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Thread: bulking/cutting through cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

    bulking/cutting through cycle

    I am in week 6 tommorrow which is ment to be my bulking cycle. I am on

    500mg/test e 1-10weeks
    400mg/deca 1-9weeks
    just finishd dbol 40mg/day 1-4weeks

    Ok so i gained 12pounds in 2weeks that was in weeks 1-2 of my cycle, i believe it was due to the muscle i lost when i was cutting before hand and because my calorie intake per day went up very quikly, cause of the cycle.

    4weeks on now going into week 6 everything hopefully should be in fully swing, i havent gained anything since week 2.

    Now, i was thinking of dropping my calories for the next 2weeks to cut hardcore and than up them in week8 to gain some muscle? do you guys think its worth it? Or wait till after the cycle which i was going to do with some clen. I just cant seem to gain anymore but my calories are high enough for me cause i have to force it down on some days 3500-4500 cals/day.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    insane asylum
    Is your gear from a good source?And the first 12 pounds you seen were prob alot of water from the bol

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    i'm letro i have no bloat and my stuff is all legit like i said i gained 12pounds of muscle.

  4. #4
    Ok, here are the stats:

    Age: 28
    Experience: Did 10 x 1cc Finaject injections when I was 23 (no PCT...I know, I had no idea what I was doing) I crashed hard and am therefore looking for a bit of help.

    Current Cycle: 2cc/week Deca x 6 weeks; Winny tabs 50mg every other day starting week 2 of Deca and continuing for 3 weeks.

    Now, I know this is a "baby" cycle, but I am starting really slow. That being said I would not like comments on how "shitty" my cycle is. Rather, I am going to list my PCT and would like some response to that please.

    PCT: I am taking Nolvadex 10mg/day throughout cycle and upping it to 20mg 1 week after Deca. Also, I am taking Proviron 12.5mg/day throughout cycle and upping it to 25mg 1 week after Deca. Finally, I am taking Tribullus throughout as well.

    Now, my question is this. Since my cycle is so "tiny" do I need to take any HCG to get things moving again or am I ok with just tappering off the Noldadex, Proviron, and Tribullus?

    Thanks all!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    start your own thread lol.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006

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