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Thread: Has anyone ever done a cycle injecting every 2 weeks??

  1. #1

    Has anyone ever done a cycle injecting every 2 weeks??

    Yes I know, it is better to inject every week. But for now assume injecting every 14 days is THE ONLY possibility.

    Do you think 1500mg sus every 2 weeks would give the same results as say at least 500mg/week?

    has anyone ever done this before?

    does 1.5g sus all in one shot create any problems such as flu or high bp?
    theoretically the prop should become available first, than the phenylprop, and the isocarp and the there should be still plenty of decaonate still in the system after 14 days (half life is 16 days or so). Does this make sense?

    My friend who wants to do this has cycle before many times but has been clean for 4 years. He is an experienced lifter.
    feedback appreciated

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    First question is, WHY?

  3. #3
    He cannot afford legal risks. He can only drive to Mexico once every 2 weeks, inject there and go home. That is the ONLY way he is gonna do it...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    i don't see why it wouldnt work cause it has a active life of upto 3weeks from once its in. You can say goodbye to the short ester prop, wont do no good but a long ester will be released over time. Trying to do a shot of 1.5g of sust every 2 weeks to even think your getting 500mg of sust out of it i dnt think so just shoot the desired amount a week but do it every 2weeks.

  5. #5
    A total waste of time. Nothing has that length of a half life. You gains will be minimal and the sides from not having consistant hormone levels will be noticable.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Anavar Man
    A total waste of time. Nothing has that length of a half life. You gains will be minimal and the sides from not having consistant hormone levels will be noticable.
    How I feel too.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Long Freaken Island
    your hoemones would be fluctuating all over, blood levels need to be kept even. sustanon's short ester test would cause blood levels to fluctuate too much

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by hardgainer1
    your hoemones would be fluctuating all over, blood levels need to be kept even. sustanon's short ester test would cause blood levels to fluctuate too much
    I dont think that is right. Sustanon is called so because it is formulated for a "Sustaining" action. It is intended to provide constant serum levels over the duration of 4 weeks. That is if you inject 1 amp you should have pretty much the same levels (low of course, but enough for pure replacement in a normal sedentary individual) throught the course of 3 -4 weeks. That's the whole purpose of having 4 esters with increasing half lifes and not just one ester. and by the way the half life of decaonate ester is 16.5 days, so injecting decaonate every 14 days is pretty much the same as injecting enathate every 8 days (enathate life is 10 days). So I think the cycle should work to some extent. I think the question he is asking is if anyone has already done it and if you will get more sides from a 1.5g shot than spreding out the injections

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Long Freaken Island
    There are 4 different esters in Sustanon, one of which is Propianate which is short ester I forget what the MG of propianate is per amp i think 50mg I could be wrong do some research if you want details

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    I dont think that is right. Sustanon is called so because it is formulated for a "Sustaining" action. It is intended to provide constant serum levels over the duration of 4 weeks. That is if you inject 1 amp you should have pretty much the same levels (low of course, but enough for pure replacement in a normal sedentary individual) throught the course of 3 -4 weeks. That's the whole purpose of having 4 esters with increasing half lifes and not just one ester. and by the way the half life of decaonate ester is 16.5 days, so injecting decaonate every 14 days is pretty much the same as injecting enathate every 8 days (enathate life is 10 days). So I think the cycle should work to some extent. I think the question he is asking is if anyone has already done it and if you will get more sides from a 1.5g shot than spreding out the injections
    Yes but it wasnt intended for BB purposes. So yes medically as a hrt it would work. Not for the way we want it. I'm sure he will get gains but honestly i wouldn't do it

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Not worth it man. I just dont think that would be beneficial. Too many sides not enough gains...

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Ricocer
    He cannot afford legal risks. He can only drive to Mexico once every 2 weeks, inject there and go home. That is the ONLY way he is gonna do it...
    come on, be a good buddy and let him keep it at your house and come by a couple times a one will be the wiser..

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    something is better than nothing tell him to keep his eating up and what he wants to by the wy it is all experimentallll

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Your "friend" could just shove a bottle of sust up his ass and walk it back, what's the chance of someone looking in there.

  15. #15
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    Your "friend" could just shove a bottle of sust up his ass and walk it back, what's the chance of someone looking in there.

  16. #16
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    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    Your "friend" could just shove a bottle of sust up his ass and walk it back, what's the chance of someone looking in there.
    That doesnt sound to sterile

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    What do you mean? They're glass vials, he could probably get 30 or so up his ass. Of course he'd have to practice enlargening his colon first with this:

    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    That doesnt sound to sterile
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 03-14-2007 at 10:13 PM.

  18. #18
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  19. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    What do you mean? They're glass vials, he could probably get 30 or so up his ass. Of course he'd have to practice enlargening his colon first with this:

    WOW thats all I have to say.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty
    Speaking from personal experience?

  21. #21
    lol this got off topic quick.

    Walking across the border..shooting..and going home every 2 weeks is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

  22. #22
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    lol this got off topic quick.

    Walking across the border..shooting..and going home every 2 weeks is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

    In this topic I just asked if anyone had ever injected every 2 weeks. Not opinions on how to shove something up one's ass and crossing the border or anything like that. Every negative reply stating it would be a waste failed to address the reasons why it should in fact not work. Does anyone have a more intelligent comment? After all this was a serious question, not a joke.

