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I dont think that is right. Sustanon is called so because it is formulated for a "Sustaining" action. It is intended to provide constant serum levels over the duration of 4 weeks. That is if you inject 1 amp you should have pretty much the same levels (low of course, but enough for pure replacement in a normal sedentary individual) throught the course of 3 -4 weeks. That's the whole purpose of having 4 esters with increasing half lifes and not just one ester. and by the way the half life of decaonate ester is 16.5 days, so injecting decaonate every 14 days is pretty much the same as injecting enathate every 8 days (enathate life is 10 days). So I think the cycle should work to some extent. I think the question he is asking is if anyone has already done it and if you will get more sides from a 1.5g shot than spreding out the injections