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Thread: Simple Newbie Question.........

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    Definately keep us updated as to your progress.

    I would also be interested to see how things go one month and two months after the process. It seems that the caloric restriction is pretty drastic and I'm interested to see how your body will react once you're back to 'regular' schedule and eating.

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    ok teach i love sexy teachers , ha , i have read a little on that trudeau info however i read a research study from harvard or ucla or somewhere ( trying to find the link) that despite many claims of weight loss there is no scientific evidence to prove weightloss, id be willing to bet that the 500 calorie a day diet which cant be that healthy is doing way more for you then hcg, just my opinion

  3. #43
    Thanks Dizz.....

    I'm always "careful," but I'll make sure to be EXTRA careful!

    Thank you for the insight!!

  4. #44
    I know....MANY are skeptical....

    But....taking the HCG will counter effect the 500 calories/day because the HCG releases 2000 calories of stored fat. The end result will be the resetting of the hypothalmus, resulting in weight loss. Anyone who goes on a 500 cal/day diet WILL lose weight on their own. However, you will be messing up your metabolism, and wind up storing fat. The HCG releases stored fat from ALL the areas that store fat (stomach, hips, thighs, etc) He goes through a scientific explanation in his book.

    Im part of another forum -- the people who have done the protocol (real actual people), love it.

    I will definitely keep you anyone who is interested, posted.
    I'm starting it in another 2 weeks -- first doing a whole body cleanse. He recommends it in his book, along with 50 other things before you start the protocol, but not necessary.

  5. #45


    If you have read his other books, he tells us all NATURAL CURES that work. He explains why the government is making people fat -- it's a business. I know, you must think what I'm saying is ludacris -- but if you read his books, you will see and understand that he IS legit and what he is claiming is legit, as backed by evidence.

    His first book, Natural Cures "they" dont want you to know about, you can get on ebay for like $5. He also has another book, 'more natural cures.' And now, he has a third book, 'the weight loss cure'. The first book AND the third book ARE REALLY informational -- you could probably even find the first and second book at the library.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    ON, Canada
    I would just like to say, if you are on a 500kcal diet you dont need anything else to lose weight. That alone will strip you dont and in an unhealthy way at that. I cannot suggest you stick with this idea of 500kcal per day, it could definitely lead to malnutrition and other problems associated with such.

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    500kcals is knock knock knockin on DEATHS door =P

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    if you have to ask that question you probably shouldnt be using steroids

  9. #49
    Dizz28's Avatar
    Dizz28 is offline I reject your reality and substitute my own
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    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    if you have to ask that question you probably shouldnt be using steroids

    Stop "parroting" people. This is about the most used....and most worthless line that gets posted on this board. Just because you know how to do it doesn't make you a genius and a steroid pro and others "shouldn't be using steroids".

    This forum is a Q/A. Not everyone can be a Dan Duchaine like you are.

    And by the way, HCG is not considered a "steroid" so according to you she can still use this medication.


  10. #50
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dizz28
    Stop "parroting" people. This is about the most used....and most worthless line that gets posted on this board. Just because you know how to do it doesn't make you a genius and a steroid pro and others "shouldn't be using steroids".

    This forum is a Q/A. Not everyone can be a Dan Duchaine like you are.

    And by the way, HCG is not considered a "steroid" so according to you she can still use this medication.

    your right, my bad

    and it doesnt say hes using HCG in his first post

  11. #51


    Thanks =)

  12. #52
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Ontario, Canada
    Quote Originally Posted by boDAWG
    your right, my bad

    and it doesnt say hes using HCG in his first post
    It's a she not a he...

  13. #53
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Look behind you.
    HCG will basically stop the body from going into starvation mode when cals are super low. But it will only work for a short period of time before your body starts to overcompensate. Also, the rebound is a bitch. Most who have tried this have gained the weight back after a couple of weeks. Done right, it can work decently well. I still wouldn't recommend it. Especially for males.

  14. #54
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    heres some more good reading material on the subject if you have not already ready this that is

  15. #55
    Thanks for the info.......

    Think Im pretty good about the mixing info and everything.........just NERVOUS about actually injecting myself and doing it wrong. I keep re-reading the sticky on injections.........guess that's all I can do, right? =)

  16. #56
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    no prob. I think afer your first injection you will find that it is easier than you thought. Don't syke yourself out to much about it

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