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Boston, Ma
    Bad idea.... your hormones would be all over the place...sides would probably be a safe bet.

    hes gonna be captain sketchy strolling across the border every 2 week tho....

    tell your friend to man up or go to GNC and get some superdrol

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    [QUOTE=IIIIIIIIIIII]Bad idea.... your hormones would be all over the place...sides would probably be a safe bet.

    This is not true. I have already given you the answer. Sustanon is designed to sustain over a month. 2 weeks is shorter than it's main component's half life (decaonate). For an expirienced lifter who is close to his genetic potential, injecting 1.5g of sus every 2 weeks, that's 3g/month (as opposed to 250mg/month for hrt) will give drammatic results. Whoever tells you the contrary does not undertand how sus works.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Boston, Ma
    have you personally done this Vader???

  26. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    You have any evidence supporting this vader? I would like to see it.

  27. #27
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by IIIIIIIIIIII
    have you personally done this Vader???
    no I havent done it but this doesnt mean that it is not intuitive. The reasons you have 4 esters is to release the test over time. If you start with 250 mg you will have very little test released over 4 weeks (about 9g/day average). If you do 1500 mg you will have about 53g/day for the first 2 weeks plus about double that (107mg/day) after the second shot, when the prop and phenylprop from the second shot start kicking in but you still have the decaonate from the first one...

  28. #28
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Ricocer
    In this topic I just asked if anyone had ever injected every 2 weeks. Not opinions on how to shove something up one's ass and crossing the border or anything like that. Every negative reply stating it would be a waste failed to address the reasons why it should in fact not work. Does anyone have a more intelligent comment? After all this was a serious question, not a joke.
    the intelligent answer has already been given. Sustanon contain a short ester which will be fluctuating and possibly cause sides due to unstable blood levels. The answer is - bad idea.

  29. #29
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    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by IIIIIIIIIIII
    Bad idea.... your hormones would be all over the place...sides would probably be a safe bet.

    This is not true. I have already given you the answer. Sustanon is designed to sustain over a month. 2 weeks is shorter than it's main component's half life (decaonate). For an expirienced lifter who is close to his genetic potential, injecting 1.5g of sus every 2 weeks, that's 3g/month (as opposed to 250mg/month for hrt) will give drammatic results. Whoever tells you the contrary does not undertand how sus works.
    You are talking about Sustanon being used medically for HRT, However we are talking about using it for a different purpose. It could be done but sides would be horrible and gains would not be as great IMO. Just not worth it when there are other options available.

  30. #30
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    I would have to go with vader on this one.

  31. #31
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Dobie-BOY
    I would have to go with vader on this one.
    that is because he told you what you wanted to hear....

  32. #32
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Quote Originally Posted by IIIIIIIIIIII
    Bad idea.... your hormones would be all over the place...sides would probably be a safe bet.

    This is not true. I have already given you the answer. Sustanon is designed to sustain over a month. 2 weeks is shorter than it's main component's half life (decaonate). For an expirienced lifter who is close to his genetic potential, injecting 1.5g of sus every 2 weeks, that's 3g/month (as opposed to 250mg/month for hrt) will give drammatic results. Whoever tells you the contrary does not undertand how sus works.
    And i addressed this above. sust was designed for hrt purposes. It will raise his hormone levels doing that. But they will fluctuate all over.

  33. #33
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    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    no I havent done it but this doesnt mean that it is not intuitive. The reasons you have 4 esters is to release the test over time. If you start with 250 mg you will have very little test released over 4 weeks (about 9g/day average). If you do 1500 mg you will have about 53g/day for the first 2 weeks plus about double that (107mg/day) after the second shot, when the prop and phenylprop from the second shot start kicking in but you still have the decaonate from the first one...
    30 mg of that sust is prop. which, as we all know , must be injected eod at the lastest. so 30 mg of prop is pissed away if injecting every 2 weeks. there will be no prop to "kick in" after the second shot. your shot will be "shot"

  34. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Doc JOHNSON IS THE MAN!!! lol

  35. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by perfectbeast2001
    that is because he told you what you wanted to hear....

    perfect beast, that is not the guy who started the!!

  36. #36
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Thank you, I'm glad someone around here has a sense of humor. Sorry about the "off Topic" humor, butt it just couldn't be helped.

    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa
    Doc JOHNSON IS THE MAN!!! lol
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 03-15-2007 at 03:52 PM.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox
    Thank you, I'm glad someone around here has a sense of humor. Sorry about the "off Topic" humor, butt it just couldn't be helped.
    oh SNAP!

  38. #38
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by NewVader
    perfect beast, that is not the guy who started the!!

  39. #39
    I have used sust and gained very little over the coarse of cycle. Listen to the guys here bud, they arent here for BS. After my first cycle I switched over to the suggestions of the majority using Test E and actually reduced the dosage recommended to only 250/Wk and was exstatic with the results. I am sure Diet, Diet Diet was the key but the boost worked out great. I would suggest using the Test E instead of wasting the affects of the fast esters and the erratic levels.

  40. #40
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by rsmitty
    I have used sust and gained very little over the coarse of cycle. Listen to the guys here bud, they arent here for BS. After my first cycle I switched over to the suggestions of the majority using Test E and actually reduced the dosage recommended to only 250/Wk and was exstatic with the results. I am sure Diet, Diet Diet was the key but the boost worked out great. I would suggest using the Test E instead of wasting the affects of the fast esters and the erratic levels.
    Sorry but it doesnt make sense.
    the guy wants to inject every 2 weeks. Enathate has a half life of 10 days. It is too short. The decaonate in the sus has a half life of 16.5 days

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