I'm thinking of cutting down on some bodyfat before I start my first cycle (which will be sometime this summer), and i've been looking into Clenbuterol and T3.
The problem is, I won't be using any steroids while cutting bodyfat down on these drugs, and i've heard that T3 can get your metabolism going so fast that you can chew up muscle mass and lose strength. This I do not want. I want to be able to preserve as much muscle mass as I can while cutting down on bodyfat. I'm wondering if there's anything I can do besides taking a steroid that would cut down on the muscle-wasting effect of T3. If not, then I would have to can T3 altogether.
Which brings me to my next question. Would it still be effective to use Clen on it's own? How effective is it on it's own and how much fat can be expected to be lost (assuming diet and cardio is in check, which it will be)? I have used Ephedrine in the past, and I infact still have some stored away and I am thinking of using it as well.