! I couldnt get it up for atleast 10 minutes after that for a second round. I didnt know what the deal was and it bothered me so much I even went to the doctor and I didnt get anywhere with that( he simply just said he wasnt sure & I was too young for viagra so I didnt get anything out of it). Since then I probably have only had 2 different cycles and its been 2 years and it hasnt really changed much. It takes less time now (5 minutes or so) but I still go limp right after I get off. I know the first thing you are going to ask me is if I ever took any PCT's or anything after my cycles and the answer is yes I have about 70% of the time.
    Now at 26 I took off everything for about 9 months and then had blood work done and any other tests I could take (liver & kidneys, etc) and everything came out normal. I have no idea what the deal is but if anybody could help me out or give me any advice or ideas im all ears. Also I was planning on starting a new cycle,6 week cycle of sus tren a and dbol. I have taken all of them before but not in that combo. Is this a good cycle for someone with past experience but has been off for 9-10 months? I know you might say I shouldnt do anything bc of what i just said but I have taken several cycles since this problem came about and nothing ever changed it so I dont see how it could hurt. Anyways please let me know whaat you think. thanks
    so your saying after you cum you go soft, isnt this normal? what a first post!

  29. #29
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy jones
    Ok I have an issue somebody might be able to help me out with. I am 26 and I started working out hardcore at the age of 19. My body responds very well to almost anything I take and I almost always see more gains than somebody else that is doing the same cycle that I am. I have taken sus, deca, tren a, prop, t400, dbol, win, and anadrol. I have taken several different combos such as deca tren & sus or win with prop, etc. but never more than 3 kinds at once (usually 2). I would say I have taken about 20 cycles in my life atleast I know I havent really taken more than 2 or 3 cycles in one years time. My most active steroid times were during my 20-23 years. It has done me pretty well over the years, I started out 6'0 165 and the largest I have been was 254 with 16% bodyfat. I have competed in several weightlifting competitions like bench presses with much sucess. I never had any side effects to count for (other than a little extra aggrivation from time to time) and it was great.
    But...about 2 years ago when I was 24 I was dating a girl so my sex life was very active and I was about 3 or 4 months away from my last cycle (what it was I dont remember) and something strange happened. I was able to function(get it up) fine and last a normal amount of time but all of the sudden once I got my nut I was done! I couldnt get it up for atleast 10 minutes after that for a second round. I didnt know what the deal was and it bothered me so much I even went to the doctor and I didnt get anywhere with that( he simply just said he wasnt sure & I was too young for viagra so I didnt get anything out of it). Since then I probably have only had 2 different cycles and its been 2 years and it hasnt really changed much. It takes less time now (5 minutes or so) but I still go limp right after I get off. I know the first thing you are going to ask me is if I ever took any PCT's or anything after my cycles and the answer is yes I have about 70% of the time.
    Now at 26 I took off everything for about 9 months and then had blood work done and any other tests I could take (liver & kidneys, etc) and everything came out normal. I have no idea what the deal is but if anybody could help me out or give me any advice or ideas im all ears. Also I was planning on starting a new cycle,6 week cycle of sus tren a and dbol. I have taken all of them before but not in that combo. Is this a good cycle for someone with past experience but has been off for 9-10 months? I know you might say I shouldnt do anything bc of what i just said but I have taken several cycles since this problem came about and nothing ever changed it so I dont see how it could hurt. Anyways please let me know whaat you think. thanks

    Uhh after i bust a nut i am also spent. is there somthing im missing here?

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    What Im saying is if I wanted to I couldnt and it happened all of the sudden. Hey Im still young so I just dont see this being normal. Before I could go 30 minutes or so and when I was done I could go right back into it again IF it was necessary. I dont know about you but I have dated sex addicts that could **** all day long if I could handle it. In some cases I might last less time then others so this is not a good problem to have if that comes up. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this before??

  31. #31
    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy jones
    What Im saying is if I wanted to I couldnt and it happened all of the sudden. Hey Im still young so I just dont see this being normal. Before I could go 30 minutes or so and when I was done I could go right back into it again IF it was necessary. I dont know about you but I have dated sex addicts that could **** all day long if I could handle it. In some cases I might last less time then others so this is not a good problem to have if that comes up. Has anybody ever heard of anything like this before??

    im doing pct right now and i bust really quick... it sucks man i dont know what to do either.... im just gonna stay off the sauce until my libido and test are 100% normal. I use viagra and cialis... i get hard but dont last long at all..... its frustrating and embarrasing. and im younger then u too....

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by cfiler
    During PCT, I find I have a real hard time cumming. Although I have no problem getting hard.
    Ideal cadidate for porn! I wish i could act in porn but i know i'll cumm in a milisecond!!

    No problem getting hard + take time to cumm = sex machine!

  33. #33
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Los Angeles
    Quote Originally Posted by big daddy jones
    Ok I have an issue somebody might be able to help me out with. I am 26 and I started working out hardcore at the age of 19. My body responds very well to almost anything I take and I almost always see more gains than somebody else that is doing the same cycle that I am. I have taken sus, deca, tren a, prop, t400, dbol, win, and anadrol. I have taken several different combos such as deca tren & sus or win with prop, etc. but never more than 3 kinds at once (usually 2). I would say I have taken about 20 cycles in my life atleast I know I havent really taken more than 2 or 3 cycles in one years time. My most active steroid times were during my 20-23 years. It has done me pretty well over the years, I started out 6'0 165 and the largest I have been was 254 with 16% bodyfat. I have competed in several weightlifting competitions like bench presses with much sucess. I never had any side effects to count for (other than a little extra aggrivation from time to time) and it was great.
    But...about 2 years ago when I was 24 I was dating a girl so my sex life was very active and I was about 3 or 4 months away from my last cycle (what it was I dont remember) and something strange happened. I was able to function(get it up) fine and last a normal amount of time but all of the sudden once I got my nut I was done! I couldnt get it up for atleast 10 minutes after that for a second round. I didnt know what the deal was and it bothered me so much I even went to the doctor and I didnt get anywhere with that( he simply just said he wasnt sure & I was too young for viagra so I didnt get anything out of it). Since then I probably have only had 2 different cycles and its been 2 years and it hasnt really changed much. It takes less time now (5 minutes or so) but I still go limp right after I get off. I know the first thing you are going to ask me is if I ever took any PCT's or anything after my cycles and the answer is yes I have about 70% of the time.
    Now at 26 I took off everything for about 9 months and then had blood work done and any other tests I could take (liver & kidneys, etc) and everything came out normal. I have no idea what the deal is but if anybody could help me out or give me any advice or ideas im all ears. Also I was planning on starting a new cycle,6 week cycle of sus tren a and dbol. I have taken all of them before but not in that combo. Is this a good cycle for someone with past experience but has been off for 9-10 months? I know you might say I shouldnt do anything bc of what i just said but I have taken several cycles since this problem came about and nothing ever changed it so I dont see how it could hurt. Anyways please let me know whaat you think. thanks
    Uhhhmm, this might be a shock to you but this is quite normal. If you were able to stay fully hard and erect after you nutted then it is rare and only happens in your teens when you are a walking penis. But this is normal now so don't worry.

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