currently 6'0" 170 lbs looking to put on like 10 lbs right now how am i looking?
currently 6'0" 170 lbs looking to put on like 10 lbs right now how am i looking?
Looking great to start. Some shoulder mass would really make you stand out.
Good luck to you.
yea ive been working hard on my shoulders but no matter what i do i can never gain mass or get wider shoulders any suggestions on what i should do
off to a good start! keep up the hard work ! whats your current shoulder routine?
im always switching it up doing different exercises but basically im doing so****rt of press wheather it be military, or dumbell, i do different variations of front and side raises using cables and dumbells, upright rows, multiple rear delt exercises using cables and dumbells, of course this is not all one day just throwing out different exercises im doing
I find that I have better results when I incorporate a "Push" day for large muscles only. I then have another "Push" day later in the week for my smaller muscles. For example:
Monday: Large push muscles only
- Chest: Barbell or DB presses (flat and inclined)
- Shoulders: Presses (DB's or barbell)
- Triceps
Thursday: Small push muscles
- Chest: Flies
- Shoulders: All shaping movements/exercises
- Shrugs
This is what works for me.
interesting i just trained shoulders and traps today so on my next shoulder day ill incorperate a similar workout and see how it works out for me
Wow, you look great for wei***ng 170lbs. You must not train legs very hard, this isn't a flame, but it is exactly the same predicament I am in, it is damn near impossible to force myself to hit 'em. I struggle with adding shoulder mass as well. It is hard to tell from your pictures, but when I started hitting my rear delts hard, it really made my shoulders pop. Arms, chest and back look great!
i train legs about twice a week i hate doing it but i do it, my legs have been getting cut up but no matter how hard and heavy i train i can never get them bigger
hmmmm... that is odd, is the form on? I know my form on squats isn't perfect, so even though I do 4 sets, I will immediately go to leg press after. Plus leg press you can go wayyyy heavier and it is damn near impossible to have bad form. It certainly isn't a substitute for squats, but will help burn 'em out.
form is perfect while doing squats i mean my legs have gotten a lot stronger just not much bigger i had trained them hard and then stopped for a while and recently gotten back into it so hopefully they will grow soon
i know not great but they could be worse
do one legged squats. they work the best for me. i hate doin them bc the next day i cant walk haha. but it gets theh job done
Definately off to a good start. Keep up the good work.
what do you do one leg squats using the smith machine
i think just bodyweight
if its just bodyweight it seems like you wouldnt gain much mass from it just shred your legs like crazy
don't forget about weighted lunges too.
yea i incorporate weighted lunges into my leg workout everyother leg workout
You look good bro.. im really likin that tattoo on the back of your arm.. original and nice work
how badly are the legs lacking?
Eat more.Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
Eat more... and do heavy military pressOriginally Posted by nyjetsfan86
yea i eat a crap load of food and good food too i go pretty heavy on military press i go 135 x 12, 165 x 10, 185 x 8, 205 x 6
How much is a "crap load"?Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
I'd suggest doing a warm up set of about 12 and then going heavy.. like 4-6 reps, do 205 for 4 sets.
i eat about 6 meals a day usually around 750 cals per meal and have 4 shakes a day
Thats a lot of calories in one meal... what kind of foods and how much makes up a typical meal?
depends what meal it is but i eat a lot of eggs chicken steak turkey pasta rice potatoes oatmeal yogurt veggies (basically everykind you can think of)
i am always hungry and i can eat a ton of food for a little guy i outeat a lot of my friends that are well over 225 lbs
So what would a typical couple of meals consist of and in what quantities?Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
my meals always consist ofa protein a carb and veggie except for breakfast a normal meal would be say 3 large chicken cutlets 2 baked potatoes and a cup and a hlaf of veggies, breakfast usually 6 hard boiled eggs only the whites container of yogurt bowl of oatmeal and probolic-sr protein shake mixed with 10 oz. of 1% milk
nobody has answered how badly my legs are lagging
they need a lot of work. esp compared to your upper body.
your upper body looks like someone who is over 200. your lower body...doesnt. lol
You must have a crazy fast metabolism to be eating something like either of those meals 6 times a day. How many carbs are in 2 baked potatoes? 70-80? I am surprised you aren't 200+Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
Lookin good bro!!
yea my metabolism is ridiculously fast if i dont eat my usual amount in a day i lose about 3 lbs
i took a body fat test today and it said 6.5% anybody think thats accurate
yes! you def. look 6.5% give or take.Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
you also could work on your back some more. pull ups, rows, and deadlifts.
Last edited by naturalsux; 04-01-2007 at 08:10 PM.
yea thanx man im working pretty hard on my back right now actually its finally starting to develop ive had some trouble getting gains on my back for the longest time thats actually the case with my whole body im naturally very skinny i graduated high school a little less than 3 years ago at around 130lbs and now im getting over 170lbs
keep the volume moderate to low, if you have trouble gaining, but INTENSE!Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
looking good, better than most.
BTW cottage cheese @ nighttime would do wonders for you.
try adding red meat in 2-3 of those meals, it does wonders.
Last edited by naturalsux; 04-01-2007 at 08:29 PM.
i havent had cottage cheese in a long time and it made me want to thros up i remember but i might as well try it again, i usually have probolic-sr protein mixed with 10 oz of 1% milk a peanut butter and banana sandwich on whole wheat with a full glass of 1% milk
i hate it also, but i put in my shake in the blender with PB and i can hardly taste it. dont for get about red meat it does wonders for hardgainers.Originally Posted by nyjetsfan86
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