I am a member of another board and was not fishing for a source but started talking about a Deca only cycle a couple of guys I know have tried, and another member (with 3k+ posts) PM'd me a test source. He sent me a guy's email address and said its legit and that he was happy to help, and to say that he sent me. The source is domestic, all I have is an email address. (Please do not ask me for the address noobs, I will not give it)
My question is, with all the online pm'ing scammers out there, how do you size up a source like this? What do you guys think would be the best way to go about emailing this guy? I doubt he is Johnny Law but I also dont want to get scammed. What do you all think? I obviously don't have enough info on the source to do a source check with a mod. Any advice on what my approach should be is welcomed.