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Thread: Have to be cut before first cycle?

  1. #1

    Have to be cut before first cycle?

    Hi there, long time lurker, first post..

    I've been working out pretty seriously for the last few years but only started seriously trying to cut to a low bf% recently. My question is this:

    As we know, with bulking comes muslce AND fat. Thus, if I started a cycle at say 12% bodyfat I would need to consume a bulking calorie intake. Would a cycle promote muscle gain AND fat loss or would I saying goodbye to anymore decrease in my bf%?

    Basically, if I wanted to bulk up but remain shredded would I have to cut as low as possible before the cycle?

    I'm endomorphic and so have more trouble losing the fat than putting on weight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    The South Side
    It depends on your diet and your training. 12% BF is a good starting point. As long as you eat a clean diet and do a little cardio, you should probably lose some BF because the new muscle you are gonna add will speed up your metabolism.

  3. #3
    Try to focus on either bulking or cutting. You cant do both.

  4. #4
    so can cycling help cutting? if so how?

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