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Thread: first cycle...

  1. #1

    Exclamation first cycle...

    What do you guys think of running a deca and winstrol cycle? How much would you reccomend remember this is my first cycle. Also how much clomid if any would be needed? thanks.

  2. #2
    It sucks.......

    Run Test for you first time 500mg a week split the shots 250 and 250 2 shots.

  3. #3
    That's a GREAT cycle....if you like not being able to have an erection. Really, run test.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Rising from my Ashes !!
    Well first it would never be recommended as they are both suppressive to your HPTA.
    second would never recommend them for a FIRST cycle

    how about giving us your full stats and we can help you put together the right cycle for you.

    answer ALL the green questions below and...........


  5. #5
    Quote Originally Posted by bangnbounce
    What do you guys think of running a deca and winstrol cycle? How much would you reccomend remember this is my first cycle. Also how much clomid if any would be needed? thanks.
    Body fat%
    # of years lifting naturally
    cycle experiance details

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by BOOST
    It sucks.......

    Run Test for you first time 500mg a week split the shots 250 and 250 2 shots.

    how many times do you give this advice a day? This can be answered through casual browing through previous posts. Given you are not 17 years old, you train hard naturally and have an intent set of goals....Test only for your first cycle. Research

    -Knowlege is POWER!

  7. #7

    23 yrs old
    body fat around 16-17%
    5 yrs expirience, but have really gotten lazy since college
    workout usually 4 times a week
    body description: my bi's are big but a tad fatty, my chest is there but a little more fatty and i have no abs, but a big beer gut. my back and legs are probably in the best shape out of all of the parts of my body.

    I just want to get big and lose a lil bit of the gut.

    btw i know im gonna get ed

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I'm not gonna flame you but from what you've said I'm guessing you do a little bit of partying and your diet probably sucks. Diet is the most important thing when training. If you have a good diet i'm sure you can drop 4-5% of your body fat and gain at least another ten 10lbs of muscle with dedication and a good diet of course. Check out the diet forum. Look at the sample diets and modify one of them to your needs. Thats what I would do if I were you. As far as AAS go you need to do a lot more research. AAS will do nothing for you if you don't have a good diet.

  9. #9
    heres a pic anyway, of course flexing to show off what little muscle i have haha

    my diet right now is not the greatest but i plan on going super-strict if i start gear. I never drink soda already and plan to cut out all alcohol. other than that its oatmeal, egg whites, grilled chicken and veggies, tuna, and some other fish and vitamens. but anyways there ya go.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	MyPicture.jpg 
Views:	95 
Size:	129.1 KB 
ID:	79482  

  10. #10
    You are over 20% bodyfat. Sorry to tell ya

    Stay away from aas for now. Get in the diet forum and read up

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Yeah the alcohol is definitely a no go while on gear. Its pretty much pointless to take AAS if you drink, terrible for you and your gains will def be hindered. Not to mention increased estrogen, terrible hangovers and so on. Those foods look good but its all about how much you are eating and when. Like I said check out the diet forums and modify one to your goals/body. Good luck.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by chest6
    You are over 20% bodyfat. Sorry to tell ya

    Stay away from aas for now. Get in the diet forum and read up
    Yeah I agree. Just find a good diet and stick with it bro.

  13. #13
    haha ya i was in denial i guess. nothing a little hardwork cant fix. was planning on eating TONS of chicken/protein but spread out through day prob 6-7 times, anyways thanks guys, ill post my diet on here once i get the time and you guys can give me some tips on it, but after seeing the pic would you still suggest test and if so which kind and would it help me trim down, or does the diet only do that? thanks
    Last edited by bangnbounce; 03-15-2007 at 01:45 AM.

